Jonathan Coachman appeared this week on the Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling and discussed his recent departure from ESPN and interest in getting involved once again in WWE:
“It just got to a point at ESPN where they didn’t want to embrace my background in WWE. They want to have their toe in the water, but they don’t want to have both feet I and that becomes very, very frustrating. So I started watching again intently and to keep my skills sharp, I started a show on Periscope and Twitter every single day. It’s just 30 minutes talking about three or four different topics and depending on the day depends what we talk about. So I watch Raw every week, I watch Smackdown, and I think there’s a part of me now that I’m free and no longer under contract… When you’re at ESPN, they own you and they tell you what you can and cannot do. And I miss performing outside of the studio. I don’t know if I’ll ever go back there, I don’t know if I’ll ever do anything with them again, but I want to have the freedom to do it. So certainly I’ve started watching it again a lot lately just so if, for some reason I’m called upon, then I’m ready to go.”
Rush’s Analysis: For Coachman to be so blunt in basically saying “I’m watching WWE’s product regularly because I’m interested in a job with them” has me thinking we will probably see him in a role on Raw or Smackdown again soon. His years at ESPN raised his profile on a national level and, barring some crazy contract demands, I think WWE would be dropping the ball not to bring him back in the fold.
I always enjoyed Coachman during his time in wrestling, though I did feel he became overexposed at times. His departure for ESPN had a “greener pastures” feel which left the wrestling fan in me feeling somewhat jilted, so it’s great to hear that he never stopped being a fan and even pushed for more wrestling content on ESPN.
To check out the full interview, visit the Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling.
Please credit PWPodcasts when using any part of this transcription.
I’d love to see a story-line where Coachman and Sexton join together to fight back against all the bullying crap they’ve both endured over the years. It could let WWE lean into the current sexual harassment outcry without doing the sex part but use bullying.