RELEASE DATE: November 4, 2015
Report by Steven Ganyo, PWPodcast reporter
Matt: “Tom needs new ways to masturbate. That’s definitely what he needs.”
Matt: (As Vince McMahon) “Where’s Randy? Randy said he was taking out the garbage AN HOUR AGO!”
Matt: (As Vince McMahon) “Now TWO hours have gone by since he took that garbage out! I’m worried something happened!”
Vince: “Is Vince considering canceling WrestleMania because of this?”
– Overall, This week, the boys talk NXT, Table For 3, what makes a match great, and more!
*Rapid Fire Topics* – 05:00-16:00
*Survivor Series Speculation* – 16:00-28:40
*Dragon Gate/What Makes A Match Great?* – 28:40-47:30
*PWG/Live Wrestling vs. On TV* – 47:30-56:00
*NXT Talk* – 56:00-1:02:05
*Table For 3* – 1:02:05-1:08:00
*Who’s Your Favorite Wrestler?* – 1:08:00-1:20:07
Due to circumstances that may or may not involve a sex toy, Tom is out this week. Matt and Vince kick off the show talking about a variety of topics including Jack Swagger, all of the “hanging out at ringside” gimmicks in the WWE, and watching Raw and Smackdown on the network. Matt tells a couple good stories involving Stone Cold/Mick Foley and Tony Atlas/Pat Patterson.
The boys then switch gears to the upcoming Survivor Series PPV, first speculating on a possible eight-man tag pitting the Wyatts against The Undertaker and Kane and two partners to be named. The segment goes off the rails a bit as Matt riffs on his Bray and Beef Stroganoff impressions and they talk fast food advertising. They get back on the wrestling track by speculating who could partner with the Brothers of Destruction against the Wyatts. A throwback star? An NXT call-up? Who would it be? More Survivor Series card speculation follows.
Next, the boys reminisce about past wrestling shows they’ve attended together before jumping into a Dragon Gate match from last weekend that got Match of the Year buzz. They discuss the match and talk about what makes a “great” match. Then they detour into online streaming and illegal bit torrenting before coming back around to the idea of one man’s “greatest match ever” is another man’s “yeah, pretty good match.”
From there, Matt tells a story about trying to watch a PWG BOLA match until his wife asked him to turn it off because of all the crowd chanting. They talk the difference between seeing a PWG show live vs. on DVD and talk about why so many wrestlers love performing there.
On to NXT, and Matt wants to talk about why he loves Asuka. They discuss how good NXT has been and Matt remembers getting to watch old FCW DVDs when he worked for WWE. They also recall some early NXT feuds such as Cassius Ohno vs. Richie Steamboat and Ohno vs. William Regal, as well as the character arc of Bo Dallas.
Segue to “Table For 3” on the network, specifically the Bo Dallas, Samoa Joe, and Neville episode. Matt notes that he’d rather see three guys who’ve done significant work together as opposed to three randoms like this because the conversation isn’t natural. The boys find it odd that Neville brought an apple to a dinner shoot and weren’t thrilled with his eating sounds. Overall, when you have guys that don’t really know each other, it’s too many questions and not enough conversation. Vince suggests a trap door system to eliminate anyone that doesn’t belong.
Who’s your favorite wrestler? For the second consecutive week, Vince likes Cesaro because it seems he’s just saying “f— it” because what could they do to him to knock him any further down the card. They discuss Cesaro’s move set and what they wish he’d add from his ROH days, and Vince hopes that his new attitude will come through in his promos. Matt’s favorite wrestler this week is Apollo Crews because ever since he won the #1 contender battle royal, they’ve been spotlighting him with very good interview and highlight packages. The boys close the show with a shout out to Tom and more of Matt’s Vince McMahon impression.
7/10: I can’t go any higher than 7.0 on an episode without the oldest bone in town! I’m not a Tom hater (usually, nobody’s perfect…except Curt Hennig) so I missed his contributions. I do think Matt and Vince COULD do their own wrestling podcast and it’d be good, but the three-man “We Watch Wrestling” show is better. Interesting to note that there did seem to be more focus without Tom. They stayed on the same subject for several minutes at a time this week. I personally like it when they jump from topic to topic at will, but I did appreciate how much easier it was to recap when they stayed on one thing for 10, 15, sometimes 20 minutes at a time. Good wrestling topics and discussion.
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