John Cena was recently interviewed by Metro and talked about his wrestling and acting careers. Here are the highlights:
Why he’s unable to wrestle and act at the same time:
“I would do both at the same time, but the movie guys are a little weird with their insurance. They don’t want me to go smashing my face up. [Laughs] I’m excited for all the opportunities outside the WWE ring, only because it raises awareness of the WWE. I take great pride in my profession, but I’m very aware of the perception of it. I think a lot of people think we are just what we are, and that’s it. There’s nothing wrong with that. But there are plenty of talented people who travel with the WWE and produce wonderful entertainment every week. We do live sports entertainment, and it’s like no other. To be able to do stuff like this outside of the norm and for people to say, “Wow, that’s pretty good,” that bodes well for getting more eyes on the ring.”
People respecting wrestling more these days than they used to:
“More and more. And a lot of our methods of entertainment are being adopted by both mainstream sports and mainstream entertainment. If you look at how ESPN has shifted its content, the way shows feature a lot of argumentative debate rather than informative sports reporting, then sports borrows a lot from the WWE. I’m very happy to see it, and I think that’s what leading to more understanding of what we do and respecting it.”
When it’s time for someone to walk away from wrestling:
“I’ve been doing WWE for quite some time. It’s never been boring to me. As long as you’re passionate about something, as long as that fire doesn’t go out. When it does, that’s when you need to walk away.”
To read the full interview, check out Metro.
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