The Taz Show, Bodyslams & Beyond (Episode 6)
Host: Taz (w/producer Seth)
Release Date: 09/21/2015
Guests: None
Review by Sean Sumey, PWPodcasts Reporter
TAZ SHAMES TOM BRANDI: Taz recently found out that Brandi is portraying himself as The Patriot. This doesn’t make the Human Suplex Machine too happy.
NIGHT OF CHAMPIONS REVIEW: Match by match breakdown by Taz and Seth.
LISTENER PHONE CALLS: Taz fields questions from the fans…eventually.
THIS DAY IN WRESTLING HISTORY: Dusty going over in Florida, Goldberg defeats Triple H for the World Title, and happy birthday to Brisco, Double A, and The Hammer.
(00:00-00:34) Ads
(00:35-01:11) Show intro
(01:12) Taz opens the show with his producer Seth. Taz promises a review of WWE’s Night of Champions. Taz briefly mentions Ring of Honor’s All-Star Extravaganza and gives a shout-out to Jay Lethal. Taz mentions that he recently attended an independent wrestling show in Long Island, New York at the Bethpage High School. Taz said the card had a lot of stars on it including Ric Flair, Kevin Nash, Scotty Too Hotty, and The Patriot.
Taz gives the background on Del Wilkes who became famous as the Patriot and main-evented Raw against then World Champion Bret “The Hitman” Hart. Taz found out that, currently, Tom Brandi is playing the Patriot on the indy scene. This pisses Taz off. Taz feels that it is a total rip-off to parents who are bringing their children to autograph sessions. Taz talked to some of the boys and learned that Brandi has been playing the Patriot for years. Taz gives Brandi credit for being a great worker and staying in excellent shape despite being around 50-years-old. Taz mentioned a recent podcast interview with Del Wilkes on the Shining Wizard Podcast. Taz believes that Wilkes is not happy with Tom Brandi misrepresenting himself. Taz points out that at their peaks, Tom Brandi was not at Del Wilkes’s level. Seth agrees. Taz doesn’t like it when guys steal moves, let alone stealing gimmicks.
(12:02-15:27) Taz takes a call from Ryan in South Carolina. Ryan mentions that he is a big Del Wilkes fan being in South Carolina. Ryan also brings up Wilkes’s recent appearance on the Steve Austin Show as being responsible for a resurgence for Wilkes. Ryan askes if Wilkes actually owns the Patriot gimmick. Taz thinks that is an excellent point. Taz believes that WWE owns the gimmick and could easily shut down the small promotions who book Brandi.
(16:05) Night of Champions review. Taz mentions a fan jumping in the ring after the entrances of Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns. Taz got a lot of feedback from fans on Twitter who were pissed off and annoyed at the fan. Taz mentions his previous episode that focused on wrestler safety. Taz feels that someone will eventually be made into a public example. Taz acknowledges that WWE can’t prevent everything but he feels there are steps they could take to deter fans interfering. Taz suggests changing up the set that is used for all WWE shows. The black, padded ring barrier makes it too easy for fans to climb over. Taz thinks the barrier should be moved further away from the ring so that it would take longer for the fans to reach the wrestlers. Taz also feels the barriers should angle in toward the fans to make it awkward to climb over. Taz jokingly suggests adding barbed wire. Taz also mentions the ramp that is used for the entrances. Taz mentions in ECW they used an elevated walkway. This was stolen from Japan. Taz believes it made the talent look larger as they were headed to the ring. Taz thinks WWE should switch to the elevated entrance. Taz realizes WWE can’t allow their talent to fight the fans.
(25:25-25:36) Break
(26:02-29:18) Taz takes a call from Michael in Orlando. Michael suggests having a live feed of the show available for callers that are on hold. Seth says they are working on it. (I will talk more about this in the final review.) Michael suggests that WWE should hire an unknown indy worker to act as a fan jumping the barrier and then get a beat down as a way to deter fans. Taz says that if the worker took bumps that look too good, everyone will know it’s a work. Taz also mentions how WWE is a publicly traded company and the investors would flip out at the violent image of a wrestler beating up a fan. Michael’s call was dropped before he could respond to Taz’s thoughts.
