Jeff Jarrett was recently interviewed by Wrestle: List and the subject of the Hardy’s Broken Universe gimmick was brought up. Here’s what he had to say about who owns it:
“I always take the high road because there is legal squabbles or potential legal squabbles but I have said this to a couple of outlets, and I say this with very broad strokes – I am from Nashville so I am around music which is intellectual property and I have been in the business 30 years. Intellectual property laws are very simple, there are two sides to it; there are publishers and the writers, then there are the performers as well. Jeff Hardy has been one of my best friends for 20 years, you can look on my social media and their social media, and we take family vacations together but business is business. So when it relates to IP it’s real simple, there is a publisher who owns the property, there is a writer who gets credit and can monetize it, then there is the performers. There is no question that Broken Matt and Brother Nero’s performances were off the charts good. But when it comes to ownership to me its almost a silly squabble, it’s never been in question. Impact are the owners.”
To check out the full interview with Jeff Jarrett, check out Wrestle: List.
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