HOST: TAZ with Producer Seth
Report by: Sean Sumey, PWPodcasts Reporter
TAZ REMEMBERS YOGI BERRA: As a lifetime New Yorker, Taz pays his respects to a baseball legend
NICK DIAZ AND MMA TALK: Taz gives his thoughts on the marijuana suspension. Dana White is a dick and Taz explains why!
TAZ HYPES NXT: Taz tells us what he looks forward to each week in NXT. What acts does he dig and who is ready for the main roster?
LANCE STORM CALLS IN: Taz and Storm discuss some ECW days, fantasy booking, and training tomorrow’s wrestling stars.
NFL POWER RANKINGS: Taz breaks down who is doing what in the NFL. His fantasy team is not doing so well.
THIS DAY IN WRESTLING HISTORY: Bruno, Gorilla, the Tazmaniac! Oh my!
TAZ TAKES LISTENER CALLS: Did Ian from San Antonio finally replace the battery in his smoke detector? The answer will shock you!
(00:00-00:36) Ads
(00:37-01:11) Intro
(01:12) Taz opened the show with his producer, Seth. Appearing on this show will be Lance Storm. Taz is getting things ready for Hump Day Promos to debut next week. Entries can be sent to hpmtaz@cbs.com. Taz pays respects to Yogi Berra. Even as a Mets fan, Taz always respected the great Yankees. Mets fans are jealous of the Yankees, they don’t always hate them. Taz will miss the Yogi-isms. Pope traffic is making New York difficult to get through. Taz discusses the fan that jumped into the ring during Night of Champions. Mike Johnson reported on yesterday’s show that WWE will start filing charges. It was announced today that 37 year old Oscar Ramirez was charged and convicted of Trespassing. Ramirez will serve 10 days in jail. Taz wants people to call in who are thinking about jumping into the ring as a fan so he can tell them not to. Taz would love to talk to Ramirez to find out what he was thinking. These fans are going to cause the buildings to stop selling alcohol. Taz mentions how when fans jump on the field in football, they are usually tackled or clotheslined. Taz remembers the Baltimore Colts of his youth when a fan got clotheslined by one of the players. Taz said that set the tone that you don’t jump on the field in Baltimore.
(15:58-18:58) Taz takes a call from Florine in Romania. Florine wants to know if Taz thinks The Rock will be inducted in the Hall of Fame. Taz said of course he will. Taz thinks WWE is spreading out the big names. All of the major Hall of Fames do it to help have a strong class each year.
(19:20) Nick Diaz has been suspended by the Nevada Athletic Commission for multiple failed drug tests. A lot of big MMA names are defending Diaz saying that there are plenty of worse things that they could be checking for. Rhonda Rousey and Joe Rogan were named as two supporters. Joe Rogan tweeted that marijuana is not a performance enhancing drug. Taz agrees with them even though he has never been a marijuana guy. Taz never worked impaired but was around plenty of guys that did in ECW. Diaz doesn’t play well with others but still has the respect of his peers.
(23:23-28:36) Taz takes a call from John in New York. John thinks Raw has been dry for the past year. John even mentions the pay per views have been boring and repetitive. There is so much great talent in NXT that John doesn’t want to see Kane returning. John mentions Bray Wyatt and thinks WWE should focus less on the Charles Manson cult stuff and instead allow him to just wrestler. John wants to see Wyatt in Intercontinental title matches. John also thinks the Divas Division is lame. Taz jokes that John doesn’t like anything in WWE. Taz defends WWE by saying that they put out a lot of television each week and it is hard not to repeat themselves.
(29:26-29:41) Break
(30:50) Dana White takes another jab at pro wrestling. Dana was asked about a prediction for an upcoming fight. Taz says Dana White is unable to focus on the talent and wants to make everything about himself. Dana said he couldn’t make a prediction because he didn’t know what was going to happen, if he did he would be Vince McMahon. Taz thinks Dana is obsessed with Vince. None of the other MMA companies are on the level of UFC. Taz believes that this is why Dana White always takes shots at WWE. Vince is a self made man. Dana White had his two high school buddies hook him up with a job according to Taz.
(34:43-45:17) Taz takes a call from Ian in San Antonio. Ian still needs batteries for his smoke detector. Taz can still hear it beeping. Taz says that Mike Tenay brought up Ian in San Antonio the other day. Ian last changed the battery in 2013. Ian is the self proclaimed “Lone Star of Texas”. Taz says that Bill Alfonso had the whistle, Ian has the beeping smoke detector. Taz wants Ian to cut a promo for Hump Day Promo about why Ian should be World Champ. Ian doesn’t like WWE having hardcore matches when they can’t have blood. Taz tells Ian to get to his point if he has one. Ian tells Taz that he is taller than him so he can keep talking. Taz said it sounds like Ian should be working in the front office of WWE. Ian feels that Hell in a Cell should be bloody. Taz says that WWE has trained today’s fans to not expect blood. Taz breaks the news to Ian that the only way you are going to see blood is if it is hard way. Now that WWE has sponsors and stockholders, they can’t have gore and violence. Taz says WWE isn’t some mom & pop wrestling promotion. It has come a long way from ECW, Smokey Mountain, or other smaller promotions who had a stronger violent tone.
