Gangrel was recently interviewed by The Roman Show, and discussed his time in The Brood, and talking with Bray Wyatt about a potential return to the company. Here are some of the highlights:
How he ended up with The Hardy Boyz:
“The Hardys are awesome, and they’re still doing their thing, which is really cool. I think I ended up with The Hardys because they had to figure out how to get the Hardys away from Michael Hayes (their original manager). So they were kind of stuck with Michael. I was a transition to get them away from Michael so they could go on and become the great stars they are today.”
If The Brood will ever enter the Hall of Fame:
“Maybe The Brood, but you already got Edge in there. Christian’s not, I think. Maybe, The Brood might go one day, it’s hard to say. But they didn’t do enough time. They were popular, they changed a little bit of things, but when I look at the Hall of Fame, I loved it when they put the Rock ‘n’ Roll Express in. They did their time. They put in the miles, and they stayed the Rock ‘n’ Roll Express all throughout their career. I like that kind of heritage when stuff goes in. The Brood…it was great, it was cool while it lasted, but I don’t know if we had a long enough tenure to justify being in there.”
Potentially working with Bray Wyatt:
“When I was talking to Bray, he said he very much wanted me to come in, but I think because of the name issue, WWE doesn’t own the name ‘Gangrel’, things got shot down and stuff. It would have been fun. I’d probably have to come in more as a manager type of deal, but I still wrestle.”
Helping train Rusev:
“Rusev is one of the best students you can have. That guy had like three jobs. He would sleep in the parking lot of the school so he wouldn’t miss a class. He was dedicated. He moved here from Bulgaria to become a professional wrestler. If he ever writes a book, that’s the American Dream right there. Came over, he chased his dream, he attained it. He’s focused, nice guy.”
To check out the full interview, click here.
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