RELEASE DATE: January 6, 2016
Report by Steven Ganyo, PWPodcast reporter
– “I can’t believe McMahon didn’t hit the tanning bed for this thing.” – Vince, on VKM’s appearance
– “At one point if you looked at his veins it spelled out, in cursive, ‘Help me.'” -Matt, taking his turn on VKM
– “The promo he cut on Stephanie…they should have him yellin’ at more women!” – Tom
– “Can you believe that seg one on Raw where Roman yelled at mom?!” -Matt, speaking for Tom’s subconscious
– Matt: “The PWG show was outstanding. The crowd…sucked.”
This week, the boys talk NJPW, PWG, VKM’s hideous arms, and more!
*Wrestle Kingdom 10/WWE Raids NJPW? – 03:45-19:50
*VKM* – 19:50-25:45
*The Royal Rumble/WWE chatter* – 25:45-37:30
*More Of NJPW Stars Going To WWE* – 37:30-48:00
*PWG* – 48:00-1:03:40
*Who’s Your Favorite Wrestler?* – 1:03:50-1:23:55
The boys open this week’s show with a combination of Wrestle Kingdom 10 recap and the rumor of NJPW’s top talent signing with WWE. The brutal headbutts from Ishii vs. Shibata and Shinsuke Nakamura catching the bullet vs. A.J. Styles leads to the WWE talent raid. They speculate about contracts and the possibility of Styles showing up at the Royal Rumble. Back to WK 10 to talk Back To The Future gimmicks, the Briscoes in NJPW, and who’s ironing Mike Elgin’s wrinkled robe? Tom then wonders if the new WWE signees will be able to check their egos at the door. Vince lays out examples of guys who have and guys who haven’t been able to and, in the process, explains why the move makes sense for Nakamura especially. They also discuss if the NJPW guys will keep their names
That feeds to a look back at Mr. McMahon’s referee skills, or lack thereof. They discuss Vince’s lack of self-awareness, his refusal to play by the same standards to which he holds everyone else, and his pasty white appearance. Matt calls back to other great moments in McMahon referee history and the boys decide that Vince’s real life persona is bigger and crazier than anything he’s ever done on-screen.
Next, the boys look ahead to the Royal Rumble. They talk about the “winner is the champion” stipulation and Matt explains why it doesn’t necessarily mean Roman Reigns will win. They speculate on what the rest of the Rumble card will look like and Tom finds a new niche for Roman. Matt loves the formation of the new Social Outcasts faction and reminisces about past WWE stables. They talk Jericho’s latest return and get lost down a Fetty Wap rabbit hole before looking ahead to Smackdown on it’s new USA home with it’s new lead announcer.
Matt and Vince recall Yoshi Tatsu’s WK10 analyst/translation work, and Matt looks back at working with Tatsu during his WWE run. Tom then wonders if Vince signed the NJPW stars to help bury that promotion and Vince points out that the WWE Network just became available in Japan, which may have been a factor. They discuss other group signings in history and the differences between being a wrestling star in Japan vs. in Mexico.
The boys attended another PWG show over the weekend and wanna talk about it. They liked the show but hated the crowd and half of the participation was the crowd yelling at each other to shut up. They talk more specifics including an audience member winning a basket of liquor and the owner of the venue enforcing another overbearing rule. They try to talk about the card but keep coming back to annoying idiots in the crowd affecting the show. Matches included Angélico vs. Brian Cage, Drew Gulak vs. Timothy Thatcher, Zack Sabre, Jr. vs. Akira Tozawa, and PWG Title match of Roderick Strong vs. Chris Hero.
Who’s your favorite wrestler? This week, Tom likes Chris Jericho because “He’s like Dominos, he always delivers.” Tom then goes on to rehash his “C.M. Punk is coming back” bit. Vince likes Kenny Omega because he’s on a roll and Vince is excited to see what’s next for him. Matt likes Ishii and he and Vince plot on how they’ll get their wives to let them go to Vegas to see a wrestling show which Ishii will be at to close the show.
7/10: I enjoyed this issue, though I briefly considered giving it a zero score. Not because of Tom’s C.M. Punk bit, but more because the two other guys didn’t just shut it down and refuse to even give it show time. That’s Eva Marie heat, not heal heat.
BUT, Tom redeemed himself with his “the WWE is like a coked up fiend” bit so I decided to take it easy on the score. Also, this score means absolutely nothing to anyone, so there’s that.
I don’t know much of anything about PWG or NJPW outside of what I’ve heard on this show so a majority of this week’s topics didn’t speak to me, but as always the three hosts are always entertaining and their chemistry together is second to none. Also, there’s several resources through which to watch some indie wrestling so the fact I haven’t yet, that’s on me. Good show.
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