On the most recent episode of the Triple Threat Podcast, Shane Douglas talked about the rumors of Bam Bam Bigelow entering the WWE Hall of Fame this year. Here’s what he had to say:
If Bam Bam Bigelow is selected to enter the WWE Hall of Fame, would Shane induct his former Triple Threat stable partner:
“Out of the uber respect that I have for Scott (Bam Bam) and certainly his family I’d be honored to induct him into the Hall of Fame. I am certainly capable of putting aside my feelings and it wouldn’t be about the WWE or the Hall of Fame it would be about my friend Scott. That said, I don’t believe that is ever going to happen. I think there is a better chance that the proverbial snowball could survive hell before that could happen but if that call did come I would certainly be honored to induct Scott into the Hall of Fame and my personal feelings about the “Hall” are irrelevant at that point and would have nothing to do with it. Bam Bam Bigelow truly deserves to be in the Hall of Fame and if that call would come I’d be honored to do it but I don’t think it is going to come. I think there is a much greater likelihood that Vince would look elsewhere but I am honored that the fans would want to consider that I should be the one to induct him.”
How would Bam Bam feel about how the Hall of Fame inductees are selected:
“I think on the surface of that question that Scott would be much along the lines that I am. But I also think that Scott and if I can be so bold as to take a stab at this and that is if Scott is sitting someplace and looking down and seeing where it is today that he would be honored and humbled to let his kids see him be inducted into the Hall of Fame and I’d have to honor that.”
“Bam Bam because of his sheer size and being a little bit older than me was kind of like my big brother and Chris Candido was like my little brother. The three of us were literally like three brothers and I think he would be honored by the fact to be recognized and to have achieved that level that I don’t think that Scott ever saw himself in that way as a top tier guy. I think that is why we all got along so well. None of us ever counted ourselves as being in the class with those guys above us because those guys were great and were legends and were draws and we were just trying to learn and come up behind them. So I think Scott would be eternally humbled by being inducted into the Hall of Fame.”
Does he think that Vince McMahon would put his feelings aside extend an invite to The Franchise:
“I think it is wishful thinking in the fan’s heads that Vince would do that. Vince and I don’t get along very well in case anyone doesn’t know that or hasn’t realized that by now. I am just hopeful that the rumors we are hearing are valid and that Scott is inducted and if for nothing else for his kids (Shane, Colton and Ricci) to see their father be inducted into that Hall of Fame because he adored his kids and as much as I love my boys, he adored his kids. After all these years of not having their father I would love for them to be able to experience what Bam Bam Bigelow brought to the ring and what their father brought to the ring and that is probably the best way I can put it.”
For the full show, check out The Triple Threat Podcast.
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