The Ross Report
Guests: Jason Powell and Ted DiBiase
Recap by: Jimmy J Haggz
Release Date: May 3, 2017
Top Newsworthy Items
-Jim believes the younger generation needs to pay attention to Chris Jericho.
-Ross hints around that Chris Jericho has “more to come” in his future.
-Jim really likes Braun Strowman and the way he is being booked, but believes Strowman needs to acquire a few subtle heel tendencies.
-Jason Powell likes the direction ROH is going and feels Impact has been a real lackluster.
-Ted DiBiase has a One Man Show called “THE MILLION DOLLAR TOUR.”
-Jim Ross was once asked to take a picture of Andre the Giant nude for $100.
-DiBiase feels there aren’t any REAL heels today. The closest one in his opinion is Bray Wyatt.
-The Million Dollar Man feels if it wasn’t for Terry Funk, ECW wouldn’t have got as far as it did.
-JR feels anyone in the ring with Terry Funk IS LISTENING.
-Ted DiBiase’s Mount Rushmore of wrestlers include: Terry Funk, Dick Murdoch, Harley Race, and “Cowboy Bill Watts.
Subjects Covered (w/timestamps)
0:00- Sponsor Ads
1:11- Introduction
2:20- Jason Powell/WWE Payback/Rollins vs. Samoa Joe
6:20- Chris Jericho
11:28- The Hardy Boyz
12:45- The Women’s Division/Alexa Bliss
17:46- House of Horrors: A Horror or Classic?
24:40- Strowman/Roman
29:00- Raw after Payback
33:04- Conclusion of Convo w/ Jason Powell
38:18- Sponsor Ads
40:56- Welcome Ted DiBiase!
45:05- DiBiase’s One Man Show
52:22- Story Time
56:22- Andre the Giant
59:12- Bill Watts/Pro Wrestling Changes
1:07:50- Sponsor Ads
1:10:16- “The Million Dollar Tour”
1:12:03- Dick Murdoch/Karl Kox
1:21:42: Terry Funk
1:29:00- Lesner/Goldberg/ Bettering Your Game
1:35:38- Talk to the Boss
1:43:10- Conclusion of the Million Dollar Interview
1:50:02- The Ross Report Wrap-Up
Show Highlights/Rundown
Introduction: JR welcomes everyone to another edition of The Ross Report. He informs us that the “Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase will be on the show and then gets right into WWE Payback review w/ Jason Powell.
Jason Powell/WWE Payback/Rollins vs. Samoa Joe: Jim introduces Jason Powell to the show. The two begin talking about the recent WWE event entitled “Payback.” Jason stated WWE didn’t have a solid build-up leading into the event, however, he thought everyone delivered and gave Payback a solid “B.” Ross concurred with Powell and thought creative needed some credit for this event. He uses the Seth Rollins/Samoa Joe match as an example. Both thought the finish was very clever and that the match didn’t hurt either individual. Ross adds that he really appreciated the selling from both guys.
Chris Jericho: JR reverts back to the beginning of the event and talks about Chris Jericho vs. Kevin Owens. He stated he had a feeling Jericho would win and Powell agreed. The two then get into a discussion about Jericho. Jim adds that Jericho is at that stage in his career where he can play a lot of positions; he’s a utility man. He follows up by stating he has the courage and ability to reinvent himself and hopes the younger guys pay attention. Jason follows up telling Ross that Jericho had an incredible run so far and asks Jim where he thinks he will pick up after the Fozzy tour. Ross gives us a hint that there is more in store for Jericho in the upcoming future. Ross states Chris loves the spotlight. He states Jericho isn’t too young, but there is a lot more out there for him other than Fozzy.
The Hardy Boyz: Ross then talks about The Hardy Boyz and stated that it seems they made the right decision in returning to the WWE. Jason talks about their WrestleMania return and states the “WOW” factor is still present afterward on Raw and SmackDown. He agrees with Jim that they made the right choice.
