REVIEW by Sean Sumey, PWPodcasts Reporter
-BOTCHAMANIA: Taz interviews Botchamania creator, Maffew Gregg over the phone. Is it a trap? Taz finds out how the popular videos got started and if there is any malice behind them.
-THIS DAY IN WRESTLING HISTORY: Gino Hernandez and Tully Blanchard taking care of business in Houston. Andre getting bodyslammed way before Wrestlemania 3 and then also losing in 30 seconds by pinfall! Rick Martel knows how to use his arrogance. An ECW memory that doesn’t involve Taz??
-NIGHT OF CHAMPIONS PREDICTIONS: Well, sort of….on some of the matches.
-DEBUT OF BBQ PIG SKIN: Good Ol’ JR is on the phone to give his thoughts on the upcoming weekend of college and pro football.
-LISTENER CALLS: How to be a wrestler, Does Raw slow down in the Fall, Why is Sting putting guys over, and more!
(00:00-00:37) Sponsors and ads
(00:37-01:10) Show intro
(01:11) Taz opens the show with Seth. Taz hypes the debut of BBQ Pig Skin with Jim Ross. This will be a weekly segment where Taz and Ross discuss college and pro football. Taz will also be interviewing Botchamania creator, Maffew Gregg. You can follow Taz on Twitter @OfficialTaz. Taz mentions how the interview with Maffew came after a previous rant caused by Seth using the word “botch”. Seth tries to cover but calls the fans “marks”. Taz thinks the term “marks” is disrespectful and degrading. Taz said he reached out to Maffew over Twitter to arrange the interview. Taz is a Botchamania fan and insists the interview is not a set up.
(09:36-13:56) Taz takes a call from Matt in New Jersey. Matt wants to know how to become a pro wrestler. Taz advises anyone interested should first get a college education. Taz then suggests finding a reputable training school. Taz mentions Team 3-D Academy in Florida, Lance Storm in Canada, and Booker T in Houston. Matt says that he asked Steve Corino on Twitter the same question. Corino answered that you can never get used to the travel. Taz agrees but ads that you first have to get to a point where you need to travel. Taz warns that the business is very emotional and is full of head games.
(14:10) Taz, again, mentions people suggesting that the interview with Maffew is a set up. Taz says that he would never try to trap someone. Taz says that you will never hear him asking hard questions. Taz doesn’t take himself seriously and likes to keep things light and laid back.
(15:29) Taz reminds fans to check out ROH’s iPPV tonight at 9pm from San Antonio, All-Star Extravaganza.
(16:36) Taz mentions the Broncos vs Chiefs game and puts over Peyton Manning’s performance. Taz was impressed that the Broncos came back. Taz thought they were done after the first quarter. Taz never expected two touchdowns from the Broncos at the end of the game. Taz described Manning as a cerebral player and a genius on the field.
(18:16) Live read from Taz for Draftkings.com Promo code: TAZ
(19:46) Taz continues briefly about Peyton Manning and says he is a future Hall of Famer.
(21:09) Taz takes a call from Eric in Clearwater. Eric wants to know if it was acknowledged within WWE that they slow down in the Fall. Taz says there is no let up within WWE. According to Taz, Vince McMahon does not care about what they did yesterday. Seth added that Fall is very close to the Royal Rumble and the beginning of Wrestlemania season. Taz says that all of the WWE employees are all in and none of them have off time. Taz mentioned being at WWE headquarters this week and described the energy level as Wrestlemania level. Taz compared the atmosphere to TNA and described it as lower energy. Taz attributed this to TNA having fewer resources, less staff, and operating with only a handful of employees.
(26:00) Taz takes a call from Jason in Reading, PA. Jason wants to know who Taz would want to face if he returned to the ring today. Taz mentions Kevin Owens because their styles are similar and they would have a physical match. Taz also mentions Seth Rollins and Jay Lethal.
(28:14-30:56) www.mackweldon.com live read by Taz
(31:35-51:30) Taz interviews Maffew Gregg of Botchamania fame. Taz described the video series as having a cult following similar to ECW. Taz thinks the videos are funny as hell. Maffew says it is an honor to be on the show. Maffew says he started the videos out of boredom and originally used the commentators as his focus. Maffew pointed out when commentators would say things like “he didn’t get all of that move” as signs that a move was botched. Maffew eventually added music from video games and it ended up being popular. Maffew receives many clips from people that include messed up moves, bad angles, bad commentary, etc. Recently, a number of fans contacted Maffew and alerted him to Taz’s rant that mentioned Botchamania. Taz explained that botch was always a behind the scenes term and he was trying to rant about non-wrestlers using it. Fans of the show ran with it and tried to make it into a rant against Botchamania.
Maffew explained that he respects pro wrestlers and would never be able to be in the ring himself. Taz described how there were certain words that only the old timers would use and that he had to earn the right to say them. Gypsy Joe was mentioned and Taz promised a Gypsy Joe story that will air on a future episode of Colt Cabana’s The Art of Wrestling. Taz blamed Paul Heyman for making people think Taz was mean and always pissed off. Maffew explained that he watches all the clips that are sent to him.
