We Watch Wrestling
Issue 196
Release Date: May 31, 2017
Recap by: Pat Radice
Top Stories:
-Extreme Rules preview
–Table for 3 with Jim Cornette, Michael Hayes, and Eric Bischoff
-Thoughts on the “This is Your Life” segment from Raw.
Subjects Covered(Timestamps):
0:00 – Hey….do you watch wrestling?!
01:24 – Titus O’Neal won a match?
11:50 – This is your life Bayley was terrible and more Raw thoughts.
27:39 – New Japan’s Best of the Super Juniors.
30:40 – Atsushi Onita coming to CZW
33:36 – Extreme Rules preview.
49:19 – Tom tries to do the Bray Wyatt spider walk.
60:00 – The hosts watch Randy Orton RKO’ing one of his stepsons.
63:00 – Table for 3 with Bischoff, Cornette, and Hayes.
70:50 – AD
79:50 – Who’s your favorite wrestler?
Show Highlights:
Titus O’Neal won a match?
Vince was very excited that Titus was back in the ring and won a match. He claims that he did not see any pulling of the trunks and that Titus has too big of hands to hide cheating of any kind. Tom was not impressed with the win. Matt had never seen Kalisto come out alone.
This is your life Bayley was terrible and more Raw thoughts.
Vince brought up that his only negative reaction in this week’s show was that the segment with Alexa Bliss and Bayley. The hosts talked about different negative reactions from people like Kevin Eck. Tom asks if it was inspired by the Mankind and Rock “This is your life” segment and how it was even an outdated reference in the late 1990s and it is an extremely outdated reference now. All the hosts loved how Alexa Bliss handled the “What?” chants and felt the material was poor. Matt brings up a great point that there are no table reads or rehearsal time for these things. He also talks about how when he worked as a writer on the Pete Holmes Show they would come up with ideas but getting the idea from paper to TV is not easy. Sometimes things would bomb in the studio but work on TV. Matt talks about a Saturday Night Live documentary that shows a week behind the scenes and how one sketch was killing it up until the time they did a costume rehearsal and it was dead and was canceled. WWE writers do not have these luxuries during the week, Matt thinks that when Booker T said, “this is hard to watch” it was the voice of Vince commenting on the segment through Booker. The hosts really liked Samoa Joe on Raw. The hosts agree that Bray Wyatt is good at everything on the microphone except for the content of what he is saying. He says nothing and they do not know what he is talking about. Tom’s friend who was the WWE acting coach told him that Bray was his favorite guy on the road and to talk to.
New Japan’s Best of the Super Juniors.
Matt is trying to watch everything from it in order and Vince is bouncing around. Both of them are loving it and wish they had more time to sit down and watch the whole thing.
Atsushi Onita coming to CZW.
Vince asks if anyone is excited that Onita is coming to work a show for CZW. Tom does not know who he is. Matt and Vince fill him in on how he is one of the people who started the death match format and also started FMW in Japan. They explained how FMW got huge and could sell out baseball stadiums for a period in the 1990s. Tom does not understand why it was so popular.
Extreme Rules preview.
Tom thinks that Rich Swann is given his jackets right before he goes to the ring and no one seemed to know what he was talking about. None of the hosts understand why the cruiserweight match between Austin Aries and Neville is a submission match since it will ground the high flyers. Matt thinks that cage matches with tag teams do not work when talking about the Hardy Boyz vs. Cesaro and Sheamus. Tom thinks that Vince McMahon does not want to use the Broken Hardys because he did not create the idea. Vince talks about how it is mostly because it is a legal issue trying to find out who owns the idea. The hosts talk about the kendo stick on a pole match between Bayley and Alexa Bliss. Tom thinks it would be better if the person who gets the stick is the winner. Matt does not like the concept of the match and how they play out. He thinks the person who gets the stick is the only one who can use it because usually the object will change hands a bunch of times and it makes no sense. Vince wants Goldust and R-Truth to have a spot on the show. The hosts all agree that although the event is supposed to be no rules all of the matches have extremely specific rules. Tom is looking forward to Dean Ambrose beating up Miz. Matt and Vince both want to see Samoa Joe win the Five Way match and face Brock Lesnar. They think it is a great match up.
Tom tries to do the Bray Wyatt spider walk.
In one of the early issues of We Watch Wrestling, Tom tried to do the spider walk and almost hurt himself. He feels that he has been doing enough Yoga lately and is ready to try it again. He got up on his arms a bit but could not walk. Matt brings up once he can do that Tom wanted to take a chop and then backed out. Matt says that once he spider walks he can take the chop. Tom wants no part of a chop and talks about watching videos of wrestlers like Jeff Cobb chopping a person when they wanted it and the Young Bucks superkicking a person in the face.
The hosts watch Randy Orton RKO’ing one of his stepsons.
Tom had not seen the video from over the Memorial Day weekend of RKO’ing one of his stepsons in his pool. This turns to trying to decide what Randy Orton would name his dog. The hosts think either Eric Roberts, The Pope of Greenwich Village or Eric Robarks. It was a weird part of the show to say the least.
Table for 3 with Bischoff, Cornette, and Hayes.
The hosts did not like how short it was. Vince mentioned how Cornette even brought up what happened to the rest of the footage shot. All of the hosts agreed that Michael Hayes was not very good here. He just kept trying to get the point across how happy he is that he gets to work in the WWE now. Tom says that Cornette is used to having one-way conversations and he can be unlistenable. Eric Bischoff came off as a smug jerk and a total liar to the hosts. The hosts also think that Cornette was on his best behavior during this special and toned down his comments. Vince thinks that they should show the people involved in Table for 3 ordering their food at the beginning of the show. Tom would love to watch them talking over their choices and deciding what to order.
Who is your favorite wrestler?
Tom – Dean Ambrose
Vince – Samoa Joe
Matt – Leapin’ Lanny Poffo
Score/Overall – 9/10 Totally scattered and really funny. It felt like a loose show that they seemed like they had fun recording. An extremely fun listen this week!
About Pat
Pat is a full-time nontraditional college student and a part-time guy who gives out samples at supermarkets. He is a lifelong wrestling fan and a Pro Wrestling Torch subscriber since 1996. He currently lives in Lake Ariel, PA near Scranton, PA with his wife Deanna and their dog Roxie and cat Snickers.
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