Report by Tony Saso Jr., PWPodcasts reporter
-Introduction and show topics – 0:00
Has Wrestling Evolved or Devolved?
What bird is a Superfly? A jailbird!
Various news topics.
-Wresting’s DE-evolution with Alice Radley joins the show – 0:40
Checking in on his labor day weekend,
Midnight Express 25 year scrapbook going fast!
Good friend referee Tom Young got a hip replacement.
The show has reached 750,000 downloads!
-Hunger strike, Kim Davis, Jim crank calling at Vince Russo’s expense – 4:28
Extra topics non wrestling related, but if you are a fan of Jim’s thoughts, personality and humor of wrestling, check it out
Getting into topics and plugs – 19:45
Jim mentions the cites he’ll be touring this fall and winter.
Alice Radley says she will not go to a wrestling show unless you invite her? Interesting being a wrestling host.
-Letter from Michael relating to Jim’s feeling on wrestling today – 27:00
A letter about a “dumb a**” match from Lucha Underground mentioning wrestlers hitting themselves with light tubes and Jim stating he not be watching it!
-Radley report – 29:38
Sharing news bits outside the world of wrestling and Jim giving his thoughts on the topics
-Evolve-gate – 37:50
The Young Bucks fans, intergender fans, Joey Ryan fans, etc., this is for you he feels.
Jim says the fans are taking to Twitter. One fan is setting up a bunch of fake Twitter accounts saying wrestling needs to evolve.
Wrestlers like Joey Ryan wrestling women all the time is ridiculous!
Jim feels the ones who are saying everything needs to evolve are the ones playing video games, flipflop acrobats, and men wrestling women in front of small crowds, have never seen real pro wrestling presented correctly and treated seriously drawing big money. “Performance wrestling” is never going to draw real money.
-Why performance wrestling will NEVER draw! And why – 40:15
WWE is not performance wrestling.
Porn mustache wearing Joey Ryan or people getting dropped on their neck where it should break and popping right up off the mat, wrestling will always have a limited appeal at best.
Two to three shows a week is considered full time at minimum today, where back in the day 35 promotions running 7 days a week with thousands of wrestlers making money. He says wrestling has devolved and, no, it’s not better! Just because Vince is making money doesn’t mean wrestling is better! It means vince is doing better!
Fewer people are watching, attending, trying out to be a wrestler, and making money in wrestling than 30 years ago.
Jim is really against bring in the comedy writing and the corporate executives. He says that’s disrespecting the business.
-Tyler Black/Seth Rollins – 46:45
Jim says he was one of the first people to say he was going to be a main eventer. He said the Seth and Davey Richards world title match is what pro wrestling could evolve into. Simulating a contest you could lose yourself into and doing new state of the art spot fans like today along with some other wrestlers he mentions.
-Why does Jim care so much – 49:45
For future generations!
Wrestling frustrates him most of the time he talks about it.
His feelings regarding Vince Russo.
He is still astonished at how we took a wrestling system and managed to F it up!
Unless you have Vince’s budget, you will fail with putting on bad shows doing “performance wrestling”
-Jimmy Snuka getting charged – 53:55
Jim never knew Jimmy that well or really spoke with him other than saying hello at shows until the late ’90s.
Incredible fan of Mid-Atlantic work he did, best pure athlete in wrestling at the time, moved like a cat and looked like he could rip anyone apart, and a great looking hero as well. He could go both ways!
Few times saw him on Crokette shows in Cincinatti he stole the show, but NEVER could talk.
Jim says with no social media, people got away with stuff back in the day when something happened.
Jim would like to get a known newsletter editor on his program to discuss this more.
-Concluding the show with notes on next week – 1:03
5.5 out of 10: This week on the Jim Cornette experience I’m going to have to give the show a 5 maybe a 6 rating. Why? The episode was one hour and seven minutes long and we really didn’t get into some interesting content until evolve-gate. The first 37 minutes of the show may be enjoyable to the more hardcore Jim Cornette fan that get his humor and are interested in his thought and opinions outside the world of wrestling the only way Jim knows how, and that’s blunt without filter. Beware as some wording he uses could be offensive to some in the podcast. Jim is usually always entertaining and never toned down, but Alice Radley lacks a bit at times, especially through the beginning until her Radley report, where you get a little more energy and a bit later more with Jim explaining his points, but doesn’t excite the listener enough. When Jim got into evolve-gate, the show picked up much more and you appreciate Jim’s passion on what doesn’t work in wrestling. This is where I would possibly give the show a bit higher score if the whole show was more in this range and topic area. Jim and his co-host Alice went on a bit too long about off wrestling topics when I was craving more of his wrestling point of view, but hey, it’s the Jim Cornette Experience and he can be everywhere the first half of the show if he wants. Overall, Jim holds nothing back at telling what is wrong with wrestling today and why the industry is suffering. He makes valid points that I’m sure many listeners will agree with and like. Jim possibly may just reach the fans and make them understand his point. His points should be considered.
I don’t really care for Jim Cornette’s opinions outside the ring, so thanks for saving me time on that. I’ll definitely fast forward to the times you spoke of when he hits on that evolve gate. Sounded interesting! Thanks bro!
I’m 47 years old and have followed Cornette since he started and a big fan of his! The midnight express days were the days of tag team wrestling. I would normally been what the heck with the 5.5 review? It’s Jim Cornette! But I heard his podcast and I completely agree with you, the beginning was slow and it got better halfway through which was a fair rating.