Talk is Jericho – Being The Elite = Bullet Club No More (The Young Bucks, Kenny Omega, Cody, Marty Scurll & Hangman Adam Page)
Release Date: November 7, 2018
Recap by: Caitlin Lavelle
3:10 – The Young Bucks on joining The Bullet Club
Matt Jackson talks about The Young Bucks joining the Bullet Club in October 2013, saying they just had their five-year anniversary with the group. He says they found out they were joining Bullet Club via a phone call from Karl Anderson.
Matt says he knew The Young Bucks and Bullet Club would be a great fit because of their chemistry with Anderson, and calls the pairing “lightning in a bottle”.
On why The Bullet Club took off, Matt says, “It was just a bunch of goofballs having fun, doing whatever they wanted, and that’s why it worked. It was all the boys trying to pop each other. We’d be at ringside, saying funny things or spouting out hilarious stuff during promos, and people caught onto it because they could tell we were having fun. Essentially, Bullet Club was fun.”
6:00 – Kenny Omega on becoming the ‘leader’ of The Bullet Club
Kenny says, “(The Bullet Club) was just a group of friends that were having fun, trying to keep moral high while we were doing these grueling long tours. A.J. (Styles) was sort of referred to as the silent leader, and up until then there really was no leader. People had maybe though Finn (Balor) was one, but no one really said, ‘Hey, this is a definitive leader’.
“When I finally kind of ousted (Styles) from Bullet Club, we had sort of went with the stance that I was indeed the true leader of Bullet Club. But, I mean, between all of us, there never has truly been a real leader. We’ve always been equals, friends.”
7:20 – Cody & Chris Jericho on locker room leaders & CM Punk
Cody says, “Whenever somebody says, ‘I’m a Locker Room Leader’, you definitely know, that guy is not the Locker Room Leader.”
Jericho continues, telling a story about a “weird” meeting in WWE where CM Punk referred to himself as the Locker Room Leader “multiple times”. Cody confirms this anecdote, and Jericho says he remembers thinking, “You don’t lead me.”
Cody says, “It worked on a certain demo of the locker room, but there was one meeting where Booker T was in the room, and Punk hit the, ‘As the Locker Room Leader, I’m telling you guys to pick up your trash.’ And Booker literally threw his trash on the floor, and said, ‘He’s not telling me to pick up my trash!’”
Cody and Jericho agree that Kane is probably the only real Locker Room Leader in WWE.
9:15 – Kenny Omega on how A.J. Styles kept him in wrestling
Kenny says, “A lot of people don’t know, but I have had one singles match with A.J., an I actually credit that match to keeping me in the wrestling business.
“I was actually at a crossroads, no pun intended, and this was in 2006 I believe, and I wasn’t sure if I was going to do the MMA thing or if I was going to do professional wrestling. I was competing in Jiu-Jitsu all around the country…it was enjoyable, but I found my in-ring performance was suffering.”
“I wanted to use that A.J match in Winnipeg to determine, what does my future hold for me? Am I going to go into fighting, or am I going to do the wrestling thing?
“After that A.J. match, when I thought, Oh my goodness, there’s this guy who is so much better than me, but we have this chemistry together. It kind of showed me my true potential, and maybe something that I could grasp, something that I could achieve that I hadn’t seen yet.”
16:20 – Cody on Stardust, Jericho’s compliment & Goldust’s reaction
Cody says the downfall of Stardust may actually be Jericho’s fault, all because Jericho paid Stardust a compliment that Goldust overheard.
Cody recalls, “Chris (Jericho) is really good about telling other people in the locker room when they did good jobs…(Jericho) came up and he said, ‘You’ve ‘out Goldusted’ Goldust.’
“Dustin just kind of like, shook his head and walked away. And I go, Oh no, that was it. Every night after that, I would go, ‘Stardust is over,’ and he’d say, ‘No no no, Goldust is over.’ ‘Goldust is taking the heat.’ ‘No, my shoulder. Stardust will be taking the heat.’”
20:00 – Cody & Jericho on WWE’s Creative Services department
Cody says that out of the four floors in WWE’s Stamford, Connecticut office, three flours are completely useless. He specifically talks about Creative services, whom he says actually designed Seth Rollins’ first ‘solid snake’ outfit that Seth still wears today, as well as Kane and Mankind’s character designs.
