On a recent episode of the PWTorch Livecast, former WWE creative team member Kevin Eck was asked if we’ll ever see the mysterious Sister Abigail on TV. He then revealed the origins of the character, which makes a future appearance unlikely:
“From what I know about how Bray Wyatt envisioned that character, I don’t think that character is ever going to be seen, because the way Bray explained it, and I don’t think it’s ever come out on TV, he speaks in riddles, so maybe if you read in-between the lines, but Bray Wyatt was apparently a young man and Sister Abigail was an old, black woman, in I believe, the swamps of Louisiana who had some supernatural powers, and you know, the history of voodoo and such in New Orleans. I believe she took him under her wing and kind of taught him the secrets of what she knows of the dark arts and things like that.
So that’s who Sister Abigail was, or is in Bray’s mind….she’s an almost witch-like character who made him what he is and told him he’s special and he’s kind of the chosen one. So if WWE ever goes with Bray’s vision, I don’t think you’re ever going to see a physical Sister Abigail.”
For the full interview with Kevin Eck, check out the PWTorch Livecast.
Was a cool character for the first couple of years. Now any time Bray grabs the mic, I grab the remote. Been talking for years and never says anything and never wins.
Sounds like he may have been um…influenced by Stephen King’s “The Stand”. _Mother_ Abigail, an elderly, blind African American lady from the south with supernatural powers, is the main source of good in that book.
Very interesting! I read that book years ago and forgot all about that character. Thanks for the note!