Show Name: Cheap Heat
Episode Title: Seth vs. Shawn!
Release Date: 6/1/2017
Recap by: Jason Young
Newsworthy Items:
- SGG references a GQ article featuring Jinder Mahal’s diet and how he eats six to seven meals per day and he tries to eat every two hours so that his body releases the fat.
- Rosenberg reveals that he won’t be on the kickoff show for the next two shows and his next appearance at a kickoff show will be at Great Balls of Fire.
- Rosenberg feels that you should still try to keep Nakamura’s entrance special and maybe save the long entrance for only special events.
- Rosenberg feels that there is still something missing with Baron Corbin and he really could benefit from a manager.
- SGG feels that Roman Reigns does not ever have a bad match especially when you put him in the ring with an opponent like Seth Rollins.
- SGG feels that Seth is on pace to have a career that blows Shawn Michael’s career out of the water.
- SGG said that the Shield vs. Evolution matches were some of the greatest six-man tag matches of all-time and they revolutionized the six-man tag team match.
Subjects Covered (with timestamps):
4:38 – Jinder’s Diet
6:48 – Women’s Money in the Bank talk
13:01 – Raw Women’s Division discussion
19:56 – Smackdown discussion
33:04 – Ads
34:30 – Main Events on Raw
40:46 – Seth vs. Shawn debate
50:14 – More Raw and Smackdown discussion from this past week’s shows
52:58 – Extreme Rules predictions
Show Highlights/Rundown:
This week Rosenberg and Stat Guy Greg start the show discussing some of SGG’s food habits including his love of delicious chicken before talking about a GQ article on Jinder Mahal’s diet. SGG mentions how Jinder eats six to seven meals per day and he tries to eat every two hours so that his body releases the fat and his body knows what to do with the nutrients.
The guys then mention the Women’s Money in the Bank ladder match at the next Smackdown only pay-per-view. Rosenberg reveals that he won’t be on the kickoff show for the next two shows and his next appearance at a kickoff show will be at Great Balls of Fire.
They then talk about Nia Jax’s tweet talking about how great it is that Smackdown is using all of the women on the roster. Rosenberg asks SGG if he feels that Sasha Banks’ work with the cruiserweight division feels like a demotion for her. Rosenberg feels that she is elevating the cruiserweight division by being on 205 Live, but SGG feels like you wouldn’t send someone like Finn Balor who is a former champion to 205 Live, so why would they send Sasha there? She is a three-time champion and shouldn’t be on that show. They pivot to what Rosenberg called an absolutely repug segment featuring Bayley and Alexa Bliss. Rosenberg felt they have tried to do a “this is your life” segment a number of times, but since Rock and Foley they have all been awful. Rosenberg liked that at least there is a second women’s story on Monday Night Raw for Sasha, but SGG feels that they are just extending the story for no reason with all these fake endings. Rosenberg plays devil’s advocate and argues that it’s good that at least Sasha is on the card at the pay-per-view.
The guys shift the discussion to Smackdown. Rosenberg feels that Smackdown is by far the top brand. Diperstein told Rosenberg that it was way too early to see Nakamura in a standard TV tag match last week. Rosenberg and SGG both feel that you get to see Nakamura without giving him too much action and keeping him special. Rosenberg feels that you should still try to keep Nakamura’s entrance special and maybe save the long entrance for only special events. Rosenberg worries that his best in-ring work may be behind him, but he wants them to keep him special. They compare him to A.J. Styles and feel that he’s just not to the level of A.J. Rosenberg feels that A.J. is a freak and nobody can do what he can at his age. Rosenberg talked about a conversation that he had with Chris Hero about how Nakamura worked on his character and meshed the strong style with elements of Michael Jackson.
The guys move along to discussing Kevin Owens and wonder if there has ever been a heel with more shirts than Owens. The guys feel like it is good for Baron Corbin to be in the ring with stars like Nakamura and Kevin Owens. Rosenberg feels that there is still something missing with Baron Corbin and he really could benefit from a manager. SGG feels that he is still trying to convince people he’s tough and he doesn’t believe it.