Taz mentions that people are messaging him saying it is bizarre that he has Maffew on the show. Taz asks Maffew if he bashed Taz in the past. Maffew explains how Taz had his own Botchamania segment. Maffew said it started after Taz would say things in TNA like “Here comes Samoa Joe. He is like a small foreign car.” Taz laughed and said that he would say things like that to try to build up the talent. Maffew tells another Taz story about when he was commentating a Mike Awesome match on WWE Velocity. Taz said of Awesome, “Well, Mike Awesome is clapping, trying to get the crowd behind him. I guess that gives him strength.” Maffew says people started writing to him requesting Taz clips. Taz explains that the old Taz would never have talked to Maffew because he was so protective of the business. Taz asked if there are copycats out there. Maffew confirmed that there are but said they usually lose interest when they see how much work goes into the videos. Maffew said that even wrestlers will send him clips about other guys.
Maffew told a story about a British wrestler who sent him a clip of a guy but asked to remain anonymous. Maffew said that he went to a show in England and was approached by a wrestler asking him how he got the clip. Maffew wouldn’t tell him. The wrestler said that the guy in the clip was furious and was asking everyone “Who in the hell sent them (Botchamania) the tape”. Maffew said the first pro wrestler that gave him feedback was Monster Mack. Maffew lives in Newcastle, England. Maffew said that it is as far from London as you can get. Maffew said Neville is from the same area. In England, Newcastle is viewed as a bunch of inbreds, but in America, they are just looked at as British. This is Maffew’s first ever interview. Taz told him to keep up the good work but avoid being mean.
Taz reminded Maffew that all of the guys in the clips are away from their families, taking bumps, and not making millions of dollars. Maffew said he would never be mean to anyone. Maffew said there are plenty of videos showing people getting seriously hurt in the ring but he refuses to use them. You can follow Maffew on Twitter @maffewgregg and check out www.botchamania.com. Taz asked Maffew to send in clips so he could add them to his show. After the interview, Taz put over Maffew but said he didn’t understand some of his words and probably got buried and didn’t know it.
(52:06) Taz takes a call from Earl in Green Bay. Earl is a big Sting fan and is disappointed that Sting is being used to put over guys like Triple H and Seth Rollins. Taz adds that Sting won’t beat Rollins at Night of Champions. Taz said that pro wrestling is a young man’s game. Taz said that it won’t hurt Sting to lose to Rollins. Taz hasn’t talked to Sting in a while but said that he knows the kind of man he is. Sting is loving his run in WWE and is happy to just get one last go in the big leagues. Taz pointed out that on Sunday, Sting will be squaring off in the main event of a pay per view against the #1 guy in the business for the WWE World Title. Taz said that is a push even if Sting loses. Earl is still disappointed. Taz asked if Earl thought Sting would come to WWE and be the World Champion. Taz closed by saying how great Sting looks and that his match with Rollins is going to be great.
(58:38-58:48) Break
(59:30) This Day in Wrestling History. Today, Seth has his fancy opening for the segment that includes karate sound effects for the Kung Fu Jobber. In 1981, Paul Boesch ran a show in Houston that included Gino Hernandez and Tully Blanchard defeating Mil Mascaras and Manny Fernandez. Taz said all men in that match were great performers. Also on the card, Bruiser Brody defeated Ken Patera. Taz added that Patera was hot in Houston at the time. In 1982, at the Spectrum in Philadelphia, Johnny Rodz and Jose Estrada defeated Steve Travis and Tony Garea in a 2 out of 3 falls match. Taz explained that during that time, guys that were not huge main event talent were still very competitive and would have hard fought matches. The fans were into the psychology and physicality of the match.
Also on this card, Blackjack Mulligan bodyslammed Andre the Giant. Taz asked if Blackjack got the $10,000 like Big John Studd. In 1989, at a WWE show in Grand Rapids, MI, Ultimate Warrior pinned Andre the Giant in only 30 seconds. In 1990, Rick “The Model” Martel appeared on the Brother Love Show and sprayed his cologne, Arrogance, into the face of Jake “The Snake” Roberts causing temporary blindness and furthering a program that would eventually end with a blindfold match at Wrestlemania.
In 1993, ECW held Ultra Clash. Taz asked if he won his match. Seth answered that Taz wasn’t on the card. That show included the debut of Public Enemy as well as Terry Funk and Stan Hansen defeating Kevin Sullivan and Abdullah the Butcher. Taz believes that someone put Abby through the wall on that show and it may have been the Headhunters. Taz thinks his was right before he arrived in ECW. Taz asked Seth what month this show happened. Seth yelled back, ‘Its called THIS DAY IN WRESTLING HISTORY!” Taz laughed and explained that he was never good with calendars. Seth announced that yesterday was Jim Cornette’s birthday.
