MLW Radio (flagship) # 287: Court is back
Release Date: July 11, 2017
Top Stories:
- MLW’s One Shot
- Transaction Report
- WWE GBOF and Raw
- John Cena’s next career
- Impact Wrestling in Orlando
15:05 – WWE Great Balls of Fire and Raw
31:00 – WWE 2K coming to Nintendo Switch
33:15 – 4th anniversary of WWE Performance Center opening
36:20 – John Cena in the HBO Tour de Pharmacy mockumentary
43:20 – The Mayor of Orlando’s affiliation with Impact Wrestling/GFW
45:00 – Domestic incident at an airport between Alberto Del Rio and Paige
The King is back, and MSL asks him how he first came up with the idea of the MLW One Shot wrestling show. Court discussed it with Wale and Peter Rosenberg a few years ago and this fall just happened to be the first time he and Wale were available and thought the timing was right to try and put on a one night only show.
Tickets go on sale Friday, July 21st at 10 AM Eastern on MLW.com. The event will take place in Orlando, which felt right to Court after the last WaleMania, and with them being based out of Orlando and having access to a great venue this was the perfect location for the event. There will be a very cool vibe at the show, and the main event will be announced soon, which Court for right now will only say will be a singles match.
Wrestling has undergone a metamorphosis of sorts with this generation’s do-it-yourself talent, who have grown the business and made it better for the next generation to come in Court’s opinion. MSL thinks this is one of the most exciting times in the business right now and will ask Court for more info in the coming weeks
– Transaction Report:
- Lio Rush has stated that he’s headed to WWE in the next week or two. MSL asks Rich if he’s seen Rush in action, and he has at WrestleCircus a few times and WrestleFest at least once. Rich says he’s really creative and super aerial, and is excited to see how he will be integrated into WWE programming. Court agrees that he’s a fantastic performer with charisma, athleticism, and youth.
- Welsh WWE Developmental talent Nixon Newell has been diagnosed with an ACL knee injury. Court says it’s a tough injury, he’s not too familiar with her, but that she’s looking at sizable downtime.
- Dixie Carter appeared on the Kurt Angle homecoming special on the WWE Network. Court says you never say never in wrestling, but this was certainly one of the more surprising things on WWE TV.
15:05 – MSL thinks GBOF had more attention than any regular WWE pay-per-view in a long time. Court thought the lineup was a little bloated at times, but he really enjoyed the show from start to finish. A year out of the brand split, Raw has great depth. Court was impressed to see Brock give Joe as much as he did. Joe has solidified himself as a top guy on Raw very quickly, as per Court. Rich still thinks there’s money in Enzo and Cass as a tag team, and isn’t sure where WWE is going with this, as Cass isn’t the best talker and Enzo may not be a great fit as the sympathetic babyface. MSL found it odd that Enzo wasn’t wearing Air Jordans.
There was a lot of blood in the event, some of which was fake. Court doesn’t mind a little bit of color, but he wishes the Braun Strowman segment was a little shorter, and it was obvious that the blood on him was fake. He thinks WWE made Strowman look really strong coming out of it and gave fans a reason to boo Roman Reigns. A lot of people thought Roman Reigns had “boo boo face” from what MSL had been hearing.
MSL thought Samoa Joe stole another scene on Raw with the number one contender segment, and Court agrees that he has incredible fire. Next week’s match has great consequences. Court wonders what if Braun returns and rampages and accidentally nails Joe, resulting in Roman getting the win. He thinks it’s a nice way to press the pause button for Roman and Braun. MSL likes that idea a lot. Court says Joe needs something strong after working with Brock, and that this would be a fresh matchup and likely a great match.
MSL thinks Braun and Brock will happen at WrestleMania, and asks Rich what he would want to see Braun do at SummerSlam. Rich says if you’re going to hold the match to Mania you need a time filler, but he thinks Roman losing next week may give him more motivation to be desperate and go down that heel route, especially if he gets screwed. MSL then asks Court what he thought of the Mizzies and he likes Bo’s new look and says it’s good for Miz to have some heaters in Dallas and Curtis Axel, that it’s a good piece of business.
