RELEASE DATE: February 17, 2016
Report by Steven Ganyo, PWPodcast reporter
“I joke because I don’t really give a s—.” – Vince, taking the piss out of spoilers
“Oh, I’ve seen better handshakes at funerals, my friend.” – Tom, on Roman and Dean, though I have no idea what this saying means.
“I spy with my little eye…two tig ol’ bitties.” – Tom, on Charlotte
“The only obvious answer is, he’s an idiot.” — Matt, on Titus
“What the f— do you think Titus O’Neil was gonna be doing at WrestleMania?” – Tom, making some sense
“He was one of the only guys I ever smelled.” – Tom, on Sammy Callihan
-Vince: The only thing that is, just, lessening the blow ever so slightly is that… -Tom: It’s your wedding?
-Matt: Is that you’re marrying the woman you love?
-Vince: Yes yes yes yes! Holy s—, yes that’s what I’m talking about.
“Do you know, this past week I had to remind myself that Daniel Bryan is not dead.” – Tom, taking the words out of my mouth
This week, the boys discuss the current WWE product, recap their latest PWG experience, and peek into the secret life of Brock and Rena.
*Spoilers* – 04:55-08:55
*This Week’s Raw* – 08:55-15:40
*Dean & Roman” – 15:40-20:40
*Rapid-Fire Topics* – 20:40-30:40
*The Vincent J. McMahon Legacy Of Excellence Award* – 30:40-36:15
*WWE’s Cruiserweight Series* – 36:15-40:25
*Titus O’Neil: What The F—?!* – 40:25-50:05
*PWG* – 50:05-1:13:00
*Rapid-Fire Topics II* – 1:13:00-1:27:10
*Who’s Your Favorite Wrestler?* – 1:27:10-1:33:36
This week’s show kicks off with Matt ranting about how wrestling spoilers don’t matter because the journey is more important than the destination. Tom’s just sick of people complaining about spoilers and Vince agrees with Matt but takes a more diplomatic approach.
Raw is the next topic. The boys discuss the curious case of this week’s main event before taking a brief look back at one of their wrestling field trips.
From there, the boys focus on the Roman-Dean Ambrose dynamic. Tom is convinced that Dean will win at Fastlane on Sunday and go on to main event Wrestlemania, but Matt and Vince aren’t convinced. A potential Roman heel turn is debated.
The boys go rapid=fire, shooting on a variety of topics including Tom’s Fastlane plans, WWE’s “dinosaurs” getting time over the new blood, Brock on Smackdown, Charlotte’s body, and more.
Next, the boys speculate on the new Vincent J. McMahon award that will be awarded on next Monday’s Raw. Is it an angle or a shoot and, either way, who’s the recipient? Matt looks back at VKM’s speech at Cauliflower Alley a few years ago.
WWE is planning a Cruiserweight series to air on the network this summer and the boys are talking about it. They use most of the time to complain about cruiserweights being separated instead of used on the main roster.
Titus O’Neil and “grab-gate” is next on the agenda. The boys attempt to delve into the minds of both Titus and VKM to understand Titus doing what he did and Vince reacting the way he did. They go to the video and break it down like the Zapruder film. Was the punishment too much and is there anything Titus can do to help himself?
The boys then break down their latest PWG adventure from last weekend. They run down the card and highlight the best moments, recall interactions with wrestlers and other fans, and Matt relays his story about getting to the venue late and trying to get in to the event. They also look ahead to next month’s PWG show, which they will all be missing to attend Vince’s wedding.
A second round of rapid-fire ensues. The boys look ahead to the upcoming ROH Anniversary show they’re attending in Vegas, remember an imfamous Scott Steiner TNA promo, discuss John Cena’s cryptic tweet, and remind themselves that Daniel Bryan is merely retired and not dead.
Who’s your favorite wrestler?
Tom goes with Bryan for the second consecutive week to honor him one last time.
Vince chooses Tanahashi because he had a great match with Kenny Omega last weekend and he’ll be at the Vegas ROH show they’re going to.
Matt goes with Evil Uno because he’s a big fan of his work and he has a great mask.
8/10: I feel like the boys were a little more on edge than usual this week. Matt brings a lot of energy and passion every week, but I feel like his spoiler rant was as hot as he’s ever been on the show. I thought saying people who care about the outcomes of matches “are wrong” was curious, but entertaining nonetheless.
The speculation on what will become of the Brock-Dean-Roman situation was fun and informative, and the break down of Titus vs. VKM was fantastic. I agree, Tom, Titus should’ve been fired because you gotta wonder about a guy that’d do something that stupid.
Well, due to time constraints, I have to step away from recapping this podcast, so this will be my last one. At least for a while. But that starts tomorrow! So if I can get just one more Yes! chant, I’d really appreciate it!
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