We Watch Wrestling
Issue 195
Release date: 5/24/2017
Recap by: Pat Radice
Top News:
-PWG in-person review
-NXT Chicago talk
-WWE Backlash talk
-Advice for a bullied listener
Subjects Covered (Timestamps):
0:00 – Hey…Do you watch wrestling?!
5:20 – Addressing a listener being bullied because they like wrestling.
14:26 – Titus O’Neil TED talk.
15:31 – NXT Chicago.
29:40 – WWE Backlash talk.
51:38 – New Japan Super Juniors.
56:32 – PWG talk.
72:05 – AD.
78:00 – Tom’s dad and his friends used to watch wrestling.
84:00 – Who is your favorite wrestler?
Show Highlights:
Addressing a listener being bullied because they like wrestling
Vince talks about how he heard that a listener was being bullied because they liked wrestling. He talked about how it is the people who were doing the bullying who have nothing going on with their lives and the listener should continue watching wrestling and loving it. Tom told a story of how he was bullied and because of it, he stopped doing things he liked and wished he did more things he liked rather than let other people control what he did.
Titus O’Neil TED talk
Vince regrets he did not go to the Titus O’Neil TED talk, but he was not able to get a schedule for exactly when it was, so he had to skip it. Tom says he is shocked because Vince has a custom made Titus shirt and a painting of Titus. Matt says that there was another custom Titus shirt at the PWG show they went to last weekend.
NXT Chicago
Vince says everyone is talking about the UK Championship match on the show and how good it was. Tom does not know who Pete Dunne is. Vince and Matt show him a picture to try to see if Tom was with them when he wrestled in PWG. This leads to them saying Tom would have never stayed at the PWG show last weekend because the ring was late getting to the VFW because the ring truck broke down. Vince and Matt think Drake Younger is way too tan as a referee. Matt and Vince talk about how much they loved the Tomasso Ciampa turn on Johnny Gargano at the end of the show. They enjoyed how vicious he was and the little touch of the sign-off thing in the corner as the attacked started. They also liked how Johnny’s wife, Candice LeRae, released a statement after it happened. Matt talked about how he loved the little touches on social media that alluded to them breaking up and doing little skits about it. Matt also talks about the match they had at the Cruiserweight Classic and the little dissension after the match. Vince loved the anger Hideo Itami showed after his loss to Bobby Roode.
WWE Backlash talk
Vince talks about the danger of Randy Orton throwing the Singh brothers on their heads and how he reacted after doing it. The hosts all agreed he was not careful with them at all but Tom thinks that Randy was used to picking up Jinder Mahal and the Singh brothers are way lighter and might have been accidental. Tom does not know why he was defending Randy. Vince thinks Randy wants more time off to vape and the hosts impersonate Randy trying to get the writing crew to write him off TV for ten months. Vince thinks that Jinder is way too jacked and his body looks strange. Tom says he heard that Jinder knew he was going to get a huge push months and months ago and the hosts make fun of him for thinking WWE plans things that far in advance. The hosts also think that his drug test is probably lost at the request of Vince McMahon. Tom loved the whole show except for the Erick Rowan vs. Luke Harper match. Vince and Matt agree with that and think Rowan is not good right now and that Harper is being underutilized. They also mention that Harper could be having great matches with most of the wrestlers on the roster. The hosts loved A.J. Styles vs. Kevin Owens. Tom really liked the ending and thought it was not going to end with his foot in the table.
The hosts really liked the women’s tag match and Tom liked the new look of Becky Lynch. All of the hosts enjoyed the Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Dolph Ziggler match. Vince liked it but thought it was not enough to really shoot him into the superstar category. Tom was bummed by Vince being right and he thought they were doing it perfectly but sees the criticisms of it. Tom does not think Vince McMahon will not know how to use Nakamura correctly. Tom is also loving the Usos and part of that is because of Breezango. Matt then talks about when Fandango was Johnny Curtis and he worked with him on NXT when it was a totally different show then what NXT is now. Matt said Curtis was cast as the creep of the show and never wore a shirt as part of the character. He told Tom he should watch it to see where he has come from.
New Japan Super Juniors
Tom leaves the room so Matt and Vince talk about the New Japan Best of the Super Juniors tournament. Vince has not watched anything yet but Matt has seen some of it and tried to fill Vince in. Matt really liked the Jushin Liger vs. Taka Michinoku match. This leads into Matt talking about why he likes watching New Japan better than other promotions because it is treated as a sport rather than just entertainment.
PWG talk
Vince got to the show at 1 pm! One of the first in line and then people rush to the front and he and Matt got pushed back in line. One of the workers at the VFW kept saying they hoped they had a show that night since the ring truck was not there. The wrestlers were told they could not sell shirts and their merchandise by the ring before the show. Pentagon Jr. and Fenix went outside to sell their stuff instead. Trevor Lee vs. Keith Lee was said to be outstanding and Trevor tried to talk Keith into letting him win the match and go to TNA with him. Matt said that Michael Elgin vs. Shane Strickland was very good and he was taken aback about how big Elgin is. Vince was not able to smoke weed with Matt Riddle but he said the Chosen Bros match was excellent. Then Matt and Vince talk about Adam Cole’s maybe final PWG show. Cole faced Sami Callahan at the show and everyone was very into his final appearance.
At the end of the match, Cole puts his hand out to shake his hand and instead flips him off and walks out. Tom thought that was way better than the long speeches that most wrestlers give after they leave a promotion. Mark Haskins vs. Lio Rush was on after the intermission and the hosts said they put on a great match. The Young Bucks took on Pentagon Jr. and Fenix. Matt and Vince were blown away by the match. They said that Fenix took a very serious looking bump and stayed down for a very long time during the match. The main event was Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Trent?. Vince and Matt gushed over the match and talked about how impressive Trent? was in the match.
Tom’s dad and his friends used to watch wrestling
Tom was visiting his family on the East Coast and his dad asked about the podcast. Out of nowhere he and his friend started talking about the wrestling they watched while they were younger. Tom’s dad watched the WWWF MSG shows on TV. Their favorite wrestlers were Gorgeous George, Buddy Rogers, Pedro Morales, Bobo Brazil, Gene Kiniski, and Bruno Sammartino. Tom was confused because he thought Gorgeous George was before his dad’s time. Matt and Vince explained that he was in the culture and even though he was a heel people rooted for him.
Who is your favorite wrestler?
Tom – Baron Corbin
Vince – Kevin Owens
Matt – Pete Dunne
Score/Overall – 9/10 Very entertaining and another great recap about PWG. There was so much wrestling during the week and the show covered all of it in great ways and were so much fun. A great listen.
About Pat
Pat is a full-time nontraditional college student and a part-time guy who gives out samples at supermarkets. He is a lifelong wrestling fan and a Pro Wrestling Torch subscriber since 1996. He currently lives in Lake Ariel, PA near Scranton, PA with his wife Deanna and their dog Roxie and cat Snickers.
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