(29:44) NOC review continued. Taz enjoyed the show. Taz can’t be negative or bash a show because he knows how much work everyone puts in to any show. Taz praised Michael Cole for making the show seem like a big deal. Taz and Seth discussed Ryback defending his Intercontinental Championship against Kevin Owens. Taz felt this match started rough because the two competitors do not have chemistry. Both are big, strong men. Taz said Ryback has excellent cardio for being so muscular. Taz said Owens also has great cardio and always appears relaxed in the ring. Taz feels Owens is the better worker of the two. Taz enjoyed the match and believes that Owens will elevate the title. Taz joked about how when Ryback powered out of the armbar, fans probably freaked out, thinking that Ryback was about to squash Owens. Seth was impressed when Ryback pressed Owens over the top to the floor. Taz also enjoyed how WWE highlighted past champions before the title matches. Taz mentioned the Brock Lesnar Go to Hell tour. Taz pointed out that the Stone Cold Podcast is not a podcast, it is a sit down interview. Taz believes the video package is a great way to build up the WWE Network.
(39:19-41:42) Taz takes a call from Salam in Saudi Arabia. Taz is skeptical that Salam is actually in Saudi Arabia. Seth does a Twitter investigation and believes Salam is in Houston. Salam wants to know what Taz thought of the Go to Hell promo as well as his thought’s on Sting’s match and possible injury. Taz just talked about the Go to Hell tour and will get to Sting later in the show.
(41:43) Taz and Seth discuss the match between Rusev and Dolph Ziggler. Taz feels the storyline is confusing. Taz is not in a love triangle. He says his marriage is more like addition because it is simple. Taz liked the match and feels that Rusez and Ziggler have great chemistry. Taz does take issue with the finish of the match. Taz doesn’t believe that a monster like Rusev should have been taken down by a shoe bouncing off his muscular chest. Seth attributes the finish to Rusev taking his eye off the ball and leaving himself exposed. Taz would’ve have liked it if the shoe hit Rusev in the eye and cost him the match.
(46:34-48:50) Taz takes a call from Jared in Australia. Jared wants to know what Taz thought about WWE cramming so many storylines into the end of the PPV. Again, Taz will get to that later in the show.
(48:50) Taz got feedback from new fans who haven’t listened to the previous versions of the Fantasy Draft edition of the show. The fans believe Mike Tenay is mean to Seth.
(49:28-51:55) Taz does a live read for MeUndies.com
(52:31-58:26) Taz takes a call from Matt in the United Kingdom. Matt loved the NOC PPV and had to stay up until 5 a.m. to watch the whole show. In the U.K., Matt says you can bet on professional wrestling. Even with spoilers and the predetermined nature of the business, Matt lost big money. (How? All of the favorites won.) Matt recalls an angle involving Taz choking Jerry Lawler. Jim Ross then struck Taz over the head with a candy dish. Matt remembers J.R. cutting his hand on the dish and wanted to know if the dish was gimmicked or legit. Taz can’t remember but believes the dish was made of sugar glass. Taz warns fans that sugar glass is still dangerous. Taz remembers J.R. cutting his hand and Taz getting cuts on his head from the dish.
(58:27-58:41) Break
(59:07) Taz reads a tweet from a fan who suggests the fan run in was a plant. Taz explains that pictures are being posted online of the fan compared to a WWE official. Taz admits that the resemblance is uncanny.
(1:00:23–1:06:43) Taz and Seth talk about the match between New Day and the Dudleys. Taz thought this was a great match and absolutely loved it. Taz was critical of the announce team, particularly JBL who repeatedly mentioned things he and “Ron” did. Taz believes that the majority of today’s fans may not be familiar with Ron Simmons. Taz asks that JBL not move the focus of the show to himself. Taz remembered a time where he was knocked unconscious by Right to Censor at WrestleMania when he teamed with the APA. Taz pointed out to Seth a spot in the match where Devon fixed the table leg in the middle of selling. Taz said that is the mark of a true pro.
