Report by Sean Sumey, PWPodcasts.com Reporter
Be sure to check out Taz’s internet radio show LIVE Monday through Friday from 7-9am on www.tazshow.com, play.it, and www.radio.com. Each day, a podcast version of his daily show is released at around 10am.
TAZ REVIEWS RAW: Taz and Seth break down each segment of Raw and give honest reviews of the product. Does Taz feel WWE did a good job hyping this Sunday’s Night of Champions pay-per-view?
DOES RVD HAVE A SECRET IDENTITY? Taz reveals his speculation that RVD is actually a wrestling mega star from years gone by. You be the judge.
TAZ TAKES LIVE CALLS: For real this time. The phone issues are fixed and listeners are calling in asking their unfiltered questions.
PWINSIDER REPORT: PW Insider’s Mike Johnson calls in with his own reviews and pro wrestling news.
TAZ COVERS MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL: Taz gives his thoughts on the games from Monday night. Taz explains why he was right about the 49’ers.
TODAY IN WRESTLING HISTORY: Puerto Rico, Fall Brawl, Moolah, and Double J all had something going on sometime in the past.
SUBJECTS COVERED (with Time Stamps)
(00:00-00:36) Ads for sponsors
(00:37-01:14) Show introduction
(01:14-03:56) Taz opens the show and introduces his producer, Seth a.k.a. the Kung Fu Jobber. Seth is back with the soundboard. Taz announces that they will review the latest episode of Raw, they will also have a PWInsider report with Mike Johnson, which will be a recurring segment every Tuesday, they will discuss Monday Night Football, and take live phone calls at 1-866-I PLAY IT (1-866-475-2948).
(03:57) Taz and Seth begin discussing their thoughts on Raw. Taz is having trouble adjusting to his new daily show while trying to stay awake for three hours of Raw. Taz was surprised that Jerry Lawler didn’t make an appearance while Raw was in Memphis, Tenn. Seth adds that Honky Tonk Man is also from Memphis and could have also made an appearance. Taz thinks that only listeners over 40 will remember HTM.
(03:58) Taz enjoyed the threads throughout the show highlighting Sting’s career. Taz thinks this was an excellent use of the archives and introduces younger fans to Sting’s history. Taz felt the clips sold the importance of Sting’s first match on Raw. Taz says that nobody can market someone like WWE can.
(07:35) New Day vs. Prime Time Players for the WWE Tag Titles: Taz enjoyed Triple H’s dancing. Taz said that was certainly a rib on Vince. Taz said that during his WWE stay, only Triple H and Undertaker could make fun of Vince to his face. Taz wants the world to know that he is a great dancer and specializes in the hucklebuck. As for the match, Taz thought it was excellent. New Day continues to get better and better each time they are on TV. Xavier Woods his hilarious with his trombone antics. Taz believes the trombone is definitely Vince’s sense of humor coming through.
(10:40-11:43) Honeymooner’s clip in reference to the mention of the hucklebuck
(12:50) Taz liked the backstage promo with Charlotte and Ric Flair. It’s good that Charlotte is getting the rub from “Naitch.” Seth and Taz both feel that Flair looks great for 66. Taz is especially impressed when he considers how much Flair has sacrificed of his body for professional wrestling.
(15:07) Paige vs. Sasha Banks: Taz really enjoyed this match. Seth dislikes how Paige repeatedly loses to Banks. Taz says that today’s fans focus too much on wins and loses instead of waiting to see the big picture. Taz does say that if they use the footage of Paige tapping out as a “B roll”, then they are probably pushing Banks over Paige. Taz praised Banks for being smaller but still utilizing her size well. Taz enjoyed Team BAD coming out and getting heat. The announcers did a good job of explaining to fans that Charlotte was busy preparing for her match. Taz said that most fans forget things rather quickly.
(18:45) This led to Seth asking Taz how he prepared for his matches. Taz answered that he drank lots of coffee and stretched. Seth asked if Taz stretched for six hours like RVD. Taz said that no one stretched like RVD but then corrected himself. Taz said that the legendary “Iron” Mike Sharpe would also stretch for hours at a time. Seth brought up that Sharpe had a nagging forearm injury. Seth speculated that Sharpe suffered from carpal tunnel syndrome. Taz mentioned how he has never seen “Iron” Mike Sharpe and RVD in the same place. Taz then speculates that they are the same person! Taz then credits RVD’s flexibility with his longevity in the ring and says that RVD performs at the same level he always has.
(20:58) Miz TV with The Wyatt Family: Taz found the segment entertaining and really enjoys Miz in his current role. Taz liked how Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose put over the Wyatts’ recent attacks. Seth didn’t like how Ambrose and Reigns got into Bray Wyatt’s face without being beaten down. Taz agrees and suggests that Ambrose and Reigns should have stayed on the floor or in the crowd. Taz and Seth speculate over who the mystery partner will be for Ambrose and Reigns. Erik Rowan’s name is mentioned. Taz looks forward to a future program between New Day and The Wyatt Family. Seth then asks if either team would have to turn face. Taz dismisses the idea and refers to that line of thinking as “stone age”. According to Taz, talent just act the same regardless of fan reaction. Taz doesn’t think either team will change how they are acting anytime soon. Taz mentions rumors that Jeff Hardy was supposed to be on Raw. Seth reminds Taz that not only is Hardy under contract with TNA, but he is also under contract with EC3.
