Edge & Christian’s Pod of Awesomeness Recap
Episode 6 with Guests, The Young Bucks (Nick and Matt)
By: Jeff Indelicato
“For The Benefit of Those with No Time” (Top Stories)
- The Winner of the Voicemail Impression Contest, the Stone Cold impersonator, opens the show, and there is some foreshadowing that he may make cameos as Austin in the future.
- The Young Bucks were aware of The Hardy’s debuting at WrestleMania before their ladder match the night before.
- 90% of The Bucks innovative moves were ideas created when they were kids.
- Future opponents that The Bucks would like to face are The Revival and The New Day.
- The team is not sure if they will ever sign with the WWE, but if at all, it would be after their contract expires in 18 months.
“5 Second Pose of Timestamps”
0:00: Sponsor Ad
01:15: Opening with Stone Cold impersonator
11:35: Sponsor Ad
13:10: NHL Playoff Discussion
30:00: Beginning of Young Bucks Interview
37:45: Discussion of Hardys Influence/Ladder Matches
1:06:00: Favorite opponents/Future opponents
1:20:00: Discussion of possible future with WWE
1:27:00: Interview with Mike Kingston from Headlocked Comics & Close
“You Think You Know Them” (Recap)
Ad for Mack Weldon 0:00-1:15
Opening Intros 1:15-11:35
The show opens with the winner of the Voicemail Contest, the Stone Cold impersonator, introducing the show. His name is Andrew, and he’s been a wrestling fan for a long time, growing up with the Attitude Era in the state of Texas, which he attributes to helping him create the Austin voice. He then speaks in his normal voice, and it is completely different. For those of you who may have heard Santino Marella speak without his accent, I would equate it to that type of example. Quite a nice surprise. He notes how he has used that impression on his podcast, which E &C tell him to plug (What’s Wrong With Wrestling on iTunes). Edge said that Andrew pretty much had the contest won during the semi-finals when he sung Edge’s theme music. E & C ask if Austin himself has heard the impression, or reached out to Andrew, but as of present time, he doesn’t think so. They both feel that there could be an opportunity for “Austin” to make cameos on future episodes, possibly even singing theme songs. “Austin” begins belting out “Real American” (Hulk Hogan’s). He notes that he has had a sore throat for a month from practicing the impression daily. Christian gives him further props and wants to maybe hear “Austin” sing some 80’s hits like Soft Cell’s “Tainted Love.” “Austin” closes it out by singing A-Ha’s hit, “Take on Me.” E & C thank him for joining, and congratulate him on his victory.
Ad for Zip Recruiter 11:35-13:10
NHL Playoff Discussion 13:10-30:00
Edge begins this segment by acknowledging that a majority of their listeners download the podcast to hear about wrestling; however, he and Christian want to briefly discuss the NHL Playoffs. Christian begins by apologizing to the fans of the Toronto Maple Leafs, who were just eliminated. His apology is valid as he believes that his wife is responsible for costing them the season. He admits that he is a superstitious person, dating back to when he played hockey. Back then, he wouldn’t wash his gear until the team lost, and would even put it on the exact same way. When he was watching the Maple Leafs game, he sat in the same spot on his couch the entire time, and did not move. As the game was coming to a close, his wife called him to come upstairs for a second. While he initially resisted, he gave in, and went to see what his wife wanted. It turns out she wanted to make sure he had given their cat its medicine. When he went back downstairs, Toronto had lost in overtime. He was incredibly disappointed in his wife, and knows that had he stayed put, the Maple Leafs would have won. He sends his apologies again to Canada. Edge thinks that Toronto is a great team, and will win the Stanley Cup within three years. His predictions for this year are Pittsburgh and Edmonton making it to the finals. Christian gives Anaheim and Ottawa as his picks. The boys then get into their usual threatening banter where Edge wants to rip Christian’s shin off and beat him with it. Captain Charisma threatens to stab his earlobes with an ink pen and sign his name on Edge’s chest. Before moving on, E & C remind fans to submit ideas for their “Anatomy of a Match” segment, where they invite guests on the show to dissect a personal match that they were involved in. An example would be Shawn Michaels and Scott Hall talking about their WrestleMania 10 Ladder Match.
Interview with The Young Bucks 30:00-1:27:00
This week’s “Get” goes to Edge, as he actually ran into The Young Bucks at Disney World after WrestleMania. All four discuss being a celebrity and going to public places. Edge tries to be discreet, but Christian acknowledges that he wears all of his gear in public for the attention. The Bucks talk about a time that they went out and realized that they were wearing Bullet Club shirts, which attracted the public’s attention. They talk about how they have been in some brutal ladder matches, but that it doesn’t compare to the heat and busyness of Disney. However, at the end of the day, seeing how happy their children are to be there makes it all worthwhile.
Edge moves on and mentions the matches that the Bucks recently had with The Hardys. They talk about how Matt and Jeff were huge influences on their career. While they were fans beginning with Hulk Hogan and Shawn Michaels, it was the feud between The Hardys, Edge and Christian, and The Dudleys that made them want to get into Tag Team wrestling. Their dream match had always been to face off against The Hardys in a Ladder Match, which they accomplished earlier this month at ROH’s Supercard of Honor. The Bucks did know that The Hardys were making their WWE return the next night at Mania, so they felt a responsibility to care of them during that match, and ensure that Matt and Jeff stayed safe. Christian notes that the best way to approach something like that is to keep your head clear, and don’t put too much emphasis on it. When you overthink it, that’s when you can get hurt. He tells a story about their first TLC match at Summerslam where he and Bubba Dudley were on the ladder and due to their positioning, Bubba improvised and punched Christian “between the cheeks.”
