The Steve Austin Show – Unleashed!
Release Date: May 11, 2017
Top Newsworthy Items
-Johnny Mundo will be Austin’s guest on Tuesday next week
– Austin’s new house should be finished in the next few weeks
00:00: Introduction and plugs for next week
07:04: Sponsor Ads
08:47: Steve and Kristin talk the latest trials and tribulations of moving into 316 Gimmick Street
39:08: Sponsor Ads
40:21: Steve on texting while driving, Los Angeles drivers, and why he self-diagnoses his medical problems
55:22 Sponsor Ads
43:34: Steve reads emails and talks about whether he misses the Broken Skull Ranch
1:10:10: Sponsor Ads and Show End
Show Highlights
Introduction and plugs for next week
Austin announced he has a cold and that his research online claims it’ll be around for 8-10 days, but he doesn’t have time for a cold, so he plans on getting over it in 3-5 days. He also said that he and Kristin will talk about the move to their new home, 316 Gimmick Street, on today’s show, and it’ll probably be the last time because he’s been talking about it for six to seven months. He also announced that Johnny Mundo will be on the show next Tuesday and he hopes to have Ted Fowler on the show next Thursday.
Steve and Kristin talk the latest trials and tribulations of moving into 316 Gimmick Street
Steve talked about the inability to find recliners for their new home. The old recliners don’t “work” in the new house, and all the ones they look at are too bulky or aren’t the right color brown. His La-Z-Boy recliner is his favorite seat, and there is an importance to a man’s seat in his home. He recalled someone sitting in his recliner once and how disrespectful it is. He said that Kristin’s dad has a seat, and he’d never dare sit in it out of respect. Another problem they are having is window treatments and coverings. For instance, Austin’s office where he is recording the podcast has no window coverings right now, which is problematic for acoustics. To get the acoustics right, he opened the window and shoved a towel between the window and the sill and shut the window on it. Kristin joked that she’s surprised he didn’t use tin foil, and Austin told a story about his bachelor pad when he worked on a freight dock before becoming a wrestler. He used tin foil to cover the windows to keep it cool because he couldn’t afford curtains, and he thinks that worked just fine.
Another recent house improvement was the draining, acid washing, and refilling of the swimming pool. Austin said he felt particularly bad not only about wasting so much water on a pool but because he had only been in their old pool about four times, three on purpose and one not. He isn’t a water person, he said. He doesn’t understand people going into the polluted waters of Venice Beach and coming out dirty and with sores on their face. The final problem was that after having all new electric put in the house, the GFIs started popping off, but it was a quick and minor fix. Austin said the contractor made him feel like an idiot though because Austin couldn’t get a plug into the outlets and found it because it was childproof.
Steve on texting while driving, Los Angeles drivers, and why he self-diagnoses his medical problems
Back from the ads, Steve is worried about his voice “bouncing” around the room because of his rigged setup. He’s also upset because of the constant noise from the contractors and now his neighbor is using a blower outside. He vows to start recording his shows after dark to avoid these irritations. He also starts lamenting his cold again, and Kristen said she’s surprised he didn’t start looking up his symptoms online. Austin agreed that he often looks up his symptoms and expects the worst because then the doctor can give him good news instead of bad news. Next, he moves onto complaining about Masartis in Los Angeles and how everyone who he’s seen drive one are “a**holes.” The other day, he had one pass him when he was driving 75 mph. Kristen recalled seeing a millennial driving a Prius with his knees texting with two hands and a cigarette in one. Austin recalled another case of seeing a man reading the newspaper on the 101. Austin said these people don’t understand they could kill someone, especially “a global icon,” like himself. The law in California is hands-free devices only. Austin used to hold his phone on speaker, but not after he was ticketed by a motorcycle cop. Now he uses headphones, he said, because none of his vehicles have Bluetooth capability due to their age. While this discussion is occurring, the contractor rang the doorbell, and the fireplace people had brought the wrong color stucco, so disaster was narrowly averted.
Steve reads emails and talks about whether he misses the Broken Skull Ranch
Steve read a couple emails. One was plugging his Broken Skull IPA. Another asked about his tattoo on his left leg; Austin has two tattoos. One was before he was a wrestler, and the Texas outline and longhorn skull tattoo he got inked in George in ’94 or ’94 when he was with WCW still. The last email was about how touching the episode was where Austin reminisced about his times on the Broken Skull Ranch. He will miss riding around the property with Kristin and the dogs in his Bronco, but he won’t miss the work that came along with a property that large. Kristin said she’ll miss the outdoors and the quiet, but she won’t miss all the bills.
Score and Review (6/10)
Unleashed is as strong as Austin’s personality, and this episode was a little bit more low-key and mundane than other episodes perhaps due to the makeshift recording studio and his cold. The episode lacked focus, sometimes because Steve’s mind wanders and sometimes due to the interruptions of the contractors working on his house. He and his wife work well together on the podcast and their casualness creates an intimacy with the listener as they are like married friends telling you about their lives. This episode though, while it had a couple amusing anecdotes, had me looking at time remaining with these friends.
About Chris
Chris Gaspare is a teacher from Maryland who has been watching wrestling since 1989 when he saw his first WCW Saturday Night episode and quickly rented as many NWA and WWF VHS tapes he could find in local stores. He also attended Tri-State Wrestling Alliance and early ECW shows in Philadelphia, which really kicked his fan
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