(1:07:28) Taz and Seth discuss the upcoming Night of Champions PPV. Neville and the Lucha Dragons vs. Stardust and the Ascension. Taz said that Neville and Sin Cara are both great. Taz wonders if the Ascension is out of their element. Dolph Ziggler vs. Rusev. Taz knows it will be a physical match. Taz enjoys the love triangle storyline and thinks the jealousy will play into the match. Seth wonders if there will be a double turn. Taz says its possible because Summer Rae is in the middle. The Wyatt Family vs. Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and a mystery partner. Taz can assure people that he is not the mystery partner. Taz likes the build up for this match. Taz thinks that Baron Corbin would be a good choice. Taz also suggests the uninjured Uso. Nikki Bella vs. Charlotte for the Divas Championship. Taz likes how Nikki has been built up. Both Taz and Seth believe Charlotte will walk out with the title. Taz predicts Ric Flair will be utilized for a while after Charlotte’s win but will eventually be dialed back. Seth said that back in the day, Flair would’ve turned on Charlotte and went with Sasha Banks.
The New Day vs. The Dudley Boys for the WWE Tag Team Championship. Neither Taz nor Seth predict a Dudley win. Taz calls for a really good match. Ryback vs. Kevin Owens for the Intercontinental Championship. Taz says this match hasn’t been built up properly and describes it as knee jerk booking. Taz says both men are big and strong but isn’t sure how well they will work together. Both Taz and Seth predicts a Kevin Owens victory. Rollins vs. John Cena for the United States Championship. Taz believes Cena will win. Taz also feels there is no way that Rollins walks out of NOC with both belts. Seth predicts Rollins losing the World Title but retaining the US Title. Rollins would then go on to act like the US Title is bigger than the World Title. Rollins vs. Sting for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Taz is impressed with the reaction Sting has been getting. Taz compares Rollins to a younger version of Sting. Taz says WWE views Sting as a WCW and that won’t change.
(1:26:40-1:27:07) Break
(1:27:08-1:54:38) Jim Ross joins the show for the first edition of BBQ Pig Skin. JR is calling from the Central time zone and you can hear the fatigue in his voice. JR talks about his younger days and says he was one of the most recruited high school football players. As a 5’11”, caucasian, slow 190 pound nose tackle, JR was fierce. JR didn’t play college football, instead, he wear his high school letterman’s jacket and cries. JR thanks Taz for the opportunity because he needs the money. JR says he is retired, useless, and broke. Taz remembers JR telling him that he has lots of problems but money isn’t one of them. JR is a lifetime Oklahoma fan and talked about attending their game against the University of Tennessee in front of over 104,000 fans.
JR said he is looking forward to this weekend’s Oklahoma game against Tulsa at 11am. Tulsa hasn’t defeated Oklahoma since 1996. JR explains that a lot of kids go to Tulsa when they aren’t recruited by Oklahoma and it can be a pretty intense rivalry. Taz brings up Rutgers’ coach Kyle Flood being fined $50,000 for contacting a professor about a player’s grade. JR believes the professor must have felt threatened and Flood is lucky to have a job. Flood will be missing three games and JR thinks it is wise to look for a good realtor. Taz asks JR what he thinks about the hype behind the Buckeyes. JR thinks they have alot of great players returning, although JR is not a huge Urban Meyer fan.
JR mentioned the time when both he and Taz were fined $100 by Vince for using the word “ain’t” during a broadcast. Taz said he remembers and was super pissed. Taz said he didn’t care about the money but was focused on the principle. Taz said he gave Vince the money and said “You need it more than me.” Taz then asked about what JR thought of the Texans coach Bill O’Brien benching quarterback Brian Hoyer for Ryan Mallett. JR said there are too many cooks in the kitchen and thinks the Texans GM needs to stay out of it. Neither player will get you to the playoffs, says JR. JR said one thing is obvious, Houston does not have a quarterback. JR said the only things good in Houston this weekend are his one man show and the NOC PPV. JR then ran down some quick picks.
In the NFL, Houston vs. Carolina, Houston is dreadful. JJ Watt is good and should be in the WWE. Bills over Patriots. JR compared the Patriots to Bret Hart when he was loved in Canada but hated everywhere else. JR is interested to see how long the handshake between Rex Ryan and Bill Belichick will last. Eagles over the Cowboys. As for college, Oklahoma won’t cover the spread. Kentucky will upset Florida “for the first time since segregation”. BYU 17 points over UCLA. Taz closed out the segment by mentioning a player from BYU punching another player in the nuts. JR can’t believe the kid is still playing.
(1:55:21) Taz closes the show
(1:55:21-1:55:52) More ads
8 out of 10. No technical issues to speak of. The show flowed well. Taz finds interesting people to interview so you don’t end up with the same life stories that you have heard on other podcasts. Who would think to interview Maffew from Botchamania? Taz always keeps the interviews in a conversational tone that makes you feel like you are listening in on two friends talking. I was impressed with the number of callers Taz speaks to in a two hour show. I still long for the day when someone will ask a decent question. The segment with J.R. was entertaining. Side note, I will sometimes listen to the podcast on a faster speed while I’m taking my notes. J.R. sounded energetic and kept the conversation flowing. When I went back to give a section a second listen, I played it at normal speed and was surprised at how tired J.R. sounded. He even mentioned that he was sober so that ruled out my first thought. I’m not picking on J.R. I’m keeping in mind that he is an hour behind Taz. A very entertaining show with some good zingers in there.