Here are the highlights they sent along.
Whether he ever considered pro wrestling:
“I never really did, because I’m not much of an actor. I’m just kinda myself, and so [I never considered]. I know who I am, and I know who I’m not. [Wrestling] would be something that would be very hard for me to perform like that. If I could be myself and compete, that would be more me.”
Whether WrestleMania 33 was Undertaker’s last match:
“I don’t know if it’s gonna be his last match or not. He’s gonna retire whenever he wants to retire. If he wants it to be right now, it will be right now. Overall, he’s a great guy. Huge guy. When I stood next to him, I just felt tiny. Not many people can do that to me, but he did. He would definitely be one of the biggest legends of his sport. So, I wish him the best whatever he wants to do, if he wants to stay in or if he wants to get out.”
Biggest piece of advice for someone endeavoring in MMA:
“If you are going to get into MMA, get a good gym, and get a good manager. Those two will lead you in the right direction.”
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