Rosenberg feels like there is potential with the Titus brand and they should really play off the Big Baller Brand for material. He thinks Titus should be like the fake Don King character from Rocky V and Titus should come out with a sneaker and say the Titus brand is not signing with any of the big companies like Lavar Ball did. Rosenberg also said that they should say that no one is deserving of Apollo Crews and he should refuse to wrestle on both Raw and Smackdown. Rosenberg also feels that Titus should refuse to wrestle in tights anymore because they can’t afford him.
Rosenberg then tells a story about how he was in catering after Backlash and he saw a conversation between Nakamura and Itami and really wished he spoke Japanese.
The guys pivot to talking about the two great main events from Monday Night Raw including Reigns vs. Rollins and the triple threat match featuring Balor, Samoa Joe and Bray Wyatt. SGG feels that Roman Reigns does not ever have a bad match especially when you put him in the ring with an opponent like Seth Rollins. Rosenberg says he hasn’t been that interested in Seth’s matches lately. SGG feels that when Roman’s career is over he’s going to be an all-time great. He also feels that Seth is on pace to having a career that blows Shawn Michael’s career out of the water. He feels that the Shield is already better than the Rockers were and Rollins accomplished more before the age of 30 than Shawn. SGG feels that the break-up of the Shield was better than the Barbershop window, but Rosenberg feels that SGG is insane and he was getting out of control in this argument.
Rosenberg feels that for Seth to get to the level of Shawn he has so many moments he needs to reach before being on the level as him. SGG feels that Shawn road the coat tails of Bret Hart (What!). SGG feels that Shawn Michaels is over-rated. SGG said that the Shield vs. Evolution matches were some of the greatest six-man tag matches of all-time and they revolutionized the six-man tag team match. Rosenberg said that the eras were different and Michaels had a standard old school build. Shawn didn’t get to great moments right away and wasn’t part of a time where the title was tossed around like it had no meaning. SGG said he can’t take anything away from Seth Rollins’ in-ring work and in 10-to-15 years he will be one of the all-time greats. Rosenberg states that Michaels has so many eras in which he was great and Rollins has a long way to go to live up to Shawn. SGG ends the argument by saying that if Rollins is around that long he will be one of the all-time greats.
After a heated Shawn vs. Seth debate, the guys pivot to more Raw discussion and Rosenberg asks the question of if the Hardy Boyz are getting stale at all and being used to just get a pop when they come out.
The guys then discuss the Fashion Files and talk about how they are still enjoying them. They are also both liking the promos by the Usos and are looking forward to when they face the New Day. Rosenberg feels that The New Day needs to settle on which of the three are the tag wrestlers, but SGG feels that is part of their advantage. SGG feels that Orton’s promo this week was bland again.
The final topic of the show this week was predictions for WWE Extreme Rules. Rosenberg feels that Sasha and Swann are going to win this Sunday, but SGG feels that it will be Noam Dar and Alicia Fox. In the submission match for the cruiserweight title both guys pick Austin Aries to win. They both feel like Aries has a lot of potential, but the fans haven’t gotten behind him as much as they should have. Rosenberg picks the Hardy Boyz to retain the tag titles, but SGG picks Sheamus and Cesaro to become new champions. Both guys feel that Alexa Bliss will retain the Women’s Championship. In the Intercontinental Championship match SGG feels that the Miz will become the new champ and Rosenberg said that Ambrose will retain. In the Fatal 5-way match for the #1 contender’s match for the Universal Championship, Rosenberg picks Samoa Joe to win and SGG picks Finn Balor.
Review (9/10)
The greatness of this episode is all about an absurd take that Stat Guy Greg had, which went on to be a classic debate between the guys on who would have the better career, Seth Rollins or Shawn Michaels. Just like WWE, sometimes a memorable episode can be based on one brilliant segment and that’s how I felt about the show this week.
About the Author:
Jason Young is a lifelong WWE fan since his dad introduced him to the product in the mid ‘80s. He grew up outside of Boston and now lives in Norfolk, MA. Throughout his WWE fandom, he was a huge fan of Austin in the Attitude Era and his current favorites include Kevin Owens, Sasha Banks and Finn Balor. He’s been a listener of the PWTorch Livecast since 2014.
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