The Art of Wrestling with Colt Cabana
Episode 283 – 2015 Review
Airdate: December 31, 2015
Report by Chris Davidson
– Colt Cabana wraps up 2015 with a “best of” of interview clips
– Colt Cabana reflects on his unique opportunities in 2015
0:00 – Introduction
9:30 – Colt looks back on 2015’s opportunities
16:06 – Song of the week
18:34 – James Mason Clip
23:20 – Scott Norton Clip
26:35 – Dennis Stamp Clip
31:43 – Justin Gabriel (PJ Black) Clip
37:16 – Graham Clark Clip
39:58 – Buddy Landel Clip
43:42 – “Rowdy” Roddy Piper Clip
48:00 – Colt wraps up the show
51:22 – Bonus: Comedy Clip
0:00 – Introduction – Colt opened the final show of 2015 wishing everyone a happy new year and joking about celebrating Christmas despite being Jewish. This week’s podcast will focus on memories and favorite clips from the past year. Colt brought up the podcast being an “independent wrestling podcast” that, even with big name stars, focuses on their early days and independent roots. Colt also talked about touring Japan and explaining why he keeps getting invited to Japan, mostly as a gaijin spot filler. Colt talked about his four Japanese tours in 2015 where he started tag-teaming with Chris Hero on a larger scale and was able to have Pro Wrestling NOAH as his “home promotion” where he can build bigger stories with his character. Colt thanked all of the independent promotions around the world that book him repeatedly, and called the independent scene his true home promotion.
9:30 – Colt looks back on 2015– Colt reflected on his year in the media, including an appearance on the IFC TV show Maron, having an article in Rolling Stone, and receiving a developmental TV deal, which he hopes will come to fruition in 2016. Colt brought up his travels, taping the Wrestling Road Diaries 3, and helping bring Kikutaro to a new audience in America. Colt also talked about his podcast successes, thanking fans for joining him, and about hosting the podcast awards this year. Colt said that he has signed a deal with Howl.fm for a new podcast series that he is doing, and plugged the Gathering of the Juggalos documentary podcast currently on Howl. Colt thanked longtime fans for being “his fans” and for coming along for the ride with him in 2015.
16:06 – Song of the week – The song of the week this week is “The Art of Wrestling” by the Jukebox Romantics.
18:34 – James Mason Clip – Colt played a clip from episode his interview with British wrestler James Mason (episode 257). Mason talked about traveling around and wrestling for the last 22 years, and wanting to make every show, no matter how small, seem important. Mason said he wants to wrestle until he’s 70 because of how hard it can be to stop being on the road.
23:20 – Scott Norton Clip – Colt introduced this clip from episode 247 by saying he loves Scott Norton because of the movie Over the Top. Norton talked about the arm wrestling tournaments and his success because of the film.
26:35 – Dennis Stamp Clip – This clip from episode 240 focused on how Dennis Stamp got booked to be in Beyond the Mat. Stamp talked about production setting him up as the “sad sack” character in the movie. Stamp was excited that he had been booked for a match in Cleveland that night, and talked about his infamous “I’m not booked” segment in Beyond the Mat.
31:43 – Justin Gabriel (PJ Black) Clip – Colt introduced this clip from episode 255 by saying that this is a more serious clip, and that it helps to see wrestlers in a more serious light. This clip was Gabriel telling stories about his father, including witnessing his father’s death.
37:16 – Graham Clark Clip – Colt discussed the mixture he loves of stand-up comedy and wrestling. This clip was a comedy bit from episode 265. Clark joked about “Ravishing” Rick Rude and his kissing ladies bit after winning a match.
39:58 – Buddy Landel Clip – Colt introduced this clip and the next one by mentioning that two of his guests this year have passed away. Colt said that he could tell Landel was in a good place, which encouraged him after his death. This clip from episode 238 had Landel discussing losing weight and addiction, as well as being nice to jobbers in the locker room and having a great life.
43:42 – “Rowdy” Roddy Piper Clip – Colt mentioned that Piper is the nicest guy he has ever met and it was an honor to interview him. He played this clip from Episode 245. Piper talked about being an underdog and making himself into a star wherever he went.
48:00 – Colt wraps up the show – Colt plugged his website and upcoming events, gave a very heartfelt thank you to his fans and his sponsors, and signed off.
51:22 – Bonus: Comedy Clip – A bonus comedy clip of John Robertson from a live show making fun of Bret Hart’s autobiography was played.
Score: 9.0: This was a very fun idea and a great way to end 2015. The Art of Wrestling has featured a lot of big names this year, as well as a lot of colorful characters, and a reminder of some of the best episodes was a joy to listen to. This podcast is a great entryway for people not sure if they will enjoy weekly interviews with Colt, and the way it was edited was very smart. This year was a great year for the Art of Wrestling, and it shows no indication of slowing down.
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