Steve Austin Show – ‘The El Paso Kid’ – Gregory Iron
Release Date: October 17, 2018
Running Time: 1:23:00
Recap By: Joe Aguinaldo
Show Open:
- Austin talks about the 2003 Ford Focus. He wants to put about 25 miles on it to see if he can clear up the catalytic converter and pass the smog test. He still needs to get his 2018 stickers.
- Once he gets the car up and running, he’s going to low ride that car through the mean streets of Los Angales and start fighting crime again with Cali and Moolah.
- Austin also took some online fighting classes and even called Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar to get some pointers so Steve is ready to start cleaning up the streets of LA.
Gregory Iron
- Steve welcomes Gregory Iron to 317 Gimmick St. He and Greg have been cutting promos back and forth via voicemail.
- Greg is in LA working for Championship wrestling working their monthly TV taping. Championship wrestling used to be affiliated with NWA.
- Originally any indie promotion could at a few and affiliate themselves with NWA but when Billy Corgan bought the brand he got rid of all of that.
All In
- Greg had a lot of friends at All-In and was happy for them. He never thought it would be possible for independent wrestlers to make money and profit but All in showed independent wrestling is doing well.
- Crowd never tried to hijack the show at All-In. Greg feels when a crowd does try to do that, it makes for good TV but makes it harder for the guys. Calling a match in the ring and improvising is a lost art. Those scenarios make performers have to step up their game to react better to what the crowd is giving them
- Austin says sometimes crowds chant this is awesome but there’s nothing awesome going on. Iron says the barometer for what is awesome has dropped (hallelujah on that).
- Iron says indie wrestling isn’t competition for WWE but it’s made its mark
- Austin said the All-In crowd was hot to see indie wrestling. It was an organic crowd and he loved their infectious enthusiasm
- Iron says those fans are the most diehard fans who knew they were part of history. He thinks there will be an All-In 2.
What Greg is Doing
- Iron is 32 and feels good mentally and physically. He’s been in the business for 12 years but always wants to be part of it in some way.
- He feels like he’s always had a better wrestling mind versus wrestling body because of his cerebral palsy
- He’s written some TV for local TV stations and knows how to build a card, time out a show and would love an opportunity to write and produce on a bigger scale.
- Iron has been up in Canada working for Alpha One Wrestling which is one of his favorite wrestling promotions. He tags with Anthony Green and they call themselves Cooler House (Full House represent). They were supposed to be heels but when they came out to the Fuller House theme song the crowd turned them face.
- Iron recently had one of his favorite matches with a guy named Josh Alexander. They have really good chemistry. Iron says he is one of the best wrestlers around.
- Iron is also working for a promotion called Old Wrestling. It’s a promotion based on the 1930s. Everyone that works there modifies their character to adapt to what they would be in the 1930s. In Iron’s case, he looked like a guy who should be from El Paso so he got a sombrero and is calling himself the El Paso Kid.
- The last show he worked there was based on a match Steve Austin had against Jake Roberts. Iron used that match as the basis of his match in front of a bunch of kids and it went over well. It was one of the easiest matches he had ever done (26:40 into the podcast).
- Iron recently worked a match with Brian Pillman Jr. (29:20 into the podcast). He was a big fan of Pillman Sr who was a big influence on Iron’s heel character. They worked a respect storyline where Pillman Jr felt Iron didn’t belong in the business. Iron led the match with Pillman Jr. working heel for only the second time. At one point in the match, Pillman Jr. tried to beg off and offered to shake Iron’s hand but had his fingers crossed behind his back (which is something Pillman Sr. would do).
- Iron’s finishing move is called handicapped parking. He feels it’s a different time and wears a lot of handicapped symbols on his gear. People look at it as a negative thing but Iron wants to change people’s mindsets about things. He may be disabled but that doesn’t define him. Putting the handicapped symbol is empowering for him. It is who he is and it also shows you can do anything you want if you put your mind to it.
Motivational Speaking
- Iron is doing motivational speaking and group workshops. He might have a big speaking gig at Chicago University but it’s also a little intimidating because it’s at a big conference hall and he would be speaking solo as opposed to with Zack Gowan.
Working with David Arquette
- Iron found out he and RJ City will be teaming with David Arquette on November 24th.
- Iron thinks Arquette gets too much flack for wanting to be in wrestling. You can tell Arquette genuinely loves wrestling and how can you not respect that?
- Regarding Arquette’s WCW title reign, at the very least it gave Nitro national exposure for a few weeks
- Arquette wants to prove he’s a fan and is even training and travelling on the road. Also, Iron said all the money Arquette makes goes to charity.
Favorite places to work
- Iron has been spending his time in Canada with the Alpha One promotion. Even though they are smaller crowds, he likes working them.
- Old Wrestling also runs a tight show where everything makes sense and everything matters.
- Chicago in AAW was also a great place to work. He had an interaction with Colt Cabana and CM Punk and the crowd really took to him. That atmosphere with the AAW has always been special
- With Bar Wrestling and Hoodslam, he loves there is no barricade. You almost feel the fans are in the ring and you feed off that energy.
- Hoodslam has a lot of anything goes and have a lot of comic book style type characters but is more for an adult audience. One of the guys he wrestled was Cereal Man who created a mask that dumps out ‘sharp’ cereal that you would sell like thumbtacks. They did a 25 minute match that the fans were totally into. A lot of gaga and a lot of characters
- Iron feels we’re in a time where you can make anything work as long as the fans are into it. He wants people to see him as a pro wrestlers that happens to be handicapped. He wants to evoke an emotion out of people and if he can make someone laugh or make people smile, that’s what it’s all about.
Injuring His Junk (52:25)
- Iron wrestled Joey Ryan in a d*ck vs d*ck match because he suffered a severe penile injury in a match.
- Iron was involved in a tag match. He wasn’t feeling the match and didn’t feel it was going to be good. During the match, his opponents were potatoing him and forgetting stuff. He started getting hot.
- During one spot in the match with the ref, Greg snapped which was the culmination of a bunch of stuff that happened during the year. He started telling the ref he sucked and telling his opponents they sucked. He also started calling spots in the ring so the whole crowd could hear. Shawn Michaels 1996 would have been blushing at how badly Iron was acting.
- As part of the match, he went to crotch himself. It didn’t look good but they finally got through the match.
- Backstage, he looked down and noticed a spot of blood on his tights and half jokingly says his junk is bleeding.
- He went to the bathroom and noticed that blood was pouring out of his peehole. At this point, blood was pouring on the floor. They went back to the dressing room and called 9-1-1. When the ambulance got there, they noticed his pulse was low and brought him to the hospital.
- They had to run some tests and do an x-ray (which by the description does not sound comfortable at all). It was supposed to be a 5 minute process however, they kept messing up and it ended up taking 2 hours because they couldn’t get a proper x-ray.
- Even after checking his member out with a camera, they couldn’t figure out what the issue was.
- Going to the bathroom was challenging and they had to put a catheter on.
- He found out the injury was just a bruise and this set up the match with Joey Ryan. Iron tried to do a Penis flip but Ryan ended up flipping him which ‘broke’ Iron’s penis and made him lose its power.
- There have been no lasting repercussions from the injury and he is good to go
What’s next and show wrap
- Next big match is Iron/RJ City and David Arquette vs Space Monkey/Dick Justice/Puf
- Check out @gregoryiron on twitter, @gregory_iron on IG, www.facebook.com/thehandicappedhero or www.gregoryiron.com.
- Austin thanks Iron for being on the podcast, pushes some of his merch and that’s a wrap.
Rating 9/10
I really liked this interview. I don’t get a chance to watch Iron a lot but I have the utmost respect for this guy because he wrestles despite having cerebral palsy. Overall, this was a fun podcast with a bunch of good stories. Definite thumbs up recommend. Here are a few podcast highlights:
26:40 – Iron use Austin vs Jake Roberts as inspiration for a match
29:20 – Wrestling Brian Pillman Jr.
52:25 – Injuring his junk – even though this was somewhat serious, the way he told this story was hilarious and I laughed out loud a few times.
About Joe:
Joe is a long time wrestling fan from Toronto. He is a co-host on the Pull Apart Podcast with Jeff Rush and Caitlin Lavelle as well as a contributor to www.pwpodcasts.com. One of his life goals is to be a guest host on one of Wade Keller’s post show podcasts. He doesn’t consider himself any sort of expert, he just likes wrestling. Check him out on twitter and instagram @ja113.
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