PODCAST RECAP AND REVIEW: X-Pac 1,2,360 with Shawn Michaels and Rory Karpf on the biggest challenges while making the Ric Flair documentary, a scene that was cut from the movie, HBK on working with Kevin Nash and Sid, his role in NXT, why his retirement match was against Undertaker (Ep. 74)
X-Pac 1-2-360 Guest: Shawn Michaels and Rory Karpf Release Date: February 21st, 2018 Recap by: Sean McGraw DIRECT LINK TO LISTEN/DOWNLOAD Recap: Interview with Rory Karpf X-Pac is joined by Jimbo, Denise, TK and Rory Karpf in studio. Shawn Michaels will join the show on the phone. X-Pac starts off the show by announcing that the show will now be […]