The Art of Wrestling with Colt Cabana
Episode 295 – Virgil
Release Date: March 31, 2016
Report by Chris Davidson
Hot Topics
– Virgil gives career-spanning interview, including time in WWF, WCW, and Memphis Wrestling
– Virgil comments on “Lonely Virgil” meme, and invites fans to take him to Olive Garden.
– Colt Cabana offers fans a chance to ask him questions for his 300th episode.
0:00 – Introduction
7:42 – Song of the Week
9:46 – Virgil Interview
14:50 – Virgil talks going to WWF and time with Ted DiBiase
18:55 – Virgil talks early life
28:07 – Virgil talks life on the road
31:06 – Virgil talks getting into wrestling
44:52 – Virgil talks getting hired by WWF
51:48 – Virgil talks WCW
56:19 – Virgil talks his legacy
1:02:56 – Colt wraps up the show
1:06:55 – Easter Egg Clip
0:00 – Introduction – Colt opened the show talking about this week’s guest, Virgil, and said that he is one of a kind. Colt then announced that Episode 300 is quickly approaching and he wants his listeners to get involved. Colt requested that listeners email him questions using a voice memo from a smart phone and he will answer them on the 300th episode of the podcast in a few weeks. Colt segued back to Virgil, who he called “a super simple dude, living out that life.” Colt brought up Virgil’s reputation with other wrestlers as someone who will do anything to make money. Colt defended Virgil, by pointing out he was from a different era where wrestling was just a job, and he didn’t work to gain fans like wrestlers do today. Colt said that to him, wrestling is art, but to Virgil it is not.
7:42 – Song of the Week – The song of the week this week is “F*** Money Baby” a remix featuring Virgil from the Sam Roberts Show on YouTube.
9:46 – Virgil Interview – Colt opened the interview telling Virgil he was excited to have him on, and brought up Virgil’s appearance on Sam Roberts YouTube show. Virgil was upset that Roberts lied to him about getting Olive Garden, since they were in Times Square in New York and there’s a “sweet” one right there. Colt asked if Virgil ever went to the WWE restaurant in Times Square, and Virgil mentioned going to New York and wrestling at Madison Square Garden. Virgil’s first match in Madison Square Garden was as a fill in for an injured Ted DiBiase against Hulk Hogan, and during his single’s run was against Meng. Virgil talked up Meng as a tough wrestler, but he had never seen him get mad at anyone, as opposed to Barbarian, who he has seen get mad. Virgil briefly went into the dispute between Vince McMahon and Nailz, where Nailz ended up suing WWE, but Virgil seems to like McMahon, saying he “gives you the best shot.”
14:50 – Virgil talks going to WWF and time with Ted DiBiase – Virgil said he remembers getting the call from McMahon while he was tag-teaming with Rocky Johnson in Memphis as “Soul Train Jones.” Colt asked how Virgil acted in WWF, and Virgil said he didn’t drink or smoke, so he didn’t really get into trouble likes some of the guys. Colt asked if he was being protective of his spot, and Virgil said he was mostly just trying to keep his slate clean. Colt asked how long Virgil was with DiBiase. Virgil was with DiBiase for six years and wondered how he would move up in the company with his “sweet gig.” Virgil worked a lot of warm-up matches, wrestling top guys in WWF before DiBiase, and after they parted he had really learned how to work a match.
18:55 – Virgil talks early life – Colt said he really wants to know about Virgil the man, because there’s more to Virgil than the guy trying to shill pictures. Virgil grew up in Pittsburgh, in an area called Black Ridge, about 14 miles from downtown. Virgil’s dad was a Navy Frogman during WWII, and his mother was a teacher. Virgil was born 24 years after his next youngest brother, when his parents were trying to have a girl, and both of his brothers are Navy SEALS. Virgil said his muscles were genetic, and he never took steroids. Virgil discussed his diet, which used to be two or three steaks a day to get more protein. Colt said that Virgil is known to be frugal, so he wouldn’t take him for someone who eats a lot of steaks. Colt mentioned sponsors in Japan who pay for food, and Virgil said he wished he could have had three or four sponsors in WWF. Virgil didn’t go into the military because he was a good student-athlete, so he was able to go to college.
