Release date: April 13th 2017
Recap by: Jon Ensman
0:00 – Introduction
2:00 – Talking about JR’s wife and donating money
6:10 – Happy birthday to a cult of Cornette member
6:54 – Jim and Brian talk about not using their copyrighted material on YouTube
13:00 – Jim’s dog’s Twitter account has been hacked
23:40 – Jim spouts off about United Airlines
27:31 – Jim discusses the Mauro Ranallo/JBL situation
47:29 – Jim goes on a political diatribe
1:02:32 – Bryan talks about Larry sharp passing away
1:07:09 – Jim goes off on something that Vince Russo said
Jim Cornette brings Bryan Lasto to the show and teases that they will talk about Vince Russo later in the episode.
The Jim Ross Show
Cornette discusses how he did good ol’ JR’s show on April 2nd in Orlando, Florida. He turned down the money, but then JR insisted that he keep it, so Cornette let us all know that he is donating the money to charity.
Happy Birthday
It’s Josh Harveth’s birthday and Bryan and Jim want us all to know, but they let us know that all cult of Cornette members should not expect the shout outs.
Copyright Material
Jim Cornette lets the audience know that he will be looking out for people copying his YouTube material. Bryan gives people a week-and-a-half to pull down any material that they have used from his account. They, of course, don’t want to hurt anyone, but they plan to be much more active on YouTube and want their material to be their own.
Account Hacked
Apparently, Jim Cornette’s dog’s Twitter account has been hacked by a cam girl. His dog is named Harley Quinn and it seems like Jim is pretty shocked that the account has been hacked. He makes some jokes about the issue.
JBL And Mauro Ranallo
In this section, Jim talks about the problem between JBL and Mauro. Jim does not understand how it got to the level that Mauro had to leave. Jim is confused on why Mauro can’t take ribbing, and says that he shouldn’t be a public figure. Jim spouts out a bit and then hands the mic to Bryan. Bryan says that he feels that JBL should be thrown in a woodchipper. Bryan is very angry about the JBL situation. Jim talks about being messed with and says that you should tell this person how you feel. They call him Glass Jaw Layfield, which is pretty funny. Then they bring up Dynamite Kid and Jacques Rougeau and say that there was bullying in the past. Bryan asks that maybe there is a point where we will have to fire JBL? Bryan brings up the point that Karl Gotch and Boris Malenko would not have stood for their bullying.
Jim Shows The Kids The USA
Jim Cornette goes on a political rant about what he calls ‘Trumpanzees.’ Jim then goes on to talk about how there are billboards dedicated to religious factions and sex shops. Jim discusses that while driving on I-95 with his British friends. Jim tells us that in America we are raised to love guns and be like John Wayne. Jim rants about how selling machine guns make him very angry. He’s embarrassed that his British friends look at our country as ‘gun nuts.’ This gun rant goes on for quite a long time and Jim get’s very inflamed. Jim talks about his views on gun control and how he feels that the ‘gun nuts’ are too passionate about having their guns. After mentioning gun nuts he spouts off about other country’s gun laws, Jim thinks that other country’s gun laws are better than the USA’s and tells us all that we should probably adopt some laws that are similar to these other countries. After this Jim tells us how angry he is at our founding fathers and hunters. Jim clearly doesn’t like that people hunt with guns and says that people that use guns are probably trying to compensate for the size one of their body parts. Jim continues to rant about guns to the point where, as a listener, you start questioning why you are listening to this podcast in the first place. Jim once again mentions gun nuts and animals and rants off about hand grenades and bazookas. Finally, Jim mentions that he doesn’t like guns.
Larry Sharpe Passes Away
Jim mentions that Larry Sharpe has passed away. Larry has helped trained people like Bam Bam Bigelow. It’s interesting to hear about Larry Sharpe and Jim mentions how Larry introduced him to a person called Paul White, later known as the Big Show. After this, they mention that Hogan stole Paul away and took him to the power plant and WCW. It’s interesting to hear the history of how Larry Sharpe brought in Paul White, and it’s sad that he has passed away.
Jim Comments On Vince Russo
Jim decides to go for the easy target and talk about some things that Vince Russo has said. Before letting us know what Vince has said, Jim tees off on Vince and tells us how he is a supreme failure of a human being whose only success came with the luck of being around for the Attitude Era. Jim tells us that on the latest episode of his podcast Russo has said that “If the marks and the dirt sheet crowds like certain wrestlers as much as they do then they must be gay or at least somewhere beyond exclusively heterosexual.” Russo said, “They all look like losers.” About the dirt sheet writers: “they all look like marks.” Russo claimed he had no problem with the gay community saying “Bro, whatever floats your boat it’s not up to me, who cares to judge you, I’ve worked with gay wrestlers, I could care less.” Russo added “So I’ve come to the conclusion, if you’re part of the NXT crowd, the people who were in Orlando, the ‘this is awesome’ crowd, you fall into three categories; it’s this simple bro. You’re either A: homosexual (okay you like men, for you to react this way you have to like men) B: You’re either not homosexual but have homosexual tendencies or C: you’re in the closet. It’s that simple bro because men do not react to other men that way. It’s not a normal function bro. I had someone Tweet me after I made a Tweet that ‘Finn Bálorhas to hit the gym.’ Bro, I literally had a guy send me a picture of Bálor with his shirt off. Bro, you are probably a homosexual. If you are searching the internet for pictures of Finn Balor without his shirt on and taking the time to send it to me, you fall in one of these categories.”
Jim lets us wait for this all to sink in and ask why Vince is questioning other men’s physical fitness. Jim is, of course, angry at Vince for his statements and tells us that Vince really does believe all of the crazy things that he says. Bryan makes the hot tag and agrees that Vince is not that stellar of a person and that his opinion is wrong. Jim comments that Vince is quite a hypocrite being that Vince is a Catholic religious conservative and that this group of people has all sorts of issues when it comes to pedophilia. He concludes by telling us sarcastically that if we like wrestling and chant ‘this is awesome’ then we are all gay.
In conclusion (3/10)
I give this episode three tennis rackets out of ten. Much of the episode is spent on Jim Cornette being angry at one thing or another. It’s fine that Jim Cornette is angry, but it doesn’t really teach anybody anything about wrestling when he goes on rants about guns and abortions. It’s a bit ironic that Jim talks so badly about JBL being mean to others, and then later in the episode goes on to talk so much smack about Vince Russo. It seems a bit hypocritical. I like hearing the historical perspective in ribbing with Dynamite Kid and Jacques Rougeau, but I would have loved hearing more in-depth coverage about this story. All in all the podcast was a disappointing mess.
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