Bray Wyatt beats Seth Rollins, and asks Rich if Seth is the odd man out with everything happening on Raw. Rich was surprised to see Wyatt get a clean win on a pay-per-view, as were most. Court says that he needs heat. Wyatt hasn’t done anything all that detestable in forever according to Rich. Court says that you can get it without blood, and that WWE should have stuck with the babyface run when they teased it. It’s weird to Court that Seth isn’t being featured in a big way, especially after being revealed as the 2K cover.
MSL says WWE also gave us something to look forward to next week with the Kurt Angle scandal, so there will be two big things paying off next week. With three hours each week there’s no reason not to set something up for the following week. He asks Court and Rich what they think the scandal might be. Court says it implies that there’s a romantic situation and people have joked about the HHH/Stephanie/Kurt angle, which he doesn’t think will be the case. He feels the best way to pull it off is by introducing a new character.
The guys talk a little bit about the possibility of Dixie Carter appearing on Raw, and discuss her appearance during the Kurt Angle documentary, but I’m not spending any time on this because I think it’s just ridiculous!
31:00 – WWE2K will be the first game on a Nintendo system in over 5 years. The Switch has been one of Court’s favorite video game systems in a long time. He says it’s great on the big screen and great on the go, and thinks it’s a great addition to the library that’s coming out later this year and Kurt Angle is the pre-order character. MSL knows that Rich isn’t a gamer, but Rich said his interest died off when his PS3 died. He would like to get a PS4, but can’t justify spending that much money on a video game system. He would still play 2K.
33:15 – It’s the 4th anniversary of the opening of the Performance Center. MSL asks Rich what it’s like. Rich explains the layout of the complex and all of the tools up-and-coming WWE performers have access to.
36:20 – John Cena is in the new HBO Tour de Pharmacy mockumentary. Court saw it this past weekend and said that Cena stole every scene and was very funny. Cena is clearly branching out in the next phase of his career and Court thought that this mockumentary was much better than the tennis one and Cena is fantastic. Court thinks Cena has been getting very good (not starring) roles in the projects he’s been involved in, and being selective starting with smaller spots like the Rock did before him is a smart move for his career long-term, which should lead to other things. He was a great get for SNL and should have a big WWE summer run. He mentions Cena’s upcoming flag match with Rusev at Battleground, a stipulation that no one understands.
43:20 – The Mayor of Orlando is affiliated with Impact Wrestling, as he declared Impact Wrestling Day in the City of Orlando at Universal Studios. Rich says good for Impact branching out and trying different things to let people know that they’re in Orlando and try to build some local support and grow the brand a little bit.
45:00 – Incident at the airport with Alberto Del Rio and Paige, who apparently had a disagreement. Court doesn’t have any thoughts on this, and all he has to say is that it’s concerning and doesn’t know where it takes everyone. It’s clear that none of these guys want to touch this situation with a ten foot pole and I can’t blame them. I, for one, have heard enough about Alberto Del Rio and Paige over the last several months.
Rating – 8 out of 10. The King is back on his throne and proves why he’s the key talent behind this show. It’s incredible how just having Court back on the show makes it infinitely more enjoyable to consume. His wealth of knowledge of the business is unparalleled in my opinion, and he’s entertaining. Welcome back, King!
About the Author:
Desman (@Desman6) has been an avid wrestling fan going back to the very first WrestleMania and has attended four WrestleManias during his tenure as a WWE Shop card-carrying member of the WWE Universe. A financial professional by day, he spends his nights and weekends with his wife, rescue dog, and 2 rescue cats, watching WWE programming and listening to a number of wrestling-related podcasts. His true passions are food, film, and fights and he is forever fascinated by the business of professional wrestling.
For more, check out last week’s recap of MLW.
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