(30:27-30:57) Break
(31:36) Taz takes a call from Chris in Florida. Chris asks who the mystery partner will be for Ambrose and Reigns. Chris mentions that “dirt sheets” have named Baron Corbin. Taz hadn’t heard that rumor but likes it. Taz says Corbin’s size and look would be a good fit for this match. Seth feels that it would be too natural for Corbin to turn on Ambrose and Reigns and join the Wyatt Family.
(33:56) Seth plays a sounder from the movie Stripes. This amuses Taz and reminds him of his high school football days. His team would yell “That’s a fact, Jack!” to psych themselves up for their games.
(34:41) John Cena vs. Sheamus: Taz put over the physicality of this match. Taz said that in spite of that, he was not into this match. Seth said that it felt like it had been a while since seeing a matchup involving Cena and Sheamus. Seth feels jaded and didn’t really have any opinion on the match.
(37:24) Taz attempts to take a call from Ian in San Antonio. Seth accidentally hung up on Ian.
(38:11) Ryback promo with Kevin Owens: Taz put Ryback over as being passionate and a hard worker. Taz criticized the announce team for not adding any enthusiasm to the Intercontinental Title picture. Taz enjoyed how WWE referenced “The Secret” and admits that he has read the book as well and enjoyed it. Seth believes Ryback is slimming down. Taz did not enjoy Ryback’s Elvis gyrations. Taz believes the dancing was Vince’s idea. Seth felt that Ryback should have attacked Owens when the book cover was thrown in his face. Taz explained that it was probably ad lib and it wasn’t scripted for them to get physical.
(42:33) Call from Ian, take two. Ian is full of opinions. Ian feels the Divas revolution is forced. Ian doesn’t think WWE is giving the Divas more time by squeezing them into tag matches. Taz argues that WWE is trying to maximize the amount of time they have to get multiple Divas established. Ian feels that Charlotte was more appealing in NXT when she didn’t rely so much on Ric Flair’s moves and mannerisms. Taz points out that Charlotte is probably being instructed to do the Flair stuff to help establish her with the larger audience who may not be familiar with her. Taz doesn’t think she will keep them in her repertoire for long once she is established. Ian feels that Byron Saxton is corny like Michael Cole. Taz pointed out that he doesn’t hate Byron Saxton, he just feels that he lacks substance and credibility. Ian brought up previous comments made by Taz where he said Corey Graves also lacked experience. Ian points out that, according to his research, Corey Graves has been wrestling since 2000. Taz said he wasn’t aware of that and neither is the majority of WWE fans. Taz said Graves wasn’t world traveled. Taz added that he wasn’t trying to disrespect the current announcers but remember a time where the announcers were former champions and had years of experience at a high level.
(50:55) IC title build continued. Taz praised Ryback for putting Kevin Owens over during his promo. Taz has been a fan of Owens from his days as Kevin Steen.
(53:27) Stardust & The Ascension vs. Neville & Lucha Dragons – Filler. A throwaway match.
(53:59) Nikki Bella vs. Charlotte for the Divas title – Taz says Nikki Bella can go. This often goes unnoticed. Heels did a great job reacting to the finish. This was obviously a match to set up the PPV rematch.
(56:12) Taz gave WWE high praise for the promotion of Connor’s Cure. Taz encouraged all of his listeners to go to WWEshop.com and purchase a bracelet for Connor. Seth agrees and reveals that his wife is expecting their next child very soon.
(58:37) Break
(58:38) PWInsider Report with Mike Johnson: Mike runs through his background and what he will bring to the show each week. Mike gives his own brief review of Raw. Mike feels that WWE should focus more on Sting’s history and less on the destruction of the Seth Rollins statue. Taz brought up the usage of Sting footage from the archives. Mike names Portland, Memphis, Continental, Japan, and Puerto Rico as some of the larger territories that WWE doesn’t own the tapes to. It is speculated that Jerry Lawler is currently preparing the Memphis library for sale to WWE. Taz mentions that he is going to WWE headquarters tomorrow for a project. The ownership of the Memphis library continues to be debated. Mike then brings up Jim Cornette finding tapes from Mid-Atlantic in the trash. Taz points out how WWE saves everything. Taz also mentions that WWE operates 24/7. Taz says that in TNA, you could reach out to someone but they might not get back to you for a few hours. In WWE, if you need to speak to someone in the middle of the night, they will answer.
