DATE: SEPT. 9, 2015
Report by Sean Sumey, PWPodcasts reporter
Taz typically releases two different types of podcasts. His usual format includes an episode recorded at the CBS studios where he is joined by his producer, Seth, and the occasional call in guest. Taz will also release solo podcasts that are usually shorter and focus on current events in professional wrestling. These solo podcasts are labeled as “Taz Reacts”. Taz will do these after PPV’s or when something newsworthy occurs. This episode was a “Taz Reacts”.
-Taz discusses his thoughts on WWE signing Japanese female wrestler Kana.
-OSU’s Braxton Miller’s performance against Virginia Tech
-Roger Goodell and the Patriot’s scandal
-Raw recap
-WWE and security issues
-The New Day
The length of the podcast was 37:41.
SHOW HIGHLIGHTS (with time stamps)
(00:00-02:11) The show started with Taz doing live reads for his sponsors.
Taz tries to jazz his ads up a little with background music and witty banter about his sponsors.
(02:12-08:29) Taz opens the show. Taz is starting a daily internet radio show that will air Monday through Friday from 7am-9am EST beginning on 09/14/2015. Podcasts of the show will be available daily by 10am.
(08:30-14:02) Taz discusses WWE’s signing of Japanese female wrestler Kana. Taz admits that he wasn’t familiar with Kana’s work. Taz watched a video of Kana on a wrestling website and was very impressed. Taz put over Kana’s move set and charisma. Taz believes Kana will be a huge star in either NXT or the main roster. Taz doesn’t look at NXT as a step below the main roster. NXT is no longer the “step child” of the WWE. Taz hopes WWE won’t alter Kana’s hard hitting style.
(14:11-15:12) Taz discusses Braxton Miller’s performance in the OSU vs VA Tech game. Taz compared Miller’s touchdown to playing Madden. Hit the circle button for the “Spin move” all the way down the field. Taz complimented Miller’s footwork as “amazing.”
(15:17-16:14) Taz discusses the Roger Goodell story from Outside the Lines. As a former NY Jets fan and a newly converted Buffalo Bills fan, Taz loves any drama that involves the New England Patriots. Taz loves his fans and respects those that are Patriot fans, but Taz embraces the hate he will get for his views.
(16:15-21:45) Taz recaps Raw part 1. Taz felt the crowd was rough but says that is to be expected in the Northeast, especially Baltimore. Taz stressed that Baltimore was a hotbed for both the NWA and WWE, along with an occasional ECW show. Some segments didn’t excite the fans or hold their attention. Taz added that WWE can’t “hit a home run every week.” This was a rough Raw. Taz enjoyed the segments involving Seth Rollins and Sting. Taz felt the angle would have benefitted from some physicality between the two. He felt that the segments showed Sting’s charisma and added another dimension to his character. He enjoyed the reveal of Sting being in the building but thought that would have been a great opportunity to have Rollins run back there and get into it with the Stinger. Taz feels that Rollins is a great “chicken shit” heel. Rollins is battling against a MITB cash in, the authority, Cena, and Sting all at one time. WWE is relying a lot on Rollins’ versatility. Taz is a huge Seth Rollins fan and has mentioned that he saw his potential during his Tyler Black days in ROH.
(21:45-26:25) Break time and live reads about the sponsors
(26:53-31:44) Raw recap Part 2. Taz discusses the fan jumping the railing during a Rollins entrance and other WWE security issues. Taz has discussed wrestler safety in previous podcasts. Taz mentioned the WWE Performance Center shooting and said that he was told the fan was obsessed with Hall of Famer Lita, whom Taz also loves. Taz mentioned that another fan recently jumped the railing at a WWE show in Providence, R.I. Taz was surprised that it happened again but added that he wasn’t sure if it fell on WWE security or the building security. Taz feels that WWE security would not be allowing this to happen so often. Taz feels that eventually a copycat fan is going to put their hands on a wrestler and get seriously hurt. Taz said this will set a tone. Taz attributes the incidents to alcohol, drugs, or attention seekers. Taz highly doubts that WWE will allow this to happen again.
(31:37-35:34) New Day doesn’t suck. Taz is a HUGE New Day fan. Taz feels that each of the members have finally come into their own. New Day is non-stop entertainment. Taz put over their work rate, their look, and said they are the total package. Taz met Woods in TNA where he was Consequences Creed and described him as an “awesome young man.” Taz knew Kofi when he first started in WWE and said he is a “super guy” and a decorated pro. Taz has never met Big E but is impressed with his charisma and power background. Taz was glad to see New Day get the rub by sharing the screen with both Edge & Christian and the Dudleys. Taz feels that when New Day finally breaks up, WWE will have 3 legitimate stars on their hands. Taz ended this segment with a one man “New Day Rocks” chant.
(35:35) Taz closes out the show and says that he may do another podcast later this week.
(6.0): There was nothing overly newsworthy on this edition but Taz is always opinionated and very entertaining. Taz does an excellent job and pacing his show and does not shy away from giving his take on various topics. This episode is a good choice if you need something to listen to on the way to work or during a run on the treadmill. Taz’s daily show starts next week. He has already announced that both Mike Tenay and Jim Ross will have weekly segments on the show. Taz promised that his show will be heavy on pro wrestling with occasional conversations about other sports. I have yet to be disappointed in an episode of Taz’s podcast and am intrigued on how he will handle the daily format.
I hope you enjoyed my review and I welcome any feedback below.
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