The Art of Wrestling with Colt Cabana
Episode #279 – 2 Cold Scorpio
Release Date: December 3, 2015
Report by Chris Davidson
Hot Topics
– 2 Cold Scorpio discusses his long career in Japan, WCW, ECW, and WWE.
– 2 Cold Scorpio discusses his legendary WCW music video.
– Colt Cabana talks about recent booking featuring Scott Steiner.
0:00 – Introduction
7:06 – Song of the week
11:03 – 2 Cold Scorpio Interview
16:59 – 2 Cold Scorpio talks high-flying and early training
28:33 – 2 Cold Scorpio talks Japan
40:39 – 2 Cold Scorpio talks WCW
48:05 – 2 Cold Scorpio talks TNA and WWE
53:38 – 2 Cold Scorpio talks the future
56:41 – Colt wraps up the show
1:00:26 – 2 Cold Scorpio music video clip
Episode Recap
0:00 – Introduction – Colt Cabana opened this week’s episode talking about interviewing his heroes from when he was a child and brought up what he wanted his wrestling name to be: “White Scorpio.” Colt then brought up a story from when he was training where he was told to practice armbars and instead practiced moonsaults and leg flips. Colt talked about the “ongoing battle” of eating Thanksgiving food and losing weight and talked about Wrestle Cade the day after Thanksgiving in North Carolina. Colt told a story from Wrestle Cade where he poked Scott Steiner in the fanny pack, thinking it was Sonjay Dutt and he was hitting him in his testicles.
7:06 – Song of the week – The song of the week this week is 2 Cold Scorpio’s WCW entrance theme.
11:03 – 2 Cold Scorpio Interview – Colt opened the interview mentioned that it was late and 2 Cold Scorpio began talking about Abdullah the Butcher and the knowledge they share. Colt brought up teaching seminars and Scorpio said that he wants to start doing seminars while he still remembers things about wrestling and about not wanting to work a nine to five. Scorpio said that he had been working part-time security jobs, which is one of the only jobs he thinks ex-wrestlers are good at. Scorpio thanked Colt for having him on, mentioning that this was the first podcast he’d been on.
16:59 – 2 Cold Scorpio talks high-flying and early training – Colt asked Scorpio where he learned how to fly. Scorpio talked briefly about doing gymnastics growing up, but ultimately credited natural talent for helping him do high flying moves and smoking marijuana for helping him come up with innovative maneuvers. Scorpio talked about his early life growing up in Denver, before getting into wrestling at 17 to make money and pay for his first child. Scorpio tried to try out for an NFL team, but they stopped allowing walk on players at the time he was needing a job. Scorpio started teaching himself to wrestle when a friend with a ring told him to stop by. Scorpio talked about watching Jimmy Snuka and Greg Gagne growing up and loving the “high-fliers.” Scorpio talked about working with established stars and traveling from town to town making $20 a night wrestling, while also being a handyman during the week. Colt asked Scorpio who gave him marijuana first, which he credited to his brother stealing buds from his dad’s plant.
28:33 – 2 Cold Scorpio talks Japan – Colt brought up Vader, and Scorpio talked about Vader seeing him wrestle and inviting him to Japan. Scorpio talked about seeing Jushin Thunder Liger, Eddie Guerrero, and other wrestlers whose styles matched his. Vader called Scorpio a few years later and invited him to Japan to live and train in the dojo, where he could make money and learn wrestling. Chris Benoit showed Scorpio how to train and wrestle the Japanese shoot style before his first tour. Scorpio talked about getting stretched by everyone in the dojo, and learning a lot of wrestling basics that helped him develop alongside his athletic moves. Scorpio told a story about getting stretched and not knowing how to make it stop until he was taught to tap out. Scorpio talked about respect in Japan and trained at the end of the day to make sure he could hurt people and earn respect. Scorpio covered the New Japan style of training wrestlers and sending them to Mexico, Germany, and WCW to learn different styles.
40:39 – 2 Cold Scorpio talks WCW – Scorpio said it made sense to go to WCW because of their contract with New Japan. Vader was working in WCW and got Scorpio a job with the company. After Vader left for WWF, Scorpio went to ECW and learned how to cut a promo, and how to tell the truth so that he doesn’t have to remember a lie. Colt brought up Scorpio’s music video from WCW. Scorpio thanked Michael P.S. Hayes for putting together the song and helping him put together the video. Scorpio talked about his contract and going from making $22,000 to over $100,000 and that he was happy to work wherever he can. Scorpio said he was impressed with luchadores who weighed 300-plus pounds that flew around the ring like they were 100 pounds, and he talked about getting heat trying to de-mask a luchador.
48:05 – 2 Cold Scorpio talks TNA and WWE – Colt brought up ECW and Scorpio said that ECW was a showcase where you couldn’t make mistakes or people would know. Scorpio talked about going to WWE as Flash Funk because he didn’t want to lose rights to his name, and WWE didn’t build his brand, he did. Scorpio brought up Vince McMahon giving him the Flash Funk gimmick and two years to get it over, but Scorpio said he only needed two months. McMahon replied, “Show me,” which Scorpio knew was a challenge and an opportunity. Colt told Scorpio that he didn’t seem like someone scared by Vince McMahon, and Scorpio agreed. Scorpio advised listeners that if they ever work with WWE to negotiated to get paid for PPVs and merchandise separately from their salary. Scorpio said that, while WWE isn’t for everybody, every wrestler should experience the business from the WWE business-centric perspective.
53:38 – 2 Cold Scorpio talks the future – Scorpio thanked Colt for having him on and apologized for the interview taking so long to happen. Scorpio talked about moving back to Denver to get back into the wrestling scene. Scorpio plugged his Facebook and joked about not being very tech savvy and not having a Twitter. Colt told Scorpio that he had wanted his wrestling name to be “White Scorpio” and Scorpio said they would have made a great tag team in Mexico before Colt ended the interview.
56:41 – Colt wraps up the show – Colt talked wrestling a match against Scorpio and how it was a dream come true. Colt thanked his fans, Scorpio, and his sponsors, and plugged his upcoming appearances. Colt mentioned that Five Dollar Wrestler One Horned Liger helped get Scorpio for the podcast and thanked him for his help. Colt also joked about being a “producer” on the Wrestling Road Diaries and said he can be whatever he wants, so he’ll be a “Best Boy.” Colt then signed off.
1:00:26 – 2 Cold Scorpio music video clip – Colt played the beginning of the 2 Cold Scorpio WCW music video.
Score: 7.5: This week’s episode of The Art of Wrestling featured the first podcast appearance ever from 2 Cold Scorpio and he didn’t disappoint. Colt Cabana clearly idolizes Scorpio, and seemed almost giddy at times talking to him about his time in career. For ECW diehards, this episode may be disappointing, as Scorpio talked more about his time in Japan and in WWE, but for those who want to hear from a legend that isn’t over-exposed in this current era of media, it was a great interview and a lot of fun.
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