Kurt Angle was recently interviewed by WTOP out of Washington. He discussed his return to the company, which wrestlers on the current roster he’d like to wrestle and more. Here are some of the highlights.
How it feels to be inducted in the WWE Hall of Fame:
“I was real happy about it. I just wanted to come back for the fans. It’s not really about me anymore. I have three little ones that never saw me wrestle — I have a 5-year-old, a 3-year-old and a newborn — and I just wanted them to witness their dad one more time on the WWE stage. And I also wanted to acknowledge to the fans how much I appreciated their support over the years.”
How his popular comedy skits with Steve Austin came about:
“Both Austin and I should have been at home sitting and resting our injuries, but Vince McMahon thought, ‘Damn, my top two talents are injured. What am I gonna do with them? I know! I’ll put them together and make some funny stuff!’ So it was a cool thing to do while we were out with injuries.”
How Shawn Michaels felt about his “Sexy Kurt” performance:
“Shawn was always cool about that stuff. When I first came up with the song, he was like, ‘Yes! Do it! That’s awesome!’ He was always for that kind of stuff, and I give Shawn a lot of credit.”
Who his best opponent was:
“I’m not gonna lie, my best matches were with Chris Benoit. It kind of sucks that there’s no acknowledgment there. My career was defined on those matches, especially the 2003 Royal Rumble. … Anybody that’s listening — check that match. It doesn’t get any more perfect than that.”
Which wrestlers on the current roster he’d like to wrestle:
“Seeing the talent in Cesaro and Kevin Owens, I love the kid. I’m a huge fan of him. “What he can do for a guy his size [and] how he’s able to move around the way he does, he defies the laws of gravity. … There are a lot of talents that I’d love to wrestle: Dolph Ziggler and Seth Rollins. But as far as reminding me of myself, that [Chad] Gable kid, he’s a little bit undersized, but damn he can go!”
His thoughts on Roman Reigns:
“I love him. The issue with Roman is he was utilized and pushed way too fast. When you skip the U.S. Title, Intercontinental Title, the King of the Ring and go right to the top, fans don’t like that. … Half the fans love him; half the fans hate him. Same with [John] Cena. When Cena came in, Vince pushed the hell out of him and fans were like, ‘Gosh, dang. This guy’s invincible. I hate him!’ … If Vince waits it out a bit, fans will start to accept [Roman Reigns], and if they don’t, then turn him heel. ”
To check out the interview in its entirety, click here:
Soucek’s Analysis: Sorry Kurt, I don’t think fans will “start to accept” Roman anytime soon. It’s been about three years of him as a top star and the backlash is only getting worse! When the crowd cheers that someone “deserved” to be attacked in an ambulance multiple times, it’s kind of hard for them to ever gain any sympathy. He was probably just trying to be a good company man here. Still, a fun interview overall.
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