(1:06:44-1:08:37) Taz takes a call from George in California. George wants to know if there are any unsigned workers who he would like to get in the ring with. Taz puts over Danny Maff.
(1:08:48-1:21:18) Taz discusses Charlotte defeating Nikki Bella for the Divas Championship. Taz put over Charlotte’s athleticism, flexibility, and natural instincts. Taz felt Charlotte did a great job with selling. Nikki had great heat and did a fantastic job working Charlotte’s leg. Taz felt the announce team did a great job explaining the impacts of a knee injury. Taz cautioned against heels working over the knees or legs of a babyface. Taz explained how a babyface’s comeback is supposed to be high-energy and they shouldn’t be able to run off the ropes or bounce around with a battered leg. Taz doesn’t think Charlotte should have been able to properly apply her Figure-Eight finisher, let alone hold it on strong enough to get a victory. Taz thinks Charlotte should have shown that she was protecting her leg, which would have caused Nikki to move to another part of the body. Taz pointed out how Charlotte did not sell her leg in the post-match celebration. Seth thought that the one-sided match foreshadowed Charlotte winning.
(1:21:19-1:21:54) Break
(1:22:20) Taz is getting questions on Twitter about Sting’s injury. Taz doesn’t recall a specific spot where Sting was injured. (Did he watch the ending?)
(1:23:30-1:25:13) Taz takes a call from A.J. in Long Island.A.J. wanted to discuss the Dudleys vs. New Day.A.J. believes Bubba was knocked unconscious during the match.A.J. thinks it occurred during Big E.’s splash on Bubba. Taz will find out from Bubba what happened.
(1:25:31) Taz and Seth discuss the mystery partner of Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose. Taz referred to Chris Jericho as WWE’s Favorite Son. Taz was not shocked when Jericho came out because he had previous history with the Wyatts. Seth did not feel Jericho was big enough to combat Braun Strowman. Taz disagrees and feels that Jericho’s in-ring accomplishments establish him as a viable partner. Taz still believes that Baron Corbin or Samoa Joe would have been a better fit for the match. Taz also thinks Strowman was in the ring way too much. Less is more. Taz compared it to 911 in ECW. Taz wants a name for Strowman’s finisher.
(1:32:15) Taz talks Cena vs. Seth Rollins. Taz praises both men for working hard on this match Taz asks what anyone could complain about with this match.
(1:34:20) Taz is getting tweets about not liking Jericho. Taz debunks the rumors and explains that he and Jericho are friends.
(1:35:53-1:43:00) Taz and Seth talk about Sting vs. Seth Rollins. Taz liked the pacing of the match. Taz mentioned various sources reporting that Sting suffered a neck injury that might be career-ending. Taz put over Seth Rollins as a great worker. Taz mentioned the Sheamus run-in and praised Michael Cole for explaining how Sheamus didn’t actually get to cash in.
(1:43:35-1:47:19) Taz takes a call from Hasnim in India. Hasnim felt disappointed with the NOC PPV. The show was very average. Hasnim did enjoy the match between Ryback and Kevin Owens. Hasnim also digs Jericho.
(1:47:19) This day in wrestling history. In 1976 during a show for Championship Wrestling from Florida, Dusty Rhodes defeated the “Missouri Mauler” Larry Hamilton in an I Quit Match. In 2003, Goldberg defeated Triple H for the World Championship in Hershey, Pa.
(1:50:09) Closing of the show.
RATING AND REVIEW: 5 out of 10. This show was middle of the road, take it or leave it, ho hum. Nothing noteworthy really came from this episode. It was interesting hearing Taz’s take on Tom Brandi and the Patriot. I think that what hurt this show was the lack of guests and the live callers. Multiple callers asked questions that were already covered or were coming up. The Taz Show has to start screening calls to prevent this. It is happening too often. No technical issues to speak of. This was an okay episode, but you won’t kick yourself if you have to miss it.
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