Edge & Christian’s Pod of Awesomeness Recap
with Guests, The Hardys
Recap By: Jeff Indelicato
“For The Benefit of Those with No Time” (Top Stories)
- Matt goes in and out of being Woken throughout the interview.
- Christian believes that the No Mercy 99 match was when they went from WWE Wrestlers to WWE Superstars.
- The teams actually pitched the “Best of 7” series to Vince as a way to showcase what they could do.
- All men agree that Jeff’s Swanton Bomb is one of the most painful moves to take.
- One of Jeff’s goals is to one day compete in Hell in a Cell.
“5 Second Pose of Timestamps”
0:00: Show Introduction
12:00: Sponsored Ads
15:00: Interview with The Hardys
28:00: The Beginning of their first feud/Michael Hayes
45:00: The Dudleys/Swanton Bomb
1:06:00: Future Goals
1:16:00: Thanks and Close
“You Think You Know Them” (Recap)
Show Introduction 0:00-12:00
E & C are in New Orleans this week for WrestleMania. Edge then talks about how big Mania has gotten, from all of the events to even the transition from arenas to stadiums. This year has a solid card and both men are looking forward to watching the show. They note that this is a shorter show, so let’s jump right in to the interview with The Hardys.
Sponsored Ads 12:00-15:00
Interview with The Hardys 15:00-1:16:00
We return from the break with an introduction to Woken Matt Hardy, talking out how he doesn’t sleep, he dreams. E & C ask about the Hardy Compound, which is still being cleaned up by Senor Benjamin, since it was destroyed during the Ultimate Deletion. E & C can barely keep it together during this portion.
The teams talk about the belief that none of their careers would have been nearly as successful without each other, and the legendary feuds that they had together. They shared some special moments and built a strong bond that lasts to this day. The fact that fans are still talking about all of those matches 20 years later means something to all of them, and it’s a great feeling. All of a sudden, Matt Hardy is back, as reliving powerful moments suppresses his condition.
Christian believes that the first tag team ladder match between the two at No Mercy 1999 was when they went from WWE Wrestlers to WWE Superstars, which all of them agree with. Honestly, they’ve always been friends, and remember hitting it off as soon as they first met.
Edge brings up their recent interview with Jim Ross, and the story about the bonus checks that the two teams received, based on their hard work during a house show circuit. They were four guys that were huge wrestling fans who wanted to be wrestlers, and when it happened, they bonded. In fact, they would work out together, eat together, and sometimes even travel together. Edge remarks how you can’t manufacture that type of passion.
The true showcase of what they could do was the “Best of 7” series of matches that culminated in the No Mercy tag match. In fact, they were the ones who initially pitched this story to Vince as a way to prove what they could do.
When the time came for the No Mercy match, all of them agreed to go to Stanford a few days earlier in order to lay out the match and do some prep work. Unfortunately, Edge got stuck in Miami because of a hurricane. He had to rent a car, drive to Tampa, catch a flight to Cleveland, and then go from there. The office had told them that the finish would end up either being a win for the Hardys, or one with E & C winning, or one with The Hardys winning after Christian turned on Edge. Thankfully that last option did not go through, and the WWE made the right decision in having the Hardys win. That loss became the genesis of what would eventually lead to E & C’s heel turn, which was great for the team. Overall, that match was something special, and they remember receiving reactions that they had never gotten before.
We then hear about the Hardys time with Michael Hayes, who was their manager for a short time in 1999. When they were initially put together, Hayes wanted all three of them to dress alike, and be like the next version of the Fabulous Freebirds. He suggested getting skintight jeans and boots. Jeff then brought up the ideas of possibly modernizing that choice, so they went to a Hot Topic, and picked out the clothes that you would eventually see on TV. Hayes’ response? “I love it! You got my size.”
Talk moves into how the feud really evolved when the Dudleys entered the scene. Edge notes how with all three teams having different styles and personalities, that it led to them covering all demographics. As some may remember, it was the Hardys who worked Bubba and D-Von first, which included their match at Royal Rumble 2000. It was special because it was at Madison Square Garden, but the teams were told right before the match that it had been cut by five minutes, so it led to a lack of selling. Either way, it was a good match, which led to a special swanton bomb onto Bubba.
Speaking of swantons, Edge remembers Karl Anderson talking about how it’s the worst move he’s taken, because it’s so painful. The Rated R Superstar could agree with that, reminiscing about taking the move at WrestleMania 23 and describing it as the worst pain he’d ever experienced in his life. There was a time though when it used to be not so painful. Jeff humorously talks about how he used to protect his opponent more in the beginning, until he hurt his back. Now he protects himself first.
All four men have been in some crazy matches; however they don’t overthink the situation, because that can lead to injury. Matt notes that he’s had some fear, which has kept in safe, while Jeff has been fearless. Looking back at some of those matches, it is amazing that the teams did not get seriously hurt, and they realize that now. Of course, if they hadn’t competed in those matches, they still believe that they wouldn’t be where they are now, as with The Rock and Stone Cold wrestling at the top, the teams had to find a way to stand out.
Speaking of being fearless, it’s here where Jeff mentions that he’d like to do one thing that he has never done, and that’s compete in a Hell in a Cell match. Creatively, he tries to think of different things that he could do in that match. It’s hard to believe that Jeff has never been involved in one, so it’d be interesting to see if he ever gets the chance to go down that path.
Talk moves into how they are older now, and all of them have kids. Woken Matt has returned, and speaks of how King Maxel is the greatest soul known to mankind. As he continues to talk, Edge breaks again, and loves how entertaining this podcast has been.
As for where the Hardys go from here, it is not just one goal, but one great war, according to Woken Matt. There will be more deletions, and he will create two thrones at the compound to be used by the one superstar that is rated R, and Christian. Jeff will continue to use his creativity and see where his character can go from here. Edge wishes he could walk around in Jeff’s brain for just one day.
E & C then thank their guests, and welcome them back for a future episode.
Close 1:16:00-1:18:00
The boys close out the show, and once again thank the Hardys. They know that the discussion was a little rushed and quick, and will have Matt and Jeff on again in the future. They then advise fans to follow the show on Twitter @EandCPod, E-Mail them at ecpodofawesomeness@gmail.com, and call their Voicemail at 929-367-8204.
Jeff’s Take: 7 Kazoos out of 10
This was a good episode, and entertaining, but as both men admitted, the chat barely scratched the surface with regards to substance. As always, Matt is fabulous in his Woken character, but it was also nice to see him break away from it for a while as well. Feel free to follow me on Twitter @the_Indel or send me an email at indelpw@gmail.com. See you next week!
About the Author
Jeff has been a fan of professional wrestling since he was knee high to a grasshopper (little kid), after coming across the Wrestling Challenge episode after WrestleMania 7, and has not looked back. His passion has led him to winning wrestling trivia contests in his city, and even won him his Senior Talent Show by dancing to Shawn Michaels theme song. When not annoying others with wrestling talk, he loves spending time with his family and friends, and focuses on his other passion: movies.
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