Cody says Creative Services ultimately created the ‘Stardust’ look, which he calls ‘Mini-Dust’ or ‘Mini-Goldust’.
Jericho tells the story of Creative Services coming up with a list of alternative names for his finishing move, after Vince rejected the ‘Lion Tamer’ name because of a ‘Lion’s Den’ match that Ken Shamrock had recently had.
22:45 – Cody on joining the Bullet Club
Cody says he received a call from Rocky Romero, asking if Cody wanted to be part of The Bullet Club.
Cody says he was very familiar with The Bullet Club, but that it was a tough decision whether he would join. He calls himself a ‘character performer’, and says he didn’t initially want to be associated with a tag team, group or faction after leaving WWE.
Cody says that everyone he asked told him he should join the Bullet Club, but that he had a gut feeling it would work and that he could be his own extension of the group. Cody calls joining the Bullet Club one of the best decisions of his entire career.
25:40 – Marty Scurll on joining The Bullet Club
Marty says he became close to The Young Bucks after he began working at Ring of Honor. He says he worked with Will Ospreay against the Young Bucks in his second Ring of Honor Match, and that he threw out an elaborate finish sequence to the match, “as a joke.” He says Nick Jackson wanted to go with it, but Marty explained that it was just a joke and didn’t think they should attempt a sequence they’d never pulled off before.
Marty says Matt Jackson replied, “Marty, do you want to have a great match, or do you want to revolutionize the business?” Marty says this is when he realized the Young Bucks were “his guys.”
Marty says New Japan asked him to be in the Bullet Club shortly after he competed in the Best of the Super Juniors Tournament. Marty says New Japan wanted Marty to simply send out a tweet to reveal that he’d joined the Bullet Club, but that he wanted to do something more elaborate, and collaborated with Kenny and the Young Bucks to come up with Marty’s ‘Bullet Club Umbrella’ reveal.
32:30 – Adam Page on joining The Bullet Club
Adam Page says he was working as a High School Graphic Design & Journalism teacher while working for Ring of Honor on weekends, “Treading water,” when the call came from New Japan for him to join The Bullet Club. Page says he asked if he’d be making a lot of money, that New Japan told him he would be, and that Page then decided to quit teaching and wrestle full-time.
37:30 – Deciding who’s in The Bullet Club
On who joins the Bullet Club, Matt Jackson says, “Gedo has the final say,” but Cody jokes that there’s a member of the Bullet Club who has taken it upon himself to call and welcome new members to The Bullet Club. The implication is that this individual is Tama Tonga.
Cody says, “He called me at 3 in the morning, was very intoxicated, and he made it official for me, though. But he didn’t remember it. First call, received pretty well…but then the next night, I guess he was a little too intoxicated. He called me again, and the exact same verbiage and everything. That’s pretty much been our relationship ever since. He tells me everything twice.”
Marty Scurll says, “There’s actually at least one or two people that they’ve told us are joining the Bullet Club that we’ve actually collectively put the kibosh on, actually. That’s happened a few times.” The Young Bucks say they were the first call when there was someone potentially joining The Bullet Club, and that they fought for Adam Page, Marty Scurll & Adam Cole to join.
41:50 – The Elite (formerly known as The Bullet Club) name change announcement
Matt Jackson says, “In 2016, myself, my brother and Kenny Omega attacked A.J. Styles, and we called ourselves The Elite of Bullet Club. In the beginning, it was a sub-group of Bullet Club. We had a lot of fun. We decided to start a travel vlog in May of that year called Being the Elite.
“After a while, Nick, Kenny & I realized there’s only so many times we can document going through airport security, so we should probably introduce some new characters. Obviously, our first choice was going to be our friends in our unit The Bullet Club…so they were naturally on our show.
“For a while now, it seems like everyone has naturally excluded this part of the Bullet Club, and they kind of called us The Being the Elite Guys, The BTE Guys, The Elite.
“I think everybody on this ship can agree, it’s not just Kenny, me, and Nick as The Elite. We’re all Elite. So, from this day very forward, why don’t we just call all of us (The Young Bucks, Omega, Cody, Scurll & Page), The Elite?”
