Jake Roberts was recently interviewed by The Roman Show, and opened up about his documentary, Diamond Dallas Page and how Roman Reigns should handle the “hate” against him. Here are the highlights:
How it felt to open himself up in his documentary:
“It sucked. It hurt. Why wouldn’t it? I bared all my bones. The good thing is, from what I’m being told, this is the second best resurrection of all time.”
What advice he’d give to others struggling with addiction:
“Never give up. That’s the key. You’re going to have good days, you’re going to have bad days, but they’re still days. The bottom line is, never give up. If you fall, get up and start again the next day. You can do it.”
How he feels that DDP is also in the WWE Hall of Fame:
“It’s awesome man for Dallas to get in, I couldn’t be happier.”
His thoughts on Roman Reigns and the hate he’s getting from the audience:
“Enjoy it. Enjoy it. I mean, why in God’s name would you try and change what the masses want? The masses want to hate the guy. Let them hate! Just pay me while you’re doing it.”
The possibility of him ever being in another WWE program:
“I would hope so, but that’s all up to them.”
To check out the interview in its entirety, click here.
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