The Steve Austin Show-Unleashed
Guest: David Clark
Release Date: September 28th, 2017
Recap by: Kasey Malone
Run Time: 1:09:02
Top Newsworthy Items
-David has tried to set up a fight with CM Punk
Podcast Introduction
Austin welcomes the listeners. He starts talking about his black lab; Cali. She has become his sidekick. She always goes with him for his workouts and to record the podcasts. He talks about Cali having a tapeworm and he shoots on the tapeworm. He starts promoting the Broken Skull Challenge.
Austin tells a story about him and Diamond Dallas Page living together. His DDP story leads into him promoting his guest for the show; David Clark. He previously had Clark on the family friendly show on Tuesday, September 26th, 2017. He plus David’s book again and lets us know it is available on audible.com. He gives us an update on his weight and diet; he is planning a podcast over his keto diet very soon. He promotes David and his book by comparing it to his diet.
Interview with David Clark Part 1
Austin starts off by saying they are going to talk about Ultramarathoning. He asks David about preparing for those long runs; foot wear, food, liquid, and anything else. David says there is really no set way to prepare but he compares it to training for a car wreck. He says there is no way to know exactly what happens until you are out there doing it. He uses his running of Leadville seven times and every single one being different. He says there is always an expectation of failure there. He says that it is not all mental or physical but it’s all spiritual because you fail physically and will lose yourself mentally, and the spiritual part will carry you to the finish.
They start talking about finding a nutrition that works for you and being okay with it not always working for you. David says he has found that pure water, salt tablets, and a combination of five foods to get him to 200 calories an hour.
Austin goes back to not always finishing a race, even if you have finished it before. This leads him to asking about a breakdown David had with one of his races. David talks about 2015 Badwater. He had set a record and finished several races in 2013-14. He wanted to start winning and not just finishing. After he started getting better finishes, he had two massive “Did not finish” in a row.
Heading 2015 Badwater, David kept falling down to the ground and had lost ten pounds in the span of a few hours. His demons kept telling him he couldn’t make it. He had agreed to quit, but wanted to keep going until he could get a respectable distance. He started hallucinating while out there. He was told by the director to quit, but he told him he was going to keep running. He rallied, but after a good point, he started breaking down. David said he did finish and it was his fastest time there ever, but he was so out of it that he didn’t even know if it was real or not. He was able to finish once he eliminated quitting.
Austin asks him about how a runner gets into being able to run the Badwater race. David said no one really knows how anyone is selected, but goes through some of the things they look for. They talk about which race is worse; Badwater or Leadville. David talks about Badwater being a race against heat and Leadville being against altitude. They then go into the recovery process after a race. David talks about how being able to recover has been his biggest asset. He can stack big races back to back.
Austin and David discuss how getting older can cause performance to go down, but David says even a worse finish doesn’t take from the experience. David starts talking about time, and how we need to live in the present because our past is an illusion and tomorrow is a promise that we never get to fulfill. We have to accept what we can do now and be okay with what we can do in the now that is to come. He goes on to to discuss finding love in whatever you do and being happy with whatever you do.
Interview with David Clark Part 2
They come back and start talking about MMA and how David would watch a lot of fights in the bar. This lead to Austin asking him about what kind of drunk he was. David says he was mostly a happy drunk, but would sometime get into bar fights. They talk about his journey into MMA and how that’s going. David discusses how he has been able to find happiness in it, even if he never gets to have an actual fight. He goes into the process and how it’s been trying to learn the different disciplines.
David said he is more fluent as a striker and jokes about how he would enjoy 45 minute rounds because he is okay with being gassed but most fighters are not. He says the grappling is the hardest on his body. He has tried to get CM Punk to fight him, but he knows why they haven’t. He talks about how if they could fight they could use it to inspire.
Austin asks him about getting into Buddhism. David calls it more of a practice instead of a religion. He says it’s really a practice of life and learning how to let go. He talks about using Buddhism to improve in the other areas of his life. He goes into his divorce and how learning to let go helped him get through it. He said he was mourning the loss of a future that was never meant to be; and Buddhism taught him nothing is permanent. Austin asks him about how to practice it and they go into a discussion of it.
Austin asks David about athletic lifestyle and how it seems addicts are attracted to it. David discusses the stereotypes of the fighter; their backgrounds and such. He says people want to put themselves into hard situations and see how they respond and that’s what draws addicts to it.
Austin asks David to promote his website, Twitter, and Instagram. They discuss the book some more and how his story could connect to a lot of different people. They then promote his upcoming races.
Podcast Closing
Austin promotes Broken Skull Challenge and says that it’s his something to watch. He promotes his beer and his knives. He thanks his sponsors again and plugs the Podcast One app. He gives out his own social media and signs off.
Memorable Quotes:
-“Now is always enough.” David speaking on time
Score and Review (4/10):
This was another strange podcast episode. This part was much better and easier to follow than the one on Tuesday, but the content was still about the same level. David is a very smart man with an incredible story, but it’s really difficult to sit through multiple episodes of it. If you have listened to the first part and are like me and like to see things to completion, you’ll probably like this one more than the last, but if you didn’t like the first one please do not sit through this one. This is an episode worth skipping if you want to hear wrestling content or don’t have time to sit through multiple episodes.
00:00: Sponsor Ads
02:01: Podcast Introduction & Sponsor Ads
14:53: Interview with David Clark Part 1
40:42: Sponsor Ads
42:20: Interview with David Clark Part 2
1:04:27: Podcast Closing
Kasey Malone is a lifelong wrestling fan who got introduce to the business during the Attitude Era and the Monday Night Wars. Malone started producing and co-hosting a podcast called Figure 4 Fallout in 2012 during his freshmen year of college; you can still hear Malone and his buddies discuss various topics every week live on Tuesday nights by going to inside.ucumberlands.edu/wccr or by downloading it on iTunes and various other podcast apps on Wednesday. Malone has also appeared on the WWE Network show Edge and Christian’s Show that Totally Reeks of Awesomeness; episode 7-TLC. You can reach Malone on twitter @TheKaseyMalone.
For more, check out part one of the David Clark interview with Steve Austin.
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