28:07 – Virgil talks life on the road – Virgil began weightlifting in high school, and became a “full-fledged” gym rat when he was in the WWF. Virgil talked about finding gyms and finding ladies while on the road. Virgil mentioned Jake “The Snake” Roberts as someone who had no problem picking up women while traveling. Colt joked that it was an easy move, with a nickname like “The Snake.”
31:06 – Virgil talks getting into wrestling – Virgil wrestled at the University of Virginia, where he went to get away from home and see what he could do on his own. Virgil ran into Afa in Philadelphia, where he was wrestling against Temple University, and he told Afa he looks like one of the Wild Samoans. Afa introduced himself, then took Virgil to his hotel to meet Sika. Colt asked if being an amateur wrestler made him look down on professional wrestlers, but Virgil knew anyone as big, fast, and agile as pro wrestlers had to be athletic and talented, and he respected that. After college, Virgil started training with Afa and Sika, in the same training class as Yokuzuna and Rikishi. The ring was on a slant, so Afa used his welding experience to make his trainees build a ring they could train in. Virgil spent about a year with the Wild Samoans before being sent to Memphis to wrestle for Jerry Lawler while, before getting a call from Pat Patterson that he didn’t hear about. Eventually he got a call directly from Vince McMahon.
44:52 – Virgil talks getting hired by WWF – Virgil got flown to New York, with a car service to take him to Stamford, where he talked with McMahon for a while to feel him out. Virgil didn’t tell Lawler that WWF was looking at him, to avoid making him mad. Virgil went back to Stamford a week later, where he met Ted DiBiase in McMahon’s office, which was also the first time he met Andre the Giant for the first time. McMahon went over the whole Million Dollar Man gimmick in his office that day. Colt asked about the connotation that Virgil was DiBiase’s slave. Virgil said he didn’t care, as long as he was getting paid, but no one at the time came up to him and said he was “the biggest slave in the world.” Virgil said DiBiase was always a great guy to him, so he didn’t care what the gimmick was.
51:48 – Virgil talks WCW – Virgil laughed when Colt asked about the “ridiculousness of WCW.” Virgil said he never got fired, but left WWF because the gimmick was done. Hulk Hogan called DiBiase to see if he wanted to do a “Billion Dollar Man” gimmick in WCW. Virgil had gone back to working independent shows with Pizza Joe, and decided to go to WCW to be in the NWO. Virgil had a lot of fun at the beginning, and not just because the pay was good. Virgil said he didn’t have to be on the road at all, and just had to be on Nitro once a week, which was great.
56:19 – Virgil talks his legacy – Colt asked about Virgil’s legacy. Virgil mentioned the “Lonely Virgil” meme, but knows that as long as he can still make money somewhere off his name, he will. Virgil said he is glad that he treated his body right when he was wrestling, so he still looks good today. Virgil plugged his Twitter and Instagram, and gave his email, requesting bookings to go to Olive Garden or just talk wrestling. Colt thanked Virgil for being on the show, and Virgil said it was a lot of fun, before telling fans to clean their ears and pockets out, because he’s coming their way.
1:02:56 – Colt wraps up the show – Colt mentioned the people who helped the Iron Sheik and Virgil turn things around, and mentioned Virgil’s recent TV and movie credits. Colt plugged his website, social media, and upcoming events, then thanked Virgil, his tech help and sponsors. Colt said he is heading to Dallas with his straw hat on, and JBL’s theme song in his head the whole time, before signing off.
1:06:55 – Easter Egg Clip – Colt asked Virgil what he orders at Olive Garden: spaghetti with extra, extra meat sauce, breadsticks, and salad. He does not put parmesan on his spaghetti.
Score: 7.5– Virgil was a great guest for Colt Cabana to have on the Art of Wrestling. He was very open about his history and travels and, while none of his stories were too crazy, he was a fun guest to listen to for an hour. Having grown up watching Virgil wrestle, and seeing all of the Lonely Virgil memes and jokes made at his expense in recent years, it was good to hear that he’s truly doing well, and seems to be enjoying his life as a star of yesteryear. This episode may have rated higher, but throughout the interview there was the occasional audio glitch when Virgil was speaking, but overall, I would recommend this episode to any wrestling fan.
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