Mike then discusses Tough Enough news. Sara Lee and Josh have reported to the Performance Center for training. Amanda has also reported and will be joining the cast of Total Divas. Mike announces that ZZ has also reported for training but it is unclear if he is doing so under contract. Taz is not impressed with ZZ and says he is lucky for the exposure he has received already. ZZ won’t headline WrestleMania but could be the next Santino. Mike gives an update on Santino’s whereabouts and Taz speaks to Santino’s legit toughness.
Mike then discusses the ongoing lawsuit involving C.M. Punk & Colt Cabana vs. Dr. Chris Amann. Punk released a statement claiming Dr. Amann and WWE have conspired against he and Cabana, using the lawsuit as revenge to Punk’s appearance on Cabana’s podcast. WWE released a statement saying Dr. Amann filed the lawsuit to protect his professional reputation. Taz mentions that he never had any issues with medical treatment in WWE but acknowledged that he wasn’t on the level of Punk. No one is sure why Colt Cabana is being sued and it is speculated that he will be dismissed from the suit.
Taz then asks Mike for his picks as to the mystery partner for Ambrose and Reigns. Mike names Randy Orton, Baron Corbin, Samoa Joe, and Kane as possibilities.
(1:23:01) Sting vs. Big Show then Sting & John Cena vs. Big Show & Seth Rollins. Seth really enjoyed Rollins tap dancing as he awaited the Scorpion Death Drop. Taz felt this was a good use of Big Show. Could we see a match between Big Show and Braun Strowman in the future? Seth questions if Sting will defeat Rollins on Sunday. Taz dismisses it and says “It ain’t happenin’.”
(1:26:31) Break
(1:27:00) Taz takes a call from Frank in Maine. Frank wants to know if Taz felt Raw was a good show considering this Sunday’s pay-per-view. Taz said Raw was okay, not horrible. Taz said it did set up matches. Frank said he switched between Raw and Monday Night Football. Frank is looking forward to Night of Champions. Taz again says Sting will lose. Seth mentioned how we no longer see the one day title reigns where the belt changes back the next night. This interests Taz who finally relents and says he could see WWE putting the belt on Sting for one night.
(1:30:54) It is revealed that the soundboard came from the Howard Stern Show.
(1:32:29) Monday Night Football talk. Taz repeats that the 49ers aren’t as bad as people are predicting. Taz put over the alternate uniforms worn by the 49ers but thinks they should have had alternate helmets as well. It was revealed that Taz wears Miami Dolphins headphones during the show. Taz explained that they are orange and they were free. Taz declares that he would never wear New England Patriot gear even if it were free.
(1:38:25) Taz takes a call from Earl in Green Bay. Earl is getting his kids ready for school and is a Dallas Cowboys fan. Earl asks Taz how he feels the Cowboys will do this season without Dez Bryant. Taz puts over Tony Romo. Taz claims Bryant is a future Hall of Famer but tells Cowboy fans not to worry. Earl is also a Ohio State Buckeyes fan. Taz likes the Buckeyes and raves about the city of Columbus, OH.
(1:45:26) Eagles vs. Falcons game. Taz didn’t catch it but loves his DirecTV setup.
(1:46:39) Taz tries to stay on top of social media and technology. Taz isn’t sure what Snapchat is. Taz is getting more familiar with Periscope. Taz has low self esteem and asks for continuous praise and reassurance from his fans. Taz doesn’t know who the rapper, T.I. is.
(1:50:27) This day in wrestling history. 1984 World Wrestling Council in Puerto Rico has their anniversary show and draws a crowd of 29,000 fans. The show included Buzz Sawyer beating Joe Savoldi, Wahoo McDaniels teaming with Mark and Jay Youngblood to beat the Super Medics, Invader 1 beating the Barbarian for the Puerto Rican Heavyweight Title, Randy Savage defeating Pedro Morales for the WWC North American Title, and a main event of Bruiser Brody and Stan Hansen fighting Abdullah the Butcher and Carlos Colon to a double DQ for the Tag Titles.
1996, WCW Fall Brawl occurs where Sting walks out of his match beginning his transformation from “surfer” Sting into “crow” Sting.
2003, Fabulous Moolah defeats Victoria on Raw with a roll up. After the match, Moolah eats an RKO from Randy Orton.
2005, Jeff Jarrett defeats Raven for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship in Canada.
Adrian Adonis and Teddy Long both have birthday’s today.
(1:53:55) Taz discusses tomorrow show and the possibility of “Hump Day Promos”.
7 out of 10
This show was noticeably smoother from yesterday’s. The addition of live callers added a nice touch. The show would benefit from screening the callers questions so as to prevent topics that were already discussed. Taz and Seth continue to mention possible technical issues that no one listening at the time would be aware of. This is distracting and breaks up the flow of the show. Several times it appeared that Taz was focusing more on Tweets about people not being able to find the show instead of the topics at hand. The first few shows are going to benefit from a higher rating as Taz continues to take chances and develop his format. I’m hoping that a show later this week will focus on Taz and Seth’s predictions for Night of Champions. Overall, this was an entertaining episode but not quite “must listen.”
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