Jinder Mahal was recently interviewed by QCOnline and talked about a variety of subjects to promote an appearance in Moline. Here are some of the highlights:
Mahal’s thoughts on Randy Orton:
“He’s an incredible performer, 13 times champion. Randy is there to ultimately take the WWE championship away from me. It’s my duty to ensure I walk out of Moline the WWE champion.”
Wrestling The Great Khali in India:
“It was amazing; we had over 60,000 people. It was a great reception. … The fans were very passionate, very proud.”
His current character and inspiring others:
“Basically I am the grand king; in my mindset I believe I’m above everybody. I just want to inspire the next generation, whatever culture. I want them to believe anything is possible, as the first WWE Indian champion. It takes a lot of hard work.”
Why he was let go from WWE:
“I wasn’t very focused; I regained my focus, regained my drive, a second chance. After coming back, 10 months later I became champion.”
For the full interview with Jinder Mahal, check out QCOnline.com.
Also check out Mahal’s thoughts on the Punjabi Prison match and someday becoming a WWE Hall-of-Famer.
The crew of three man band should have a photo pasted at the door to the training center with a sign saying ‘Never Give Up’. 3 clowns, 2 of them let go and now they are the World Champion, the NXT Champion and a former tag team champ who is the go-to guy for any skit WWE wants to pull off.