The Women’s Division/Alexa Bliss: JR then talks about Bayley’s loss in her hometown. Jim states the match should have had more of a “pop of a finish,” but thought the heel (Alexa Bliss) going over was a smart move. JR then talks about the evolution of the Women’s Division and the fact that the first half-hour of Raw was controlled by the women. The two talked about Alexa Bliss and how great of an athlete she is overall (in-ring and promo). Jason thought her best match might have been at Payback and that Alexa’s in-ring performance has come a long way. Ross then explains that the demands of performance level have elevated and that the women feel the same pressure that the men are feeling. He follows up by saying they aren’t just “T & A, they are there to wrestle.” JR concludes that thought by saying he just hopes that the women don’t take too many unnecessary chances in the ring.
House of Horrors: A Horror or Classic?: Jim segues into talks about the House of Horrors match. Ross stated it was a controversial match, but he didn’t hate it. He says that he understands it was a spin-off of the Roddy Piper vs. Goldust Hollywood Backlot Brawl in that part of the match was pre-taped. Ross added he liked the music they had during the match and how much negative feedback he got for that. Jason chimes in and stated he was worried about how weird this match was going to get. He adds it was on the high end of what he expected. JR then adds that a lot of people pre-condition themselves not to like certain things. He also claimed it was better than what he anticipated because he lowered his expectations. Jason comments and says he believes five years down the line people will look back, laugh about it, and think it was a great match. Ross then compared it to a hardcore match. The two discuss the ending of the match with Jinder Mahal and Ross stated he thought it was “good booking.”
Strowman/Roman: Ross then segues into the Strowman vs. Roman match. He stated he really liked the finish and the way WWE is booking Strowman. He adds he also liked Michael Cole on commentating protecting Roman Reigns and laying everything out there for the fans to process. Powell agreed with Cole on commentary and said it worked on both levels, whether you loved Roman or hated him. Both agreed that WWE doesn’t care what reaction you have as long as you have one. JR then talks about Strowman’s heel run and states WWE has to give the fans some reason not to want to be him. Ross feels if they keep going in the same direction with Braun, he will become a babyface. He adds if he was booking Strowman, he wouldn’t give him too many false finishes with people kicking out. JR concludes that thought by saying Braun just needs to acquire a few more subtle heel tendencies like facial expressions, timing, pacing, and knowing when to back off.
Raw after Payback: Jim segues into Monday Night Raw. Jason stated it closed on a high note. He felt the triple threat match event was entertaining. Powell then talked about Reigns and Strowman not being on the show and how it gave other superstars, and divisions like the Cruiserweight, to shine. JR states he enjoyed the Miz and Maryse and adds that the Miz needs to have a little more aggression. He follows up by saying Maryse is doing phenomenal because she’s a natural heel. Jason responds by agreeing with Ross and stating the Miz needs to step his game up just a little bit more being on Monday Night Raw.
Conclusion of Convo w/ Jason Powell: Jim asks Jason about Ring Of Honor and Impact Wrestling. Jason tells JR that ROH has taken a step up from last year and is one of the more quiet positives. Powell continues by saying they are getting episodic with the show and finds himself looking forward to it. He tells Jim that its the opposite with Impact Wrestling. He states he hopes they get the ball moving. He claims he really isn’t WOWED with anything they have been doing lately and that they really haven’t found their groove yet. Ross and Jason then discuss the heel color commentating and agreed they both dislike it. JR feels they need to work on getting their talent over. Ross concludes the interview with allowing Jason to get his plugs in and promote his website (prowrestling.net) which is only $1 per month!
Welcome Ted DiBiase!: JR introduces Ted DiBiase to the show and talks about the process of grieving with him. JR tells Ted it’s difficult getting adjusted and finds it hard to figure out certain things around the house. DiBiase and Ross talk about their wives and how they would handle the household chores.
DiBiase’s One Man Show: Jim segues into Ted DiBiase’s recent tour. Ted tells Jim how he got into doing his “one-man show.” He stated he made an appearance at an Indy Show hosted by Jan Murphy (Canadian journalist) and was asked if he ever thought about doing one of his own shows. Ted follows up by saying Jan told him to tell his funny stories and give the fans a chance to ask some questions. DiBiase stated he did his first show in Ottawa which was a huge success and therefore was asked to do a tour. He tells Ross he’s having a blast traveling and doing his shows. DiBiase then tells Jim about a recent trip where his flight was canceled due to weather in Atlanta, Georgia. Ted stated he had a show the next day in Buffalo and decided to take things into his own hands by renting a car and driving there all the way from ATLANTA! Ross asked him if he traveled alone and Ted replied “yes.”
