Welcome to the launch of www.PWPodcasts.com, part of the family of PWTorch websites.
This site serves several purposes, different for different types of podcast listeners and pro wrestling fans.
We understand a lot of you have been frustrated with hearing about all of these interesting ex-wrestler or ex-announcer hosted podcasts or podcasts featuring big-name interviews, but you haven’t had the time to listen to them all or even know where to begin deciding what to listen to if you only have so much time during the week. Some of you can’t listen to any podcasts for various reasons, but wish you knew what was being talked about. Some of you listen to all of the podcasts out there and want to have a place to react to what’s said with other listeners and hear what someone else thought of each episode. This site is designed to cater to all of you!
To serve a wide range of pro wrestling fans interested in what’s being said by Steve Austin, Taz, Jim Ross, or many wrestlers being interviewed on podcasts, our reports are both “recaps” and “reviews.” In other words, you can read detailed summaries of the podcasts if you don’t have time to listen so at least you get an idea of what was said on the show. Or you can utilize the time stamps to jump past the subject matter that doesn’t interest you and right to the subject matter that does. Or, you can scroll to the bottom of our reports to read the “Score & Review” to get a broad brushstroke idea of whether our reporter recommends this podcast to you if your time is limited. As subjective as it is, look out for 8, 9, or 10 scores as that means our reporter is highly recommending you listen. If you see a 4, 5, or 6 score, it probably means there’s value to it, but maybe if time is limited there’s something out there this week more “must-listen.” If you see a lower score, it might mean this was an off-week for the show where the host or guest just weren’t on their game.
The shows selected to be reviewed on a weekly (or more often) basis are the top ranked free shows in iTunes. We are not, for the most part, reviewing and recapping subscription-based podcasts unless there is a free sample of the show (in which case, the subscription-portion may also be reviewed). This is a website dedicated to providing a guide to the most popular of the many pro wrestling podcasts available for free hosted by big names from the industry or featuring news-making interviews with people in the industry. There are exceptions, such as Grantland’s “Cheap Heat,” which is reviewed here even though it neither is hosted by nor features interviews with people from inside the ring industry. Because the show is part of the Grantland ESPN podcast family with big listenership, are are including it because of that high profile.
PWTorch was creating “Audio Shows” for subscribers to our newsletter and subscription-based website back in 2003, before the word “podcast” was even the default term for online audio shows. Since then, podcasting has taken off, with Colt Cabana pioneering the “pro wrestler hosted weekly show” format. Steve Austin, Jim Ross, and Chris Jericho are the current top podcasters who were big stars in the pro wrestling industry itself. Many more have followed suit, along with well-known media personalities and brands such as Sam Roberts and the Cheap Heat duo from Grantland.
If there is a popular podcast out there hosted by someone who worked in the industry or features regular interviews with people within the industry, email us at pwpodcasts@gmail.com and we’ll consider adding it to our line-up of shows we review & recap regularly We have other plans and ideas, too, as the site continues to grow. Thanks for checking us out and help spread the word.
If you are interested in joining our team of reporters, either assigned to a show or being a back-up reporter when one of our reports is on vacation or out sick, drop me a line at kellerwade@gmail.com. Be sure you see our format and can follow that with your reports, and be sure you can file a report within 36 hours of the podcast becoming available.
Wade Keller, managing editor
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