Edge brings up the Bucks triple threat match against The Addiction (Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian) and The Motor City Machine Guns. Matt and Nick talked about how a lot of the crazy spots in that match were from the mind of The Addiction, and even they felt that some of them would be too crazy. Daniels had planned to blade in that match, but because of the brutality, was opened up the hard way. The Bucks noted that The Addiction really wanted to prove themselves, which is why the match turned out the way it did. There was then brief talk about the dangers of these tables and ladder matches. Christian brings up a spot where only his head ended up going through a table during a match. The Bucks remember the TLC 4 match during Raw Roulette in 2002 where Bubba Dudley was legitimately knocked out. Edge mentions that for good or bad, they influenced the next generation with their ladder matches, but at the time it was just about them trying to compete with The Rock and Stone Cold, and make a name for themselves.
Edge gives the team props for their ability to be innovative, and produce awesome moves. How do they come up with these ideas? The Bucks note that in actuality, 90 percent of the innovative stuff are things that they came up with when they were kids, doing backyard wrestling, and playing with their wrestling figures. They note how some people think they copy a lot of stuff, but they’ve always wanted to be different. Nick thinks if they didn’t do the “DX” catchphrase or the “Too Sweet” gesture, people may have been less hard on them.
Christian then asks them how their schedule is, and how they manage it. Presently, they work about 15 to 17 days a month, so it’s about 50/50. They note how it is probably the best schedule that they have had in the last five years, as they were previously working about 240 days a year. Working overseas can be hectic, but both of their wives are great, and understand. It can be difficult, as they miss their family, but they have a great support system. Matt adds that he couldn’t imagine doing this any other way than tagging with his brother. Edge compares it to him working with Christian, since they grew up together. All four agree that it keeps you grounded and out of serious trouble.
The question is then asked who The Bucks favorite opponents have been, and who they’d like to work with in the future. The team lists London and Kendrick, Motor City Machine Guns, The Briscoes, and The Addiction as their faves. With regards to future opponents, they’d like to work with The Revival and take on The New Day. They mention that while it will unfortunately never happen, Edge and Christian would have been great to face off against as well. This leads to a brief discussion about comedy in wrestling and how the Bucks have no problem with it, as they look at wrestling like a movie and want to entertain.
Edge then asks when The Bucks felt they made a name for themselves. The team believes that it was when they made the decision to leave TNA, as they felt they weren’t being utilized properly, and weren’t making any money. This is when they realized that you can’t expect others to look out for your best interests. It is up to you to get yourself over. When they were with TNA, they were “Yes Men” and happy to be there. When they left, they made it a point to gain an attitude and an edge not only in the ring, but backstage as well. When they joined PWG, they started experimenting with character changes, which led to greater success. From there, they feel that joining the Bullet Club officially made them, and they found their identity, along with creating a great chemistry within the group.
Since The Revival and New Day were mentioned as possibly future opponents, the million dollar question is asked: Will The Young Bucks eventually end up in the WWE? The team feels that right now, the answer would be no, as they are still under contract for the next 18 months, and in addition, everyone in the world is getting signed by the WWE so there is a fear that they would be lost in the shuffle. Edge doesn’t feel that they would be lost, and thinks that they would be a success. They then note that they are enjoying what they’re doing right now, but you never say never as WWE is always looked at as the place to be. Another note though, is that they have not had open communication with the WWE in the past, so they do not know what the company’s expectations of the team would be. They will revisit the decision when their contract is up, and if it makes sense, it may be a possibility. If it does not work out, they won’t be heartbroken, as they have greatly enjoyed their career thus far.
Interview with Mike Kingston and Close 1:27:00-1:39:00
Christian has a quick interview with Mike Kingston from Headlocked Comics who has started a Kickstarter supporting their latest comic, which has contributions from Jerry Lawler, Ric Flair, Mick Foley, and Cody Rhodes. Christian adds that adding him to the project could derail it.
E & C thank The Young Bucks again for being their guests. They send a quick thanks to the sponsors and fans, and encourage everyone to follow the show on Twitter @EandCPod, E-Mail them at ecpodofawesomeness@gmail.com, and to call their Voicemail at 929-367-8204.
Jeff’s Take: 7 Kazoos out of 10
Another good episode. It’s nice to see them break out and have a non-WWE guest such as The Young Bucks in order to educate wrestling fans who may not be familiar with the team. Good insight into some previous matches, and an opportunity to learn more about who Matt and Nick are. Interesting discussion about a possible WWE future. Feel free to follow me on Twitter @the_Indel or send me an email at indelpw@gmail.com. See you next week!
About the Author
Jeff has been a fan of professional wrestling since he was knee high to a grasshopper (little kid), after coming across the Wrestling Challenge episode after WrestleMania 7, and has not looked back. His passion has led him to winning wrestling trivia contests in his city, and even won him his Senior Talent Show by dancing to Shawn Michaels theme song. When not annoying others with wrestling talk, he loves spending time with his family and friends, and focuses on his other passion: movies.
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