Story Time: JR tells Ted he has a lot of stories and he catalogs them to remember them. Jim claims he jots down the stories he wants to share at a particular event. The two then talk about the “Million Dollar Man Murder” story. DiBiase then gets into a discussion about Dick Murdoch. Ted states that because you have so many stories, you can switch things up and always have fresh material.
Andre The Giant: Ted and Jim then get into a discussion about Andre the Giant. The Million Dollar Man talks about taking Andre to a college bar and him asking the bartender to fill up a garbage can with beer. Jim then tells Ted a story where a fan asked him to take a pic of Andre the Giant (full-frontal nudity) in the shower and she would pay him $100. Ross ultimately stated he didn’t do it and told Andre about it. He follows up by saying Andre asked why didn’t he do it, and that they could have split the money!
Bill Watts/Pro Wrestling Changes: The two then discuss Bill Watt’s and Mid-South wrestling briefly. Ted tells Jim he wonders what would have happened if Vince McMahon had the wrestling experience that Bill Watts had mixed in with his marketing skills. He segues into how fans around his age talk to him about wrestling changing. Ross then discusses his convo with Rey Mysterio and all the high spots and high risks of today. He stated Mysterio agreed they are pushing the envelope a little too much and how they aren’t selling. DiBiase agreed and stated anyone who can sell can get themselves and others over. He adds that there aren’t any REAL heels. He follows up by saying the closest heel nowadays is Bray Wyatt. JR chimes in by saying he loves his work but has one of the greatest babyface entrance in the business. JR adds its very hard to be a heel. He talks briefly about Kevin Owens and then states he doesn’t know if today’s audience wants 100% heels. DiBiase tells Ross the formula always works if you try it. He tells a story about Mid-South with Terry Gordy. Ross and Ted get into a discussion about Gordy. JR then segues into the Sponsor Ads.
“The Million Dollar Tour”: JR asks DiBiase if his show has a name and he states its called “The Million Dollar Tour.” Jim tells Ted he does all the meet and greets beforehand because it helps him precondition the audience. Jim adds he gives everyone enough time to talk and chat and promises everyone will have a good time at his shows. Ted tells us about a show that the meet and greet was afterward and how the fans at the end of the line thanked him for not leaving. DiBiase agrees its better to do it beforehand.
Dick Murdoch/Karl Kox: Ross asks Ted if he thinks that today’s audience has the appropriate appreciation for Dick Murdoch. DiBiase replied he doesn’t know. He tells us how flawless Murdoch was at doing what he did and how easy it was for him. He says if there was anyone Murdoch wanted to be like it was Karl Kox. Ross follows up by saying Kox was one of the great heels and babyfaces of all time. JR tells a funny story about him refereeing a match between Kox and Murdoch in which Kox coldcocked Murdoch as a shoot in the ring because he was clowning around during a serious angle. DiBiase then tells us another story about beating Kox in Japan as a rookie. DiBiase explains how good Karl was with his timing and selling and how he put him over. He discusses a couple of bloody rookie mistakes he made in the ring with Kox. The Million Dollar man tells us how much he learned from Murdoch and Kox in the ring during his Mid-South days.
Terry Funk: Ross does his infamous Terry Funk impersonation and has Ted laughing. JR claims Funk is in the top five of all time. The two get into a discussion about Funk. DiBiase states Terry can do just about everything in the ring. DiBiase claims in his opinion that if it hadn’t been for Funk, ECW wouldn’t have got as far as they did. Jim then talks about Funk in 1989 against Ric Flair. Ross states he reinvented himself and had a series of matches with Terry Funk that were impeccable. Ross adds if anyone is in the ring with Funk, THEY ARE LISTENING. Jim then discusses the I-Quit match with Funk and Flair. Both guys agreed how great Terry was when it came to the psychology of the business. Ted then tells us that Funk once told him “the day will come when wrestlers will be touring the world like rock stars.”
