Killing the Town
Release Date: May 29, 2018
Recap By: Dust
Lazenby finally turns up while Lance is on ‘hiatus’ – the reason for which is revealed in this episode.
Lazenby is busy the last week of May with an interview with Chris Jericho.
Cyrus complains of being busy.
Lazenby is also busy with a new project “Paper Champions” webseries.
Lazenby then goes straight to the point about Sami Callihan unplanned hard-waying Cyrus on tv.
Lazenby and Sami Callihan are in a Twitter war, Lazenby wonders if Callihan is really crazy and wants to challenge Lazenby to a shoot fight.
Cyrus says Callihan is ‘a little off’ like Piper and Pillman. Cyrus says that Callihan draws money and is one of the few heels who have heat. Callihan doesn’t listen to instructions. The incident with Eddie Edwards propelled Callihan to fame with Ric Flair calling Kevin Sullivan to blackball Callihan in the business.
Cyrus doesn’t want to talk too much about the incident but there were ‘unplanned’ elements and ‘heated words’. Cyrus says he wouldn’t job to Callihan as shown on TV. Callihan behaves like Bret Hart, turning up late. Cyrus says that Callihan calls audibles without actually calling them.
Callihan draws money even though he’s a menace and basically a psychopath– so Cyrus won’t fire him.
Lazenby says that Eddie Edwards might have permanent visual damage because of the orbital break.
Lazenby is looking at the Jericho cruise guest list to make sure Callihan isn’t on it. His beef with Disco Inferno is nothing compared to his against Callihan. PS Lazenby is a shoot fighter, former bouncer. Lazenby is worried that Callihan is legitimately crazy. Cyrus confirms that Callihan is unpredictable and goes to business for himself because it’s made him famous.
Cyrus says that when his phone rings at night he assumes its Callihan. Callihan is a great wrestler but he is trouble. Cyrus is going to tell Jericho not to have Callihan on the cruise under any circumstances even though Jericho is impressed with Cyrus. Callihan is crazy and self-destructive.
Lazenby says that you always sacrifice your own safety before the safety of your opponent and Cyrus doesn’t have this mentality. Cyrus says Eddie Edwards has changed his style as a result of his injury. No one wants to work with Edwards anymore because his style has changed to being much more of a brawler (Steve Austin?). Cyrus can’t control Callihan anymore.
Lazenby talks up Impact and compares it to the territory system, including wild behavior on the road.
Callihan and his clique cause plenty of trouble on the road, including have to switch hotels. Callihan stays at a different hotel to the rest of the wrestlers and management because of previous issues.
Cyrus jokes about murdering Lance. They’re in contact.
Reading between the lines – Callihan is the issue over which Lance is on ‘hiatus’.
Cyrus discusses the ‘dark triad’ of psychopathy, narcissism and Machiavellian tendencies. Cyrus basically calls Callihan a psychopath.
Cyrus took an online test, Dark Triad Test. Cyrus isn’t a psychopath because he has empathy (for animals, very little empathy for people). They joke about each other’s empathy, narcissism and Machiavellian tendencies (97% for Cyrus). Lance called Cyrus a high functioning sociopath and Lazenby agrees.
Cyrus discusses Omega vs. Okada and Jericho vs Naito
Lazenby laughs about Jericho swearing all the time in Japan which he couldn’t in WWE.
Cyrus says that Naito likes to joke. Cyrus says that the young boys are petrified of Jericho and Naito is also a little bit scared.
Jericho is a pure heel in Japan, doesn’t give a damn.
Lazenby says that Jericho heel is a real side of Jericho and that he actually can behave in that way. There is an edgy and hard side to Jericho. They recount anecdotes about Jericho not giving a shit in Japan.
Jericho even stiffed Cyrus.
They talk about Lance giving a receipt to Cyrus and being stiff despite Lance usually being very light. Cyrus says he could beat up Lance or Raven. Lazenby suggests a liver shot to Raven to take him down.
They joke about Raven’s comedy attempts and pro wrestlers in general. Professional comedians are angry about wrestlers trying to do stand up. Cyrus is hard to pop. Cyrus props a little person comedian Brad Williams on the cruise and an ice sculptor.
Lazenby is in Deadpool 2 and check out When We Were Bouncers.
Cyrus props a Sheraton Hilton toilet in Toronto and a blog which I can’t find so sorry.
They discuss Cyrus’ elitist status on flights.
Score: 8 – the shoot on Callihan is good.
About Dust
Not an Attitude Era fan, watches old wrestling but likes Nakamura/Styles/Kevin Owens, listens to too many podcasts. @twitdust
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