Kenny Dykstra was a recent guest on Colt Cabana’s The Art of Wrestling. During the show, the Spirit Squad member talked about wrestling enhancement matches in WWE as a teenager.
In one of those matches, he competed against Bob Holly in a tag team bout. Holly has gained a reputation for being a bit rough with younger wrestlers, and here was Dykstra’s experience from the night:
“So he tagged me in, and Bob hit me. You don’t wanna step on anybody’s toes, so then I hit him back immediately just as hard as he hit me. And then he hit me again and I hit him back, and he let me come out a little bit and get some. And then from there, it was just like, easy easy. And after the match he even shook my hand and was like, ‘that’s good, I’m hitting hard, hit me back hard too, that’s how I want it.’”
For more, we’ve got the full Art of Wrestling recap with Kenny Dykstra right here at PWPodcasts.
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