DATE: OCTOBER 14, 2015
By Jor Howes, PWPodcasts.com Reporter
00:00 – Advertisement.
00:32 – Introduction
01:32 – Advertisement
03:34 – Introduces the Dudley Boys
08:05 – The group discuss being ‘the most decorated tag team in history’
10:55 – Discussion about the Dudleys meeting Y2J and him saying that “they wouldn’t make it in the WWE.”
15:41 – The Dudleys speak about how they got together and other member of the Dudley clan.
22:10 – Advertisement
24:00 – Story about how the Dudley Boys split from the clan.
25:40 – The group discuss their finishing move the ‘3D’
28:35 – The group’s involvement with TNA
35:18 – The decision to come back to WWE and how it happened.
42:56 – Advertisement
48:20 – Discussion about the infamous TLC matches.
1,01:52 – Y2J tells a story about a trip to India when he had to face the Dudleys.
1,05:15 – Spike Dudley’s involvement with the group.
1,07:45 – Advertisement
1,11:39 – The move from ECW to WWE
1,19:00 – Catch phrases and signature moves.
1,24:39 – Their relationship with Vince McMahon, The Rock, and Stacy Kiebler.
1,29:12 – The women who were put through tables, Mae Young in particular.
1,33:44 – How its been coming back to WWE and which teams they like
1,37:50 – Their favorite matches
1,40:34 – Advertisements, Fozzy tour dates, and wrap-up.
– The Dudley family secrets are revealed. We find out what the idea behind them was and Y2J let us know he view on how this dysfunctional band of ‘brothers’ were formed. The highlight of this is Devon announcing with pop culture icons he based the “Brother Devon” character on.
– The Boys explain how they came up with one of the most recognizable finishing moves in tag team wrestling, the Dudley Death Drop or 3D. They discuss watching two of WCW’s finest wrestlers and coming up with a variation on what they saw. They reveal who they used as a “crash test dummy” in order to perfect it as well as the only two people to ever kick out of it. This may come as a bit of a surprise! What won’t is another of WCW’s elite that wanted to.
– Y2J asks about the infamous TLC matches the Dudley Boyz, the Hardy Boyz, and Edge & Christian had during the Attitude Era. The Boys go into great detail about the concept of the match and its creation. They spoke in detail of the finishes to some of the matches and some of the heart-stopping spots they hand to endure including falling from a ladder onto the ramp through four tables. D-Von talked through facing his fear of heights to be suspended in the air with Jeff Hardy hanging on two belts. Bubba highlights the pressure that he felt in trying to top previous efforts. He speaks or the emotional impact these encounters had on him as well as some crushing injuries that could have been career ending.
– Jericho reveals a story from India which involved Vince asking for him to appear naked in the ring. This anecdote is amusing. However, keen Y2J listeners will be familiar with Jericho’s tale. No pun intended.
– The Boys explain the initiation they had to go through when first joining WWE from ECW. They reveal aspects of the backstage politics which occurred when wrestlers from other companies switched alliances.
(6.0): Upon reading that the Dudleys were this week’s guests, I had to restrain myself from recruiting workmates to help me 3D anyone and everyone through the nearest woodwork. Having listened to Talk is Jericho for close to two years this has to be one of the most excited I have been to listen to his show. After listening to it, though, I found myself as broken as the Dudleys’s family tree.
It’s not that this episode is bad, per say, it just lacked the chemistry that had in the ring. Having been a team and almost inseparable for close to 20 years, I expected to be fully engrossed in the weird and wonderful world of the Dudleyville. However, the conversations were disjoined and they re-visited previously-discussed segments from start to finish. This exchange did not flow as openly as previous podcasts in the back catalogue. Not only was the group dynamic a let-down, but there were audio issues throughout. The interview was clearly conducted in an open busy area, as exterior voices can be heard in the background, which again makes me think that this was a rush job.
There are definitely some sections worth listening to, but unless you are a die-hard Dudley devotee, I would skim through the episode while viewing TLC 2 from WrestleMania 17.
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