(45:19-50:22) Taz takes a call from George in South Carolina. George is originally from New York and is a Taz fan from way back. George remembers Tazmaniac. George has an ICCW question. Taz is blown away and never expected an ICCW question but welcomes it. George used to go to the shows and hang out outside. George could tell the heels and the faces by the way they acted when they arrived. George remembers seeing Tony Rumble walking with Tony Atlas when they were preparing to record something for TV. George heard Rumble directing Atlas on how to act and what to say. This is when George realized wrestling was a work. Taz misses Tony Rumble and has a soft spot in his heart for him. Tony Rumble was one of the first guys to talk to George even though he was just a fan. Taz really enjoyed George calling and bringing back memories.
(51:33) NXT talk. Taz is looking forward to Bull Dempsey vs. Tyler Breeze tonight. Taz is a big Bull Dempsey fan as well as a fan of Breeze. The Vaudevillians will defend their NXT Tag Titles against Blake and Murphy. Taz is a huge Vaudevillians fan and says that they are one of the few truly original gimmicks in wrestling. Taz believes Vaudevillians will be on the main roster very soon. Blake & Murphy make Taz think of a steak house. Kana will make her WWE debut. Taz is interested to see what her WWE style will be like.
(55:14-57:18) Taz takes a call from Hasnem in India. Hasnem wants to know if Taz thinks that the Wyatt family taking on Ambrose, Reigns, and friends is building toward a traditional Survivor Series match. Taz loves that and didn’t think about it. Taz would like to see it. Taz likes that Hasnem and others call daily and encourages others to call in often.
(57:27-57:35) Break
(57:56-1:18:09) Lance Storm joins the show on the phone. Taz runs through the long list of championships that Storm has held in various promotions. Storm says he didn’t hold any of them for very long. Taz respects Storm’s wrestling training school and his insight. Storm runs his school in 3 month sessions. Storm is in the ring everyday with each of his students. Storm wants to teach his students more than just moves. Storm is one of the few guys who enjoyed a 20 plus year career in wrestling and stayed married. Storm wants to teach people how to manage their personal lives in wrestling. Storm then talked about breaking into the business after training at the Hart Brothers Dungeon with Chris Jericho. Storm then went to Europe for a few years until he returned to the States and joined Jericho in Smokey Mountain Wrestling. Storm joked that he then chased Jericho around. They both went to Japan.
Jericho then went to ECW. When Storm went to ECW, Jericho went to WCW. When Storm went to WCW, Jericho went to WWE. Storm talked about his ECW days and teaming with Chris Candido and Shane Douglas before teaming with Justin Credible. Taz always enjoyed working against Storm because he was so smooth.
Taz also respects that Storm is one of the few guys who is not afraid to share his opinion. Storm said that he and Taz have disagreed before and not had any problems. Taz said he doesn’t have problems with anybody. Taz mentioned an alleged feud with Jericho over their podcasts. Taz doesn’t have any problem with Jericho, but he called him out on some numbers that he didn’t agree with. Jericho poked him back on Twitter and that was that.
When Taz was still training people, he found that he lost patience with the younger generation. Storm credits his time training for WWE as helping him develop a style to deal with younger talent. Storm thinks he bumps more now than when he was working. Storm still trains hard. Taz said he is crazy and needs to find people to bump for him. Storm said he couldn’t train that way. Storm really honors the bond between two guys that are putting their lives in each others’ hands in the ring. Storm said if you have a problem with a guy in the ring, do your fighting in the locker room. Taz said he could never be mad at Tommy Dreamer, Storm, or Devon Dudley. Shane Douglas….maybe.
Taz brought up a rumor that Storm had pitched idea for the two of them to do a program. Storm said it was when Taz was taking on Shane Douglas for the ECW World Title. Storm didn’t think that ECW was going to put the title on Taz. Taz joked that he didn’t think so either. Storm said he went to Paul Heyman and suggested that after Taz lost, Storm could claim that ECW had coddled him.
Storm was going to point out that he and other wrestlers get yelled at by the ref for choking people but Taz is allowed to choke people out to win his matches. Storm was going to get the Tazmission banned. During one of their matches, Storm would put the Tazmission on Taz and the fans would go nuts. Taz, being the master of the hold, would know how to get out of it and reverse it, putting it on Storm and causing a disqualification. Storm would then gloat that he knew he could beat Taz. Taz liked the idea. Taz mentioned that WWE did a similar angle when he went to WWE so Storm was ahead of his time. Storm said he was ahead of his time also when he wanted to do a drug test angle with Tommy Dreamer. WWE later did a similar angle with Vince McMahon and Shawn Michaels.
Taz put over Storm for always having a great mind for the business. Taz thinks that any company would be wise to hire Storm as an agent. Storm said he talked to Jim Ross about becoming an agent when he retired but at the time, WWE needed a trainer, so he did that. Storm said his wife is used to him being home every week so it would be difficult for him to do it now. You can follow Storm and www.stormwrestling.com. @LanceStorm on Twitter.
(1:18:58-1:21:30) Taz takes a call from Chris in New York. Chris believes that The Walking Dead is following 90’s WWE. Taz isn’t familiar with Walking Dead, but Seth is. Chris says the zombies are the jobbers and they put over the main cast. Chris said each show ends with a cliffhanger. Seth agrees.
(1:22:50) Taz threatens to harm Seth if he touches the soundboard again.
(1:23:10-1:28:25) Taz takes a call from Ryan in Long Island. Ryan felt the NXT Title was on par with the Intercontinental and US Championships. Ryan wanted to see an NXT Title match at Night of Champions. Taz doesn’t disagree but believes WWE is trying to keep NXT separate and keep their specials seem big. Ryan wonders if anyone is buying the WWE Network just for NXT. Taz thinks there are some. Ryan thinks it would be better for NXT if WWE showcased NXT talent on the main roster from time to time. Taz no longer thinks people are in NXT until they are “ready” for the main roster. There are several people in NXT who could be on Raw or Smackdown right now.
(1:28:27-1:28:46) Break
(1:29:19) Taz’s fantasy football league is awful. They are pooping the bed.
(1:30:30) NFL power rankings. Taz hates the New England Patriots but can’t deny that Tom Brady is awesome. The Patriots are ranked number one in the power rankings. Andrew Luck and the Colts are 18th in the power rankings and Luck is Taz’s quarterback in his fantasy league. The Colts have no offensive line. Brady has an awesome line. The Packers are number 2 in the rankings and are 2-0. They are looking strong. Seth predicts a Patriots vs. Packers Super Bowl. Taz believes the Patriots will choke and hopes the Steelers will make their way to the Super Bowl to face the Packers. Arizona Cardinals are number 3. David Johnson is legit. Pittsburgh Steelers are number 4. Steelers are amazing. Seth loves the Oakland Raiders but doesn’t care if they move cities. The Denver Broncos are number 5. The offense is struggling with a league worst average 3.7 yards per play. Good defense though. Taz plugs DraftKings.com.
(1:37:10-1:39:09) Taz takes a call from Seth in Toronto. Seth wants to know if we will have The Rock vs. Brock Lesnar or possibly a triple threat with them vs. Triple H. Taz says that is huge star power. Seth thinks that Brock would make a great villain in the Fast and Furious movies.
(1:39:19) Taz wants to see Charlotte vs. Ronda Rousey. Maybe Stephanie McMahon could manage Charlotte.
(1:41:50) This day in wrestling history. In 1968, Bruno Sammartino defeats Rocky Fitzpatrick (aka Bob Orton Sr.) with a backbreaker in the main event at Madison Square Garden. In 1977, Andre The Giant defeated Gorilla Monsoon in a boxing match in San Juan, Puerto Rico in Roberto Clemente stadium. Taz mentions that was probably a baseball stadium because alot of the big shows in Puerto Rico were held in baseball stadiums. Seth asked if the name Roberto Clemente gave it away. In 1979, Canadian Champion Dewey Robertson (aka Missing Link) defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel. In 1990, WCW gave out Sting watches in the Omni. In 1994, the Tazmaniac won a battle royal in Tampa, Florida to earn a title shot against Shane Douglas in ECW. Taz joked that he got paid for working two matches. Seth also mentioned a Raw where Taz jumped the guardrail with a “Sabu fears Taz” sign in 1996. Taz covered this on a prior podcast. Matt Hardy has a birthday today.
(1:49:30) Taz hypes Hump Day Promos. Taz will personally listen to each promo. The topic should be why they should be World Champion. Send recorded entries to hpmtaz@cbs.com. Taz has already received some entries. Taz said some suck, some are awesome.
(1:53:29) Taz closes the show.
6 out of 10: This was a decent episode of the show. The show continues to improve with each day. Taz is getting comfortable with the format and the pacing of the show. Taz mentioned himself that the listeners are also getting familiar with him and they are getting a good variety of callers. We didn’t see any callers mention things that were already discussed or were going to be discussed later in the show. Lance Storm is always interesting to hear. I think that with Taz’s wrestling background, the show would benefit from longer interviews with his wrestling related guests. I can’t think that many Taz fans are tuning in to hear his thoughts on fantasy football or the NFL. This isn’t a knock on Taz and I could be in the minority. Taz is very intelligent and opinionated but when the topic turns to anything other than wrestling, it comes off as bullet points rather than a conversation. This could be due to Seth not being as big of a football fan as Taz, or at least not being as open to discussing his opinions of things other than wrestling. The banter between Taz and Seth is entertaining as you can see their chemistry build with each show. I give Taz a lot of credit for trying new things like Hump Day Promos to try to establish himself from the dozens of other wrestling podcasts out there. It seems to be the trend now for former wrestlers to have podcasts that focus on things other than wrestling.
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