We Watch Wrestling
Issue 197
Release Date: June 7, 2017
Recap by: Pat Radice
Top Stories:
- Extreme Rules talk
- Who is your favorite wrestler?
- Too many pay-per-views!
- Jim Cornette on Chuck Taylor
Subjects Covered(Timestamps):
0:00 – Hey….do you watch wrestling?!
2:00 – Jim Cornette bad mouths Chuck Taylor
5:12 – Extreme Rules Pre Show
11:15 – Vince McMahon is Spencer Gifts
12:20 – Hardys cage match finish
13:50 – Extreme Rules Main Event
18:00 – There are too many WWE pay per views!
32:00 – Best of the Super Juniors
37:45 – Alexa Bliss Kendo Stick on a Pole Match
42:50 – Table for 3
58:02 – AD
63:08 – Bar Wrestling is coming to CA
68:05 – AD
72:30 – Lucha Underground is back
75:00 – Who is your favorite wrestler?
Show Highlights:
Jim Cornette bad mouths Chuck Taylor
Vince brings up right away that Jim Cornette does not like Chuck Taylor and bad mouths him and the people that go to the shows he would be on. This makes Tom hate Cornette even more since Chuck Taylor is one of his favorite wrestlers. Vince and Matt talk about how Cornette does this type of stuff for attention.
Extreme Rules Pre-Show
Vince’s friend saw the Hardys on the Extreme Rules Pre Show and called them scumbags. All of the hosts agree the Hardys have that look. Tom says they are what Hot Topic would create wrestlers to look like. They discuss Jeff talking about doing a Swanton off the cage and how he kind of has to at this point. Tom brings up how Matt Hardy looks like he has life in his eyes while Jeff looks like he has given up. Matt talks about how Jeff does stuff to cheat death.
Vince McMahon is Spencer Gifts.
Matt says that Tom saying Hot Topic would make the Hardys makes him think that Vince McMahon is Spencer Gifts. The hosts started doing a Vince McMahon impressions of Vince being finding out about at all of the things in Spencer and explaining them to people. Matt said, “See it’s a birthday card but when you open it up there are boobs!” Vince followed up by saying it had attitude. A really funny segment.
Hardys Cage Match Finish
Tom says that people did not like the finish of the match but Matt points out the announcers were telegraphing it with their comments. This then leads into a discussion on how Matt was listening to Dave Meltzer and thinks him and Bryan Alvarez are miserable people because they hate on everything they watch.
Extreme Rules Main Event
Vince was very happy Samoa Joe won the four-way to be the number one contender. Tom said he loved the second half of the match and it got better as it went along. He called Roman Reigns the master of being booed at the beginning of the match, and by the end the fans are on their feet excited about the match. Vince is worried Joe is going to be fed to Lesnar and it won’t be that much of a match. Tom and Vince both think the build up to the match will be incredible and it has a chance to be great. Unlike the Goldberg vs. Lesnar matches it will be more in-ring action.
There are too many WWE pay-per-views!
The hosts try to figure out the WWE pay-per-view specials and they can’t believe that it is basically every two weeks at this point. They think it is too much in too little time, even with the brand split. They love the wrestling but it is so much to try to keep track of. This somehow turns into Tom messing up Maryse’s name and how he loves to look at women’s butts. Another really funny segment of the show. Matt then talks about how he found pictures of Jack Swagger and Maryse smoking cigarettes and how Jack Swagger got caught smoking weed while driving. Matt says that Swagger’s best moment was him in the ring with all his trophies.
Best of the Super Juniors
Vince brings up KUSHIDA winning the Best of the Super Juniors in New Japan. Matt says he has not had a chance to catch up on any of it. They discuss how there have been so many great matches during the tournament, although it has been hard to watch everything. Tom loves Bone Soldier since he calls his fans “the Bone Yard”.
Alexa Bliss Kendo Stick on a Pole Match
Vince thought if a wrestler got the stick off the pole that means they won the match. In a shocking development Tom corrected him. The hosts liked the match but they felt any “on a pole” match are not that great.
Table for 3
Vince brings up the new Table for 3 with Ric Flair, Bob Backlund, and Bruno Sammartino. Matt brings up that it is better when the people on the show know each other as it makes for better content. Vince thinks WWE is trying to put people on there who had heat with each other like Jim Cornette and Eric Bischoff and now Flair and Sammartino. The hosts then go back on talking about Cornette bad mouthing Chuck Taylor and if he knows who Taylor is. Tom mentions that Trent? jumped to Chuck’s defense quickly on Twitter.
Bar Wrestling is coming to CA
Matt and Tom are going to a wrestling event in a bar called Bar Wrestling. Joey Ryan is supposed to be in charge of the promotion. Vince says it is going to be like the bar scene in Roadhouse. Names like Brian Cage, Joey Ryan, Eli Drake, Willie Mack, Pentagon Jr, and more are scheduled to be there.
Lucha Underground is back
Vince and Matt talk about the new episodes of Lucha Underground and how they were at the tapings, but it was so long ago they did not remember some of what they saw. Vince had to leave early and he does not remember why. Matt wishes he took notes.
Who is your favorite wrestler?
Tom – Samoa Joe
Vince – Samoa Joe
Matt – Finn Balor
Score/Overall – 10/10 So many funny segments and really good discussion points on this episode. A great overall show.
About Pat
Pat is a full-time nontraditional college student and a part-time guy who gives out samples at supermarkets. He is a lifelong wrestling fan and a Pro Wrestling Torch subscriber since 1996. He currently lives in Lake Ariel, PA near Scranton, PA with his wife Deanna and their dog Roxie and cat Snickers.
For more, check out issue #196 of We Watch Wrestling.
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