51:00 – The Young Bucks on Kevin Owens’ jealousy
Matt Jackson says Kevin Owens sent Matt a picture of Jericho and The Young Bucks in their matching gear from their match on the cruise with a text that said, “I will never get over this.”
Cody, Scurll & Omega also admit that they were jealous of The Young Bucks & Jericho’s matching gear, because they thought they would steal the show in their matching tie-dye Nassau shirts.
52:00 – The Jericho cruise main event (The Bucks of Jackson or is it Y2Jackson vs. The Bullet Club)
Nick Jackson calls it a dream come true to be in a match with his brother, Jericho, Cody, Omega & Scurll. Jericho explains that the match came together as a proposal from Nick Jackson, after Nick’s initial proposal of The Young Bucks & Kenny Omega vs. Chris Jericho, Lance Storm & Rey Mysterio was shot down.
54:00 – The ‘Being The Elite’ YouTube Series
Cody says Being The Elite has, “gotten to a point where it has an infrastructure behind it. The vernacular being used…there’s a script, there’s rolling, there’s a full action.
“Hangman & Nick are master editors all of a sudden. Hangman has been editing the show with Nick on the Ship.”
Marty Scurll says, “Every weekend, we’ll go away, we’ll wrestle all over the world. The old analogy would be, ‘Let’s go out, drink all night, party.’ With us, it’s like, “No, let’s go in our hotel room and film doing silly stuff.”
1:02:25 – Stories from All In
Cody says, “We got to go in (the All In venue) the night before and see the stage set up…We’d never seen it physically.
“To walk in and see it on such a grand scale…We all had these little moments. I actually had one that relates to the whole Bullet Club/not Bullet Club thing. The Bullet Club was (on) what you call the ‘stop tron’. It was the hold tron – Bullet Club would be on there when people came in, it would be on there in between packages and things of that nature.
“I felt like, this doesn’t really represent the Bullet Club. This represents an outlaw wrestler. It represents an outlaw fan base, a fan base that wants more than just a PG product. They want to be serviced in a different way. It just meant something so much more.
“Then the font changed to just the All In logo, and it felt so damned good.”
Cody says he saw talent going out and taking pictures of themselves at the end of All In, while the confetti was flying and fans were celebrating, and says that was extremely touching and the best feeling.
Rating: 8/10
This was a fun episode. It was recorded live on Jericho’s Cruise, and it kept a quick pace due to the large amount of compelling guests on-stage at once.
0:35 – Introduction
1:40 – Panel interview begins
3:10 – The Young Bucks on joining The Bullet Club
6:00 – Kenny Omega on becoming the ‘leader’ of The Bullet Club
7:20 – Cody & Chris Jericho on locker room leaders & CM Punk
9:15 – Kenny Omega on how A.J. Styles kept him in wrestling
11:55 – Advertisement
15:37 – Panel interview resumes
16:20 – Cody on Stardust, Jericho’s compliment & Goldust’s reaction
20:00 – Cody & Jericho on WWE’s Creative Services department
22:45 – Cody on joining the Bullet Club
25:40 – Marty Scurll on joining The Bullet Club
32:30 – Adam Page on joining The Bullet Club
34:15 – Advertisement
37:30 – Panel interview resumes
37:30 – Deciding who’s in The Bullet Club
41:50 – The Elite (formerly known as The Bullet Club) name change announcement
51:00 – The Young Bucks on Kevin Owens’ jealousy
52:00 – The Jericho cruise main event (The Bucks of Jackson or is it Y2Jackson vs. The Bullet Club)
54:00 – The ‘Being The Elite’ YouTube Series*
57:50 – Advertisement
1:01:50 – Panel interview resumes
1:02:25 – Stories from All In (stop tron, all in logo)
1:10:45 – The ‘Being The Elite’ YouTube Series*
1:17:20 – Outro
Writer Bio
Caitlin is a wrestling fan who hopes to one day discover that she is the illegitimate daughter of Vincent Kennedy McMahon and the rightful Anonymous RAW General Manager. Until then, she’ll keep on living in Orlando, Florida with her husband and son.
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