Killing the Town
Release date: 7.31.2018
Recap By: Dust
Here comes Patreon!
Boys go straight intoA shoot- work mode.
Lazenby is security for the stars according to Konnan.
They lay into Disco, joking about a ‘personal’ problem involving penicillin.
Konnan wants the Young Bucks to bleed.
It's official – #YoungBucks are going toe to toe against #LAX in another @ringofhonor Wrestling vs. @IMPACTWRESTLING match up! Don't miss your chance to see this legendary match, hop on board The Ship of Jericho! https://t.co/Sb1g2fWVVY pic.twitter.com/jhOBFWbxFg
— Chris Jericho Cruise (@jericho_cruise) July 30, 2018
Young Bucks vs. LAX on the Jericho Cruise.
Cyrus wants a Patreon site for the podcast but also wants Lance Storm to do all the work…
Cyrus puts Lance over as a trainer.
Lazenby talks about a Defy Wrestling show and him telling a young female wrestler that she should head to Lance’s school if she wants to improve her skills because there is a guarantee of zero ‘creepiness’.
They laugh about Lance being the ideal trainer for Cyrus’ potential daughter if she was to ever become a wrestler.
Cyrus puts over Slammiversary being regarded as one of the best shows of the year on the internet. Cyrus talks about Sami Callihan vs Pentagon.
Lazenby talks about his TV career and friends, being busy last week.
They joke about how horrible Cyrus looked in make-up during Slammiversary and Cyrus being hired by Konnan as an ‘exotico’.
They discuss the three recent deaths, Nikolai Volkoff, Brian Christopher and Brickhouse Brown.
Lazenby talks about his memories of the wrestlers.
Cyrus shows his respect, growing up watching Volkoff.
They talk about a surprise during the 350 Days film showing… Not going to spoil it. You might get a prize from Lazenby.
350 Days will be going into full distribution soon.
Bulldog Dog Brown is in the film… somewhere.
Cyrus jokes about going for the Bulldog Dog Brown look for his whole life. Always looking old.
Cyrus talks about Ed Langley who trained Lance and Jericho.
Cyrus prefers animals to people
They move on to how Scarlett Bordeaux is going to perform in the business.
Then they talk about how WWE is changing its depiction of women – not trying to objectify women.
Lazenby says that Scarlett is an extremely sexy woman going against the mores of the day. Compares her to Adrian Adonis.
Lazenby shoots on PC. Scarlett isn’t going to be ‘hot-shamed’.
Cyrus says he doesn’t watch anything, now he believes that Bischoff also didn’t have time to watch WWE, according to his claims.
Lazenby says he isn’t Cyrus’ yes man despite people busting his balls on the internet over this [LIKE ME].
Then there is a joke about Cyrus working on being more orange than Trump.
Lazenby says that when Trevor Lee says he is an Impact star instead of a PWG star – it gets him over instead of getting him heat with the PWG audience.
They start talking about social media pics and horrible mascara – sexual joking… for a while, including about Cyrus visiting gay bars, pretending to be Bruce Prichard in the name of Chris Jericho.
Talk about t-shirts and Cyrus jokes about why jobbers have t-shirt shops. Cyrus says he wouldn’t have a store. Lazenby used to sell t-shirts on the other hand but he isn’t opening a store because of social media.
If you get a Don Callis tattoo, he will pay for it.
Then they move into the field of surgery and tattoos and Australian fans (Bird Flu man?).
After ads, Cyrus says it has been a sad week in wrestling despite WWE and Impact doing good. The Jericho Cruise and Impact vs ROH is going to be huge. Lazenby is going to have his head a swivel to watch for Sami Callihan on the Jericho Cruise. Unwashed crazy Callihan with his baseball bat facing the police.
LAX vs the Young Bucks is going to be a dream match according to Cyrus – LAX is scary… and there might be crimson masks on the boat.
They agree that it’s a great time to be in wrestling.
Lazenby says that Kenny is the best wrestler in world. Also the Young Bucks will have to street fight for the fast time.
They start the plugs.
Lazenby is a huge fan of Judge Dredd… [Now I like him even more]
He might turn up in the Netflix series.
Score: 7 – Not much wrestling content, two dudes joking about.
About Dust
Not an Attitude Era fan, watches old wrestling but likes Nakamura/Styles/Kevin Owens, listens to too many podcasts. @twitdust
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