Report by Sean Sumey, PWPodcasts Reporter
TAZ LAYS THE SMACKDOWN: It may have been a while since you heard a Smackdown review but that’s exactly what Taz has in store for us on a laid-back Friday edition.
TOPICS COVERED (w/Time Stamps)
(00:00-00:35) Ads
(00:36-01:10) Show intro
(01:11) Taz opens the show and apologizes to fans that his live show was pre-empted due to the appearance of The Pope in NYC. The city is shut down so Taz is unable to get to the studios. Instead, Taz is recording a one-man version of his podcast so his fans will have something to listen to. Taz had tweeted out asking what The Pope’s finisher would be called. His favorites were The Last Ride and The Crucifix.
(06:16) Taz was up late last night and found an old airing of Global Super Card airing from the Sportatorium in Dallas. It was a promotion who was mashing together talent from Global, USWA, World Class, etc. Taz really enjoyed watching the old-school show. He said it was a little confusing because he was half-asleep.
(08:30) Smackdown break down. Roman Reigns vs. Luke Harper. Taz was impressed with the pacing of the match considering the size of these guys. Taz could have done without Booker T continuously putting over the size of both guys. New Day vs. Lucha Dragons & Neville. Taz really enjoyed this match. He said it had everything someone would want. Taz talked about the Dragons and Neville doing stereo moonsaults along with a dive. He said it was awesome. Cesaro vs. Bo Dallas. Good match. Cesaro is being built back up. Cesaro looked good against Big Show on Raw, but he was a sacrificial lamb. This match could have been a stronger win for Cesaro to help give him back some heat. Bo losing doesn’t hurt his character, as that is pretty much his gimmick.
Taz said it’s odd how WWE can’t decide whether or not they are pushing Cesaro. Taz said the same thing happened to him when he was on the roster. The sky is the limit for Cesaro. Taz would love to see a long program with Kevin Owens for the Intercontinental Title. Maybe a Best of 5 or 7 series. Taz likes Ryback but didn’t feel he was cut out for the Intercontinental Title. Owens can build the belt back up. Taz wants feedback on Twitter @OfficialTaz if you like his idea. Taz feels no mater who wins, both guys would be elevated.
Taz then talked about Charlotte’s promo. Taz isn’t sure what Paige’s character is mad about. Paige punked out Becky Lynch. Now, Natalya is thrown in the mix. Paige slaps Natalya and leaves. Taz can’t speak for females, but if you slap a male, someone better be fighting. Taz thinks the slap was too much of a punk-out. Maybe Paige will team up with other heels like Team B.A.D.
Rusev and Kevin Owens take on Dolph Ziggler and Ryback. Taz really liked the finish. Rusev was left alone to take on Ziggler and Ryback. Rusev eats a pin from Ryback. Owens looks like a lone wolf. Ryback gets some of his heat back from pinning Rusev. Rusev isn’t hurt by the loss because he was stranded. Taz liked the package building up The Big Show. Taz doesn’t want to spoil it but Big Show ain’t beating Brock Lesnar. Taz liked the interaction between the Dudleys and The Prime Time Players. Taz thinks Bubba looks better in the tank top instead of the camo top. Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose. Ambrose gets the roll-up pin due to Kane interference. Taz liked Lawler’s line about Rollins having “Kane on the brain.” Taz thinks Ambrose could’ve rolled Rollins up a little quicker, but he still liked it.
(36:29-39:36) Taz closes the show. He will be back live Monday with his live show. He hopes we all have a great weekend. Seth’s wife is about to have her baby at any point so Seth might be gone for a few weeks. Jim Ross will be back next Friday for BBQ Pigskin.
5 out of 10: I have to give Taz credit for going out of his way to record a podcast for his listeners on days that he could’ve justifiably taken off. I always like these quick one-man episodes because its almost like a audio journal for Taz’s thoughts. He tends to allow himself to freestyle a little bit. Nothing negative out of this episode but nothing that you will miss either if you don’t have time. This is a good pick if you need something to listen to on your commute or while you are on the treadmill.
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