Charlotte Flair was a recent guest on 107.7 The Bone with Baby Huey and Bimbo Jimbo, and talked about a variety of WWE subjects. Here are some of the highlights they sent along:
On now being able to understand why it was so hard for her dad to leave wrestling:
“In 2007 when he retired I couldn’t understand why he couldn’t walk away. I just didn’t get it. Now being in the industry and living for that next match and that moment, and walking through the curtain, and hearing the audience and the rush and the adrenaline and being in the main event, I get it now. I didn’t get it in 07, and I feel bad for not understanding, or being more sympathetic to what he was going through.”
On not feeling ready when she first won the Divas championship:
“I’ve actually come into my own on the main roster. A lot of people find themselves in NXT. I think I found myself on the main roster…I have grown into this larger than life Queen Charlotte character. So, when I won the Divas title I obviously had not even evolved into what I am today. I just remember watching Nikki come through the curtain I did not feel ready. I was nervous. Here I was this generic baby face, and I just could not understand why I could not get the audience to relate to me. So, going through that and turning into a bad guy when I won the title at Wrestlemania 32 I did feel ready then.”
On writing that Sasha Banks was “angry” that she (Charlotte) won the Divas championship from Nikki Bella and not her:
“Not being as popular as Sasha at the time. She’s one of the greatest performers today. She will go down as one of the greatest female wrestlers of all time. I don’t want to say that necessarily that Sasha was mad, but Sasha is that competitive. That’s why she brings out the best in me and I bring out the best in her is because she wants to be the best and I want to be the best. At that time if I was to put myself in Sasha’s shoes: she had just come off Brooklyn against Bayley. One of the greatest matches. She probably in her mind thought “why isn’t the title going to me?” I can’t blame her for that. I just think it was hard for me knowing that I wish people could be more understanding that I needed the title to make me, and she didn’t.”
On Bayley having to deal with boos despite being a face:
“One thing I know about Bayley is this is what she’s wanted to do her whole life, and just because the audience is disagreeing with her character…or however you want to look at it. It won’t define her down the road, if anything it will make her stronger and her character stronger because she’ll have to evolve.”
If she is interested in a woman’s Royal Rumble match:
“If we have enough women absolutely. I think that would be great. I think that would be exciting. It’s just a matter of having enough women.”
If she would like to be Ronda Rousey’s first opponent in WWE:
“Absolutely! For sure, and I think it’s great she was around the Mae Young Classic whether she’s interested in coming to WWE or not. It just creates buzz for the women’s division, and any time there’s more eyes outside of our regular audience that’s put on the women’s division is great.”
For the full interview, check out The Bone with Baby Huey and Bimbo Jimbo.
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