Lesnar/Goldberg/Bettering your game: JR then transitions into a conversation about the Lesnar/Goldberg finish and the booking for that storyline. He asks DiBiase on his opinion and Ted agrees they did a great job with the angle. He talks about the Brock Lesner and Kurt Angle Iron Man match and stated how impressed he was, and how solid the match was while both guys had only been in the business for a short period of time. The Million Dollar Man and Good Ol JR talk about honing your craft and being dedicated. Ross talks briefly about Shinsuke Nakamura. DiBiase then talks about putting people over and getting yourself over. He talks about the differences in the business between today and when he was in the ring.
Talk to the Boss: JR segues off topic and discusses the people that helped him along the way and working for Vince McMahon. He states if you ever want a straight answer about your life and career, ask Vince. DiBiase talks about him making a mistake and not talking to Vince. He discusses leaving the WWE in 1992 and how he got caught up in “the road.” He tells us about confessing things he had done on the road to his wife and wanting to make things right. He claims he realized a lot of things changed but the atmosphere didn’t. DiBiase talks about leaving and coming back as a manager. He ultimately left and hadn’t talked to Vince as to why. Ted tells us he finally got to talk to Vince about how he wasn’t unhappy with the business, it was that he was afraid of being on the road at Road Warrior Hawk’s funeral. Ross tells Ted he had great talks with Vince and they don’t always get along. JR claims you pick and choose your battles. Ross follows up by saying he was afraid of failing and didn’t want to look weak in Vince’s eyes. He stated he never felt he was really good enough so he always wanted to overachieve. Ted switches the convo to his father and the motivation he got after his death.
Conclusion of the Million Dollar Interview: Ross and Ted talk about being instinctual in the ring. JR mentions Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair and makes a statement saying, “A lot of great players are not great coaches and a lot of great coaches couldn’t be great players.” DiBiase tells us another Dick Murdoch story. JR then has The Million Dollar Man plug his websites (milliondollarman.com heartofdavidministry.com). He talks about his upcoming Million Dollar Tour. Ross then asks Ted DiBiase who would be on his wrestling Mount Rushmore and he responds Terry Funk, Dick Murdoch, Harley Race, and Bill Watts. Jim mentions a card he received from Harley Race about his wife and thanks Ted for coming on the show!
The Ross Report Wrap-Up: JR thanks The Million Dollar Man again and talks about his upcoming shows. He mentions his show a few hours before WWE Backlash on Sunday, May 21st at Zanies in Rosemont in Chicago. Jim plugs all his products including his book which will feature Vince McMahon and Steve Austin. He throws in his links and sponsors. He mentions his next guest and says it’s a great time to be a wrestling fan. Jim talks about AXS TV and WWE. Good OL JR thanks all the fans as usual and as always states to do something nice for someone and to remember our tomorrows are never guaranteed.
Score and Review (9): It’s hard to give GOOD OL JR anything less than an 8, honestly. This week Jim delivered another solid show. He started with a brief rundown of WWE Payback w/ Jason Powell and also touched on a couple other subjects including the Raw after. Critiquing this section of the podcast, I felt the Payback breakdown could have been a little more in-depth, but it was still solid. This week didn’t feature a “What’s on JR’s Mind” section. The interview with Ted DiBiase was informative and engaging at times. It was good to hear from the “Million Dollar Man.” He had a few good road stories to listen too. Overall, JR continues rollin’ strikes!
About the Author: Jimmy J Haggz was born James Joseph Haggerty IV in Queens, NY. He is of Italian and Irish descent. Jimmy lived all over NYC’s five boroughs. He has been a wrestling fan since he could remember which was the 1990 Royal Rumble where “The Immortal” Hulk Hogan threw out Mr. Perfect to win it all. He was a huge Hogan n, but later transitioned into a Shawn Michaels, Razor Ramon, and Undertaker fan. Jimmy is, like many, a huge Attitude Era fan and idolized Steve Austin. In one particular incident in middle school, he stunned a TEACHER (he does not condone such behavior kids)! Jimmy also enjoys other sports like football and boxing. He attends some independent wrestling shows as well ( Ring Of Honor, House Of Glory, House of Hardcore, and North East Wrestling). He has a podcast he recently started up entitled, “The Ringzone” that drops every Saturday on iTunes and Podbean which goes over WWE Raw, SDLive, other weekly wrestling podcasts, and his own personal views/impersonations. His dream job is to one day work for WWE as a commentator. If you want to contact Jimmy shoot him an email at Jhagg719@gmail.com and follow him